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The essence of women harder male

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The essence of women harder male

It is generally accepted that women are - weak and gentle creatures. Somehow, the notion of a woman easily fits the epithet "helpless". Here, in contrast to well-add the image of the knight (in a historical sense), in armor, a shield, which is inherent in man, but under the armor, he has a habit of living organism. Applying an image to the modern life we can say that the male essence of masculinity to wear a mask, which protects this entity - such as vulnerable and fragile as that of women. This mask is sometimes called "tolstokozhestyu. That's because a woman hurt more easily than men because there is no on it such "armor". Women's essence has no protective masks. The essence of a woman complicated man . Can be called - is versatile, has many faces. But without a mask. No armor.

"Tolstokozhest" men, like the knight's armor, also has gaps and holes. Sometimes not enough to cut with a sword, a stick pin in the tear ... A woman has the gift to find these loopholes, and even create them ... In particular, this is the woman's wisdom. And the girl power. Power over the opposite sex ... Somehow even now - not entirely defenseless ... A man in his simplicity rushing ahead, wasting energy and stuffing buds. And in this case is a warrior, although everything here is clear - he just did not have the sense bypass the obstruction, or find a hole in armor, find a vulnerable point in his opponent. That's why few women in politics, and among senior management. The explanation is trivial: to maneuver between the tanks, "between the straight-line judgments of women bored.

... The genius, talent and a woman's ability ...

This phrase has no meaning at all, because no women of genius - just have a genius for some women. And the rest - most women just want a reliable husband. So that he does not drink, and money brings, and "closed up" to her children and was always there. Just do not make sense to the phrase "the genius, talent and ability of men" because these qualities are not unique to all members of the male, but only a part of it. And the rest - the majority of men want to just eat and drink, have a wife and mistress, and to work less, and not to disturb anyone.
Yes, there are deviations. Scientists and artisans left-handed - the engine of progress, politicians and artists - smutiteli minds. There are such men. Sometimes. On television. And in magazines. And women. There are clever, beautiful, with a charm on the level of genius or talent, who do not belong to either myself nor my husband, but belong to its terms, or attached to their circumstances of life so that they themselves change these circumstances can not in principle. Did that escape to the monastery ... These are part of society. Most - such as is shown just above. NO genius, talent and ability to women (like men - I repeat)!

BUT! Unlike men, women have a problem. And she is a woman with intellectual development, but not knowing how to hide your mind, automatically transforms from a woman in the female (similar to a joke: there are real men, just men and representatives of the male sex). Intelligence and charm - it is something incompatible, according to external signs of its manifestation. This man can not hide my mind, this is for him - "plus". But the woman, showing his mind against the men - ... is like a hairpin in armor inserts. Or let your mind to some extent means having a "women's wisdom."

We return to the postulate that the woman - is the keeper of the hearth, and a man - a miner, soldier, hunter - yes just fidget at its core. And if the practical mind of woman can not keep the guy, he, man, meet in a pack and go whoop it up all over the world. Or at his village. Genius, talent and ability of women to be as follows:

• In hiding their abilities and intelligence to man as a creature often weaker and more vulnerable in moral terms;

· Innate possession, development or acquisition and the formation of a feminine charm and charm;

• In ability to resolve conflicts (man - war, a woman - the world).
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