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The elder friend

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The elder friend

The woman in my life without much could do, but not without a loved one and not without a real friend. Who is it for a friend? Comrade? Yes, if the implied presence of joint activities and common interests. Mirror? Of course, if helps to know yourself, because in this case, certain character traits, feelings and dreams, as in a mirror, reflected in girlfriend and the woman sees herself as if from the outside. Interlocutor? Well, how else, with someone else can share the most intimate, if not with his girlfriend. Alter ego? Yes, in that case, if a woman considers her friend a role model and dissolves in it. Friendship - a multifaceted concept. Yet the main thing in friendship is the psychological aspect. Personality is formed and becomes aware of itself only in conjunction with others, and the role of friendship in this process is invaluable. Two women were not just exchanging information, and learn the viewpoints and perspectives on life with each other, thus expanding the boundaries of their own Ya

Undoubtedly, the friendship is largely dependent on direct social circle of women, a system of social relations due to territorial proximity and social affiliation as a joint activity, but in the forefront always leave an individual choice and personal sympathy. For example, two women can be members of the team, training or employment. Originally, their common interest in uniting the results of work, a sense of group solidarity. Gradually, however, close cooperation and mutual support can escalate into mutual sympathy, and then a friendship. And here is the principal would not vested interests, and personal.

By the way, most people get their friends is in the process of joint activity, since the "common touch" - a very favorable environment for the emergence of friendship. And the girlfriend is easier to choose among those with whom the woman is most often communicates and who managed to more or less well know. To maintain friendly relations it is necessary that certain rules. It should be noted that the rules of female friendship place greater importance on self-disclosure and emotional support than similar rules in men. There is a kind of voting age: in the friendship of girls and young women to help and participate in group activities are more important than the friendship of older women.
Genuine, mature friendship implies a highly moral, altruistic attitude: voluntary assistance in case of need to protect a friend, moral support, even when others turn away, sharing experiences, trust and confidence in a friend. Unfortunately, young girls who consider themselves close friends, have not yet reached the height of the spiritual and worldly wisdom, which helped to maintain cordial relations on such a lofty level. Therefore, the relationship of this kind are added more frequently in women more mature. In addition, rich life experience older friends often helps the younger to find the right way out of difficult and complex situations. A younger friend, in turn, brings to communicate new ideas and enthusiasm of youth and vitality.

Plays its role and social status, profession, education, life priorities, hobbies, character and temperament girlfriends. For example, more educated girlfriend can involuntarily restrain splash slang and foul language in the speech of less-educated friend, a friend who loves theater and books, at least indirectly, retelling stories, will incorporate the art of another, more restrained in character girlfriend will extinguish emotional outbursts more temperamental girlfriend , a friend, well versed in fashion and etiquette, can help develop other aesthetic taste. Certainly happens, and so that friends learn from each other are not the best habits and character traits. But it is the presence in a friendly a couple more older-age women, as a rule, and prevent similar cases, as a kind of deterrent.

Young women are more likely and easier to confess a senior, friendly attention which is flattering, but recognition of their weakness in front of elders is less effort on self-esteem than to communicate with peers age or rank. Besides friendship older women are not as egocentric as the majority of girls or young women. In most cases, openness and trust in a sympathetic response, thus strengthening the friendship. But you can not use self-disclosure in order to cause pity or get information about the personal life of the response of confession in order to receive some benefits. Sooner or later, older girlfriend understands this, because it has more experience and knowledge, as is well known, any falsehood and lies kill friendship. In the friendly relations required delicacy and tact. Even frankly, if it is too full or too quickly, not taking into account the state of a girlfriend or not the corresponding stage of development of friendship may be perceived as a shameless attempt to or invasion into the inner world. Man, imposing another unsolicited intimacy, may run into resistance.

 The presence of older friends - a great gift of fate. Firstly, it has a more adequate perception and evaluation of other people. In addition, life experience allows her to understand the mental state of the younger girlfriend, the reverse is almost impossible. More developed intellect and intuition, the knowledge itself (as opposed to an immature youth) make an older friend, the perfect advisor, prevent stereotypical judgments and actions. Social adaptation and emotional stability allow older friend to be independent and logical in thinking, to see life in all colorful. Of course, there are cases when an older friend or by way of thinking or way of life is no different from the younger, and in some ways inferior to her, but it is rather an exception to the general rule. From older friends are waiting for a sympathetic understanding, willingness to accept younger girlfriend as a whole, along with its shortcomings.

Obtained a "double standard" when the behavior of strangers, strangers explained objectively - social factors, the logic of external circumstances, the laws of psychology, character and behavior of friends - subjectively, that is, internal states and motivations. It would look like from the inside, setting yourself in a girlfriend. This is the understanding - the basis of friendship. It has many shades and nuances: compassion, empathy, compassion, intimacy. One friend did not simply "decode" the emotional state of another, but how would she set on her wave, dissolved in it and plays the girlfriend experience in itself. There is dialogue, not only external but also internal, unique and unrepeatable, like participating in it girlfriend.
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