The first meeting
Now that your circle of friends expanded, there are more opportunities for meetings and appointments. But if you intend to marry, then the date must be more than just entertainment. It is advisable to have your first meetings took place not in the theater, cinema or a stadium. Such entertainment will not help you find a man closer. The first meeting should take place so that you have enough time to talk with each other, wherever you go - to drink coffee together, have lunch in a family restaurant or a summer picnic.
Let the man will be able to spend time with you with the lowest material cost or no. When your relationship is in its infancy, it is ready to invest in them any money, or feelings, but not both simultaneously - and because you want his feelings! Give him the opportunity to conduct the first meetings so that he as much as possible could enjoy the stories about himself. This man will again seek a meeting - just to spend time with you. Because you are so good at listening!
Does not necessarily come up with something exotic, because any deviation from the usual routine gives man a new sensation. Look through the ads in newspapers, choose something appropriate, and the courage to offer him the most, where to go and what to do. (But do not forget that outfitting men must meet the upcoming lesson. It is unlikely that you will want to see him at the tourist center at a tie in the top three!) Boating, riding in a helicopter, sports shows and attractions will be of interest to you both. Even if you live in a small town, you can ensure that the visits were quite entertaining. Choose the appropriate season and go on a picnic, biking, fishing, sunbathing, take photos and simply walking barefoot on grass.
Even if at first your friend will be reluctant to do something not quite usual for themselves, gradually, he finds this fun. Let your first meeting did not leave him indifferent - try to awaken in him a sense. Such a strategy is likely to be successful, since most women are not able to schedule meetings with men. In addition, men will become more accustomed to spend free time with you. Even if another woman could be mobilized at the time of his attention, he soon begins to miss the way diversity has always characterized your meetings. And once the novelty effect of dating with another woman disappears, he will return to you. Appreciate every moment that a man spends with you. Once you have left, he goes out from under your influence - letters and phone calls are not enough. Your efforts may end in vain, if a man is only a week will not you, or worse, with another woman.
Call him first
Times when it was considered unseemly, if a woman calls herself a man long gone. Choose to call convenient hours. Try not to disturb him in hot working hours. Say, until you feel that you have something to say. Tell something interesting, or let your conversation will be short and pleasant. Do not interrupt him when. He wants to talk. If someone calls you in the presence of men who ask to call back later. If your relationship is serious enough, let him know with whom you speak, referring to the caller by name.
His parents
To contact his parents by name and patronymic as long as they do not propose to call them at least officially. His parents will always be on his side, no matter what they say or do, so never complain to them at their son. Do not think that they have at any time forward to your arrival. Offer to help, but if they are not up to you on this day, not imposed. Be prepared for the fact that the views of his parents' lives are different from yours. Avoid statements that might not please them. His parents might want to talk to you about something or tell stories from their lives. Be patient listener! Do not take off one's shoes as long as they are formed. Do not hang on to their home without permission.
Ethics and economics visits
Consider the financial possibilities of man, going with him anywhere, as if it were a friend or relative. If he forgot a purse, take the costs themselves or lend him money. If the restaurant is paying it, order the cheapest of those dishes that you like. Never show your helplessness. If at the first meeting and it seems to him a nice (although most do not think so), then, when it comes to marriage, it will turn against you. If a man accompanies you, and you meet a friend, imagine a man with pride. Avoid national, political, religious jokes and comments, until you know its origin and relationship to such statements. Avoid vulgar expressions, especially if the man himself never used them in your presence.
He has a home
Respect his privacy and not attempt to open the drawers and cabinet doors for as long as you get permission to do so. If you use it a kitchen or bathroom, do not forget to thoroughly clean up after themselves. If you're hungry, do not throw it to the refrigerator without permission, but wait until he will manifest itself hospitable host. Try to make him a little spring cleaning. This will you give him to understand that one of you get a good housekeeper, who will be able to make sure that the house was cozy.
It you have a guest
Encourage your child to feel at home. In particular, though not hesitate to look in the fridge at any time. When you cook for him, choose the dish that he loves! Do not try to hit it with something delicious, if he likes simple food.
If your relationship is very close, even he will have free access to your home - give him the key. Allow it to freely use your things - phone, stereo, TV, and everything else. Identify him a place in your home - let him be your place at the table, his chair, shelf, etc. If he wants to help you around the house - do not mind. The more effort he expends on the device "nest", the more sense investing in your relationship.
You cook for him
Perhaps all men are convinced that every woman should know how to cook, and many expect that it will begin to engage in food preparation before the wedding. Unfortunately, many modern women is clearly lacking in culinary talents, and this deficiency may eventually result in the loss of men. If you have spent the night with a man (whether in his home or have you), be prepared to take his breakfast. Even if you're not used to cook, have to learn a few simple recipes. Among other things, make some truly delicious meals easily. And, moreover, to prepare for the men - one of the easiest ways to entertain him, especially if your budget is limited. If you know of his culinary preferences, cook his favorite dish. If he likes to cook, give him that opportunity, even if it is then necessary to spend a lot of time cleaning. Do not spend more than an hour in the kitchen if it is at this time alone. Have your lunch or dinner will be a special occasion for both of you. And if he likes to cook with you, it's wonderful!
Your next rendezvous
If you want to see again this man - do not forget to agree on the next meeting has not yet come to an end this. Otherwise parting words can really be goodbye.