The emotional pendulum
The mood of each person, not by a special psycho-characterized so-called effect of the pendulum. It lies in the fact that the more the pendulum swings of emotion to one side of the equilibrium point, the stronger it is then deflected in the opposite direction, ie, for limiting surge of positive emotion, enthusiasm for the euphoria should fall into the abyss of depression and despondency. Depending on your temperament and excitability of the nervous system, " an emotional pendulum "to manifest differently in different people. In humans, balanced and not prone to rapid expression of emotion its manifestations are almost imperceptible, but emotionally unstable people, especially those who are looking for an excuse for a good mood and emotional arousal, the effects of the buildup of "emotional pendulum" may give the impression of mental instability.
The most striking example of the buildup of "emotional pendulum can often serve as a runaway teenager first love is usually caused by an uncontrollable sexual attraction, accompanied by the ejection of blood is a huge amount of hormones, including adrenaline and amfetaminopodobnyh substances. Hormone release is accompanied by a specific state of bliss and euphoria characteristic of many drugs. If the first love does not meet the reciprocity and does not find out in sexual intercourse, the discharge of psychosexual tension does not occur, and the euphoria gives way to outbursts of aggression, anger or despair. For a considerable time communicating with the object of love or memories of him continue to be accompanied by a hormonal emissions that cause, depending on the type of the human psyche, or bouts of bliss, or depression, and hate feeling unsatisfied.

In the case if the euphoric love at first sight is mutual and the couple takes too violent sexual relationship, psychosexual tension subsides, the hormones are not raging in the blood, causing high spirits, and often there comes an emotional and physical exhaustion, which causes depression and even aversion to bylomu love object, because the man feels instinctively that it was too rich communication with your partner depletes it and as a result causes him to suffer. So there is frustration, which can be inscribed on the model of the world as the installation of that love for life did not exist, that love flares up for a moment and the next moment of her leaving only ashes and disappointment.
This is another misconception based on a misunderstanding of human physiology and the laws of nature. Fall in love and feel on top of the world - is simple enough, the art is to stay on the positive side of the pendulum, even at a lower incandescence of passions, but not falling at the same time on the negative side. People with a strong and stable nervous system capable of a more stable and sustainable sense, people with weak nervous system is often unable to endure without harm to themselves, even intense joy. Western psychologists have found that intense joy, just as suddenly fallen down misfortune can lead to nervous breakdown, and because a large part of the European population suffer from neurosis, even such a simple and enjoyable event, like going on vacation or buying a new home can be cause of ill health.
Often, people with weak nervous system instinctively afraid of intense emotions with their sharp transition from positive to negative side of the pendulum. They live, to close in the shell of his tiny little world that feel safe, avoiding anything that could excite them - love, travel, new friends, new and interesting classes. Striving for safety and balance, they are literally robbing yourself, depriving yourself of much needed to meet many human needs for social contacts, in doses of bracing, but not debilitating stress, love, exercise, etc.
Stable emotional background - it is precisely the point of equilibrium, through which passes in his sway, " an emotional pendulum . Every man, this point has its own emotional coloring. One person in it can be calm and collected, another - listless and indifferent, the third - a little depressed and sad. The followers of Shaw-Tao chosen as a stable emotional background of the state of calm and quiet joy, a light of wonder and awe and wonder of the world of its own existence.
With the help of special exercises they learned to strengthen their nervous system in such a way as to withstand an increasingly strong emotional outbursts without nervous and mental exhaustion. Warriors of the strong emotions of life immediately returned to the plateau of stable positive emotional background, avoiding negative feelings and restore your energy and strength, if they noticed the slightest signs of fatigue or exhaustion. Such psycho-shaped stable and harmonious model of the world people who know how to be happy and enjoy life.
"Smiling Buddha"
The most simple initial exercise for the development of stable positive emotional background is called "Smile of the Buddha." It can be performed anywhere and at any time, bringing this performance to automatism, but to begin its development is better in the quiescent state from the comfort of a room where there is background noise and where you will not be disturbed. Relax, try to completely relax and not think about nothing. Completely relax your facial muscles, imagining that they poured the weight and warmth, and losing the tension and elasticity, as it "trickles" down to a lazy and enjoyable languor. Focus on the corners of his mouth so that all of the muscles and body parts, they only felt. Imagine (just imagine, not applying muscular effort) as the lips begin to move apart slightly to the side, forming a very slight, almost imperceptible smile.
Figurative representation of what your lips are stretched into an easy smile, make muscles of the face to make a spontaneous work, and your face will take an expression that calm is called "breeze of joy." A sense of joy and physical efforts to create a smile reflexively related. When a person experiences positive emotions, he smiles. But there is feedback. If a person is relaxed and completely focused on the ideomotor movement over the lip, which is typical for the emergence of a smile and automatically on the background of relaxation and tranquility there a sense of quiet, serene joy. "Breeze of joy" - a facial expression, when the smile was to be born and not born, but the mimicry done its job and reflexively cause slight feeling of bliss and peace within.
State of relaxation and inner peace is very important for beginners to practice the "smile of Buddha as an emerging sense of joy is so subtle that if you're in the moment of the exercise have strong enough feelings of concern, anxiety, or relive the feelings associated with some recent developments in your life, you just can not distinguish from the general background noise of the emotional state of equilibrium - a background feeling of peace and quiet joy.
This exercise is called "Smile of the Buddha," because the expression of your face during its implementation should resemble the facial expressions of the statues of the founder of Buddhism - a calm, relaxed, detached and unemotional, with his lips slightly stretched to the sides in a light, almost imperceptible smile. Calling the necessary emotional state "Buddha smiles", try to remember it well, so in the future, if you have to do in an environment where you and excited when you're distracted, you could call it, is not only relaxing the facial muscles and mental representation of stretching his lips into a smile but remembering it in detail reproducing their condition and feelings at the time when performing exercises you managed very well.