Favorable. Inclines to the search of the opposite sex, desire volatile, but each new passion as fiercely instinctive and sincere, like the previous one. Artful soboleznovatel, overlooking the more form than the form, he knows how his desire to arouse desire. It is easily inspired and his faith in himself is unlimited. Fanatical love for life, his artistic sensibility, his pleasures are never low. Meeting passion. This progression, if a person is sensitive to that of Radix, an unexpected meeting with the karma of love. The tendency to secret Relations. Connection. When Venus is well placed in the horoscope, love sublime, altruistic, it becomes the main engine of life. It consumes all thought, condense them into one desire: to enjoy what is usually obtained. Unfavorable. Allows a similar meeting with a passion, like a good progression, does not contribute to this aspect of passion, which seems to pose an insurmountable barrier, a large disturbance in which a powerful fatality. Makes a slave of his passions. They are winning minds. When they can not be met, they cause serious nervous and mental disorders. Inclines to the bad taste in the arts, to shameless. Morality and intelligence do not have enough height. A person can be a crook, braggart faulty logic, erotic imagination. Nervousness, instability, lack of courage. He is carefree, rowdy, moody, selfish.