The internal energy of a man
Physical activity and high energy level is directly related to the ability to control destiny, because when we feel weak and lethargic, we did not have the strength of something or want to do. Low levels of energy usually manifests as passivity, lethargy, apathy, laziness, sadness, indifference. At the physical level, it manifests itself as a disease that "so and stick" in the form of constant stress. He can be precipitated by physical or mental fatigue, and then all that we need to again be on our toes - is to relax or change the type of activity.
But there are other reasons for this state. One of them - this is banal urbanization, it has charms of city life. Physical activity of people living in cities is usually minimal. Do citizens have a lot of resources that ultimately make it easier for their livelihood. To move around the city, citizen enjoys traffic to move between floors - the elevator. If we need food, we do not grow them, and we buy in the store. Or even order from online stores. Previously, for utility payments was necessary to go into the savings bank, and now it's available online! We have almost no reason to get off his chair in front of a computer.
For cooking we use a variety of combines, which are themselves cut, squeeze, twist, rub. There is nothing wrong if our opportunity is not to exert physical effort in life is compensated by their use elsewhere in a different way. For example, in the gym. Or if we have regular and long hours walking distance. Or if the work involves a variety of physical labor. If all of this, we are deprived, deprived of the opportunity to visit the outdoors, then the result will be a low tone, chronic laziness or tiredness, susceptibility to stress, neurosis. For example: in the villages of mentally ill people is several times less. There's generally less sick.
All of our activities in the surrounding world is based on survival. Before performing any operations with the world, we need to meet their basic needs for food, drink, sleep, safety and security, the need for good relations in love, of belonging to any group or community, the need for respect and approval. Only then, when would be satisfied vyzhivatelnaya need, we draw attention to their other needs. Therefore, people living in a state of chronic stress associated with insecurity of life, lose the ability to manage their lives. If you are insulted on a daily basis or at any time can be fired or evicted from your apartment, if you earn so little money that you can not afford basic needs - you'll feel very anxious and are in constant tension, mobilization.
At this consumes a lot of energy, and then the development is nothing left. In this case, it is imperative to answer the question: "Is it scary all the things I'm scared?" It is possible that not so scary. You might find that a huge part of the energy you spend in anticipation of a disaster that will not happen. High energy level, high physical activity gives us the opportunity not only to survive but also to control. We are able to manage only if we have physical and mental strength, which determines the ability to desire, to dare and do, when we have a reserve force to do something beyond the necessary for the survival action.

Now let's see the other side. Our body has a certain amount of energy to meet our needs - all. Energy, as is known, comes to us through the food we eat (or does not arrive, depending on whether what we eat), through physical activity and inactivity - sleep, rest, thanks to our mental activity. The internal energy of a person for by which we live, also fueled by the impressions of the outside world. New meetings, work, travel - it is our psychological food. If we do not evolve, and we sit in his "shell", then we do not get energy for their development. And only depends on us how and what this energy will be spent.
Usually part of the energy we spent on it to cook their own meals, and some - to get safe and sound to work and back, a part - to do their job, and finally, a part - to do household chores. If you have arranged it that way, then you endlessly go on the same circle: home - work - home. You might find that a huge part of the energy you spend to protect against other people out of trouble (which are not yet) for thinking through, "jam" at the head of your mistakes, failures and anxiety about the future and so on. Free energy is minimum, and all that you can - this is just to do the above.
If your more energy, you can use it to implement some of its other needs. For example, for a hobby, and if your circle is expanding. And when the expanding circle of friends, businesses, interest - increasing the number of impressions and a new influx of energy, giving the opportunity to further develop. If the energy even more, it is enough for something else besides the standard set of survival of the average person. Then you have the strength, desire and opportunity to go beyond its terms and begin to create. Do - in every sense. This can be applied arts: literature, art, crafts. Or the creation of their own destiny.
When we feel weak and lethargic, we do not force anything and willing to do. We are able to manage only if we have physical and mental strength, which determines the ability to desire, to dare and do, when we have a reserve force to do something more than necessary for the survival action. Energy comes to us through proper nutrition, physical activity, early relaxation, new experiences and mental activity. . Most of the energy is spent on:
-Maintain their self-esteem;
-Protective mechanisms of the individual.
Too small amount of energy had a negative impact on the management of fate, as too much. The internal energy of a person should be distributed evenly in the body, as much as needed in order to meet the needs.