The first signs of an early separation
Statistics confirm that 80% of the initiators of the separation are women. Hard to argue with that. Statistics - are stubborn things. Facts on its side and a bunch of research. Yet it does not take into account all the moments. I think, rather it would say so: 80% of the initiators of the separation are women, but 50% of the women in this deliberately push themselves men. Yes, sometimes we are very reluctant to pronounce the key words. For pity mingled with the desire to be good, fear of scandal, the aversion to the expected tears and so on. As soon as the need to end the relationship, we are fucking spineless. Our sensory nerves can not withstand the form of women's tears. And our self-esteem severely demands in any situation to be infallible and a positive ad nauseam.
That is why they sometimes prefer that the woman herself is left with us. As it happens, and we are good, and opostylevshie relationship ended. We are sometimes easier to be abandoned than to throw himself. But we're a little distracted. In the end, no matter who said the last farewell. Such finale come both. Just someone one takes responsibility for the gap. We now need to look at what features you can understand that man is no longer satisfied with the relationship. He'll say something or force you to say - all the same. The main thing is that he always let you know when it's time you look for a new boyfriend. Naturally, this does not apply in those cases when he fatally in love, and a woman is to the bulb. At this point about any signs, clear donut, and can be no question.
How do you know what love was wilted tomatoes ...
The first signs of imminent separation - his constant distraction. He sometimes "forgets" to call, because of the leaning forget about meetings and small celebrations. Trying to reduce the time and number of meetings. During the interview sitting with a missing person and the wrong time answering questions. Several revived in bed, but after having sex all the forces seeking to bring communication to a minimum. Generally, the best way to learn how a man really belongs to you - is to see how he behaves after intimacy. To sex, it can be nice to any more or less attractive woman. Because really want to get their portion of the sweet. He can be gentle, affectionate, talkative ... just ducky. If so it remains after intimacy, all in perfect order. But if you avoid touching, trying to quickly get out of bed and run away on business, becomes silent and pensive, and sometimes rude - almost certainly for the woman he did not have any feelings.

Desire to get sex makes us good fluffy animals. But when we got it, everything he wanted, no sense of tact, or self-pity will not force us to be nice. This is above our strength. At such moments we openly demonstrate their true attitude toward women. We can justify their poor behavior of fatigue, problems at work, bad mood, biorhythms and other nonsense. But all these words worthless. It shows how really applies to you. Bad mood, too, of course, possible. But not a few times in a row. And do not feed on this illusion. These things just need to take. And do not try to find some comforting explanation. The behavior of men after sex - the best indicator of his attitude toward you. At such moments, he just physically can not lie. All serious conversations when you need to learn something important from a man who better to lead after sex. Then you can really get an honest answer. To sex, he can promise mountains of gold. After - from the mountains of gold will remain just pitiful mounds. (You can check out at your leisure.)
Another troubling sign: he was to spend more time in society pals. Increase working hours, too, of course, not a very good indicator, but not so dangerous. More time with my friends - so communication with you is not so pleasant and interesting. Work because you can not change - it's not so positive emotions. But friends - is another matter. There and have fun, and interesting. And besides, you can talk about a sore subject (discord in your relationship). Friends are usually taken in such cases by men of his friend. And in most cases, approve of his decision or desire to end the relationship with a woman. Not because they do not like. Just because they are friends. They are, by definition, supposed to be on his side.
And then, quite possible that someone is planning later to comfort abandoned ownerless lady. But you never know from friends of motives, to say: "Do not worry you! Find yourself another better. This still would you all my life ruined. " And what ponders those words - as a balm for wounded soul. He feels the support, be sure to correct, confirm for yourself that is not so much and loses ... What do you want? So he tends to spend more time with friends. They are very well help to pass the required course disaccustoming. Looking at them, talking with them, you begin to gradually look at the world through the eyes of a bachelor. And the girl is good, more compliant, they can quickly find ... And so it is something to distract from the sad thoughts better. Known fact that like cures ... Well, anyway, and if the relationship went wrong, the man runs away from them to friends.
Escape to the job are not as effective, but because they are used only workaholics. But again, it is possible that he only says it, that lingers on the job. And he at that time sitting with his friends (not only) in a bar. Come check it ... But if he really was stay up at work, the problem is overdue, but still it can be solved. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the man suddenly began to talk less about the future. Anyway, with you. And in general, if a man in his heart wants you to leave, he would try a smaller yak about his plans. Why tell a woman what are you waiting for improvement, if you plan to celebrate it not with her? Or what her know where you're going to spend a vacation, because you'll go to sea with the blonde from the flower shop opposite? Well, stuff like that. In short, if a man has ceased to share with you my plans - is also the first signs of imminent separation .
But if he found another woman, this is nothing said. That is in fact a paradox! No, it's not a joke. He can really love you and meet with several women. This I have repeatedly said. Another question - whether you need such a relationship? Another bad sign - it ceases to be jealous. You long primp before the mirror and then say you are going to spend the night with a friend, but he does not ask a single question. You state that after you dragged a colleague, but he says that he was happy for you. You put on a breathtakingly short skirt, going without a night club, and he has no eyebrows. All this is very sad.
Many women try to play on the men's jealousy, to attract his interest. This works only if he did not think a woman to leave, but just a little pall relationship. Then so it is really possible to give them back some sharpness. But if he had already gathered inside veshchichki, such options do not pass. He simply did not care. He is quite the contrary, can poizobrazhat jealousy, to lull your vigilance. Then you have to be addressed, well he plays the role or not. Well, if you take stock, then we can say the following. As a rule, men quite openly show their desire to separate. Broken cup man does not like glue. Most prefer to watch in the future than the past. And it is easier to find something new than to fix their and your mistakes.