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The influence of television on children

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The influence of television on children

The biggest trouble with our children - is that they no longer play a role in the game, daughters and mothers, doctors, shop. They stopped playing the fairy tales. This means that today the children very late formed empathy, a sense of kinship and empathy to others. Children's Television at its best samples of trying to use the principle of interactivity, inviting the child to participate in "team game". But it is in principle not a substitute for live communication and ability to cope with real problems with real, not invented by humans. No matter how television has evolved, and what would be a huge influence of television on children is not provided, it is only fun and enjoyable source of information, not always, by the way of quality. TV can replace parents for half an hour, but do not forget that day - 24 hours! And all this time in the lives of our children is something important!

Previously, everyone was talking about the influence of television on vision. It was believed that because of this black box is developing myopia, bent spine. Children were taught that you need to keep a distance of 2 meters from the screen. Since then, the monitors have improved - now strange to talk about such dangers. But there's a new reason for concern - obesity. Together with the American movie we received a habit of eating at the screen. TVs appeared in the kitchens. And this is the way of life for many people.

In Italy, according to a survey conducted by the service of public opinion "Demoskopea, among adolescents aged 13-18 years, 37% depend on the TV (larger percentage showed a dependence on video games - 49% PC - 44%). And in the UK completed a 30-year study of the effect of watching TV on the appearance of being overweight. So, sensational results showed that children watching TV for more than two hours on weekends, the risk of obesity is increasing dramatically.

A child who does not watch TV, it will be difficult to communicate in a kindergarten or school, because kids are already talking of advertising slogans. Appeared some advertising slang. And if your child does not know it, it would seem peers modern Mowgli of the uninhabited jungle. It can not even take the company. And we can get a pariah. Fortunately, the TV less defines the relationship between the children. But, alas, not because the children were reading books or playing the violin. Some of them have learned to communicate only with the children "of its terms." And there is not a question of determining what program you're watching and who's your daddy? But another part of the guys stuck at the computer. Computer culture and social stratification is now in a huge bearing on the "acceptance-rejection" of the child by their peers.
Do I need to speak with the children in "hot" topic? Needed. But in their language. For example, the story of a happy chick whose parents reside in different trees, but love it - an example of figurative explanation of the divorce. Most children do not care about the happiness of his parents, economic hardship, and what will happen to him? Will it now love and protect? Below I give examples of stories on "hot" topic. Imaginative and simple examples are much more important than the abstract, not very child friendly speculation. The latter can only be even more puzzled and frightened child. For example, not a very pleasant theme "Economic bundle. I'll give the script the studio story on this issue - "Honey Ball" is shown in the program "Sesame Street in Russia in 2006. The purpose of this story - to give an idea of what children from different families of material prosperity, can play together and be friends.
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