Favorable. Gives perseverance; attracts depth of feeling, can be true love for the traditions and antiques. Connection. Manifests itself a factor of health for men and often hormonal disorder for women. Brings a sober judgments and wisdom in all life's actions. Improves working conditions in private life. Has to be more lenient and drives low thoughts. This trend makes it prudent children, leaving them soft and ticklish, it helps them learn. Trigon. Gives a more cohesive intellectual life and a broader, more cheerful mood and a more sustained activity of love. Brings women's respectability, order, method, makes of them women, living and head, and of the men makes a great strategy to love. The soul is more sensitive to beauty. It vibrates in every artistic manifestation. Conducive to intellectualize art. Makes you prefer harmony tunes, old classic modern romantic. Gives recognition to the community with a good reputation, stable, profitable place children who glorify the name of the father. Girl meets the man of advisers and the men who their socially and intellectually uplifting. Factor of vitality and longevity. Sextile. Gives the character both grave and joyous. Mood even. Person cute and he has a sense of humor and tact. It attaches easily and cautious in choosing his friends. Helps girls to choose a serious man older than herself, loving and loyal. May indicate a second marriage for men, the end of loneliness without love. Makes the Union agree and balanced, fair and healthy. Outer life is calm, meet a lot of sympathy, not looking for it. Facilitates the professional job that allows users to get a seat if it is needed. Small friendly. Improves the proposition in all areas of finance. Makes a nice, more nimble and more likable. Agree on the heart and awakens the senses. Unfavorable. Difficulties in love; period of frustration or unpleasantness. Leave. Painful feeling of loneliness. Sadness. Opposition. Gives a shy, self-restraint and coolness in the love, and men are particularly affected complexes that inhibit their desire to love. It is hard to be cute, and the person suffers from this. Is not conducive to marriage, but when the pair already exists, it is based on habit or reconciliation with the fate of more than love. Makes adolescence a difficult, sad or painful. Nature of the silent, the heart is not enough heat, or fear of rejection inhibits its impulses. He denied heat senses, unsociable. Sometimes gives rise to some frustration feelings. Under external coldness and restraint a man seething passions more vicious than courageous and stands on the verge of riot. Causes a loss of sympathy, mercy, and popularity. Quadrature. The mind is not turned to that great and eternal. Inclines to skepticism, leniency is not enough; people slander. Lacks sensitivity, careerist people, especially women vain and contemptuous, but when necessary, when a person operates an interest or desire, he is able to take advantage of all the evil guns Venus and play-act of love or affection.