The involvement of parents in addressing school violence
Parents on their own account for the excesses of violence that occurred at school, and we are confident that they know what their reasons. Clarifying the situation psychologist seems far-fetched to them. Typically, they are waiting to psychologists persuaded class allegiance to their own version. The task of the parent meeting - to break a possible defensive front and bring the parents to cooperate. Therefore, parents primarily explain the principles underlying the expert analysis: since it is not about finding a single cause, but on consideration of violence and aggression as a group phenomenon, the problem of peer review - not to identify perpetrators, and in finding new opportunities for class as a whole. All our efforts are aimed at mobilizing the positive properties of the class as a group to use them to teach children to repress their own outbreak of aggression. This clarification helps parents to understand that analysis, and proposed therapeutic methods do not relate specifically to their son or daughter, and should lead to improvement in the overall atmosphere in the classroom.
Naturally, this is only one side of the case. Every teacher knows that the very aggressive and difficult pupils are able to change for the worse the psychological climate in the classroom. Yet the expert deliberately focuses not on these troublemakers, and the ability of the class as a group. Trying to find a way out - by referring to the group features - is dictated by a clear understanding that for a brief period of the expert group at the school have a significant impact on the behavior of a difficult child can not. Therefore focuses on measures to create a psychological climate in the classroom, able to completely neutralize the impact of difficult children, prevent them from implementing their aggressive impulses. Positive atmosphere in the classroom becomes an obstacle to the spread of violence and aggression.
Such an initial setting, the psychological orientation of the group allows parents to engage in joint work without fear that their son or daughter weighed labels or that because of psychological testing in their children reveal abnormalities in the psyche. In fact, no perpetrators or those who should be held accountable. Children were prompted to commit acts of violence, the mechanisms of the dynamics of the group sentiment. No matter how perfect nor was the child's behavior at home, no matter how gentle, affectionate, executive he was, being in school, he risks falling under the influence of group dynamics, the fateful play of natural forces is permitted in acts of violence. Often, even unambiguous troublemakers are just victims of the negative dynamics of the class. For example: the whole village believed Beno "bad disciple." Thanks to the expert review, it appears that the class readily secured him the role of spoilers to be able to use it to settle scores with each other.
The involvement of parents in addressing school violence is of paramount importance. Must lead the meeting so that parents were able to overcome their fears and to express frankly. Help overcome internal barriers and fears of psychological techniques designed to separate. One possibility - a role the diagnosis. After an explanation of the leading role of values in general, he briefly describes the various roles of team members: facilitator, observer, leader and companion. Parents are invited to remember a time when they were between the ages of children, and consider which of these roles they played then. Then the parents write on a small piece of their chosen role and attach it to a shirt or sweater. Further, from the number of parents form groups. It is important that persons belonging to one group, identified themselves with different roles and that married couples do not fall into one group.
Participants subgroups begin to share their memories of their time studying in the appropriate class: "This is how it was when I walked in the fifth grade ..." With this unpretentious reception parents unwittingly included in the discussion on the situation in the classroom, where their child is learning . Detour through an appeal to childhood memories - a good way to forget about their fears. As a general rule, parents mixed their own impressions of the school with the impressions created by the shouts of children. The purpose of the conversation with his parents to familiarize them with methods for working with the class and providing them the opportunity to inform the head of mission, their aspirations, and all that they have grieved. This also applies to incidents on the way to school in the village, during leisure and at the playground (on the reverse).
In one of the parents' meetings it became clear that a certain group of students are constantly stalking girls on their way to school and attack them with kisses: boys over a crowd attacked the girl and covered her face with kisses. In another parent meeting the parents reported that children at home constantly pointing fingers for their acts of violence committed by their classmates: it is they knocked them ... always blame someone else ... Often, parents take a teacher at the sight: his style of teaching being criticized from it requires large sanctions, large group teaching methods or greater hardness. During one of our investigations into teacher accused of unwillingness to communicate with parents. The parents have the impression that the teacher refuses to communicate with them, and distancing himself from them, until he can "reach out". At the very same teacher had a sense that parents are generally moved on and did not wish to take part in school life.
The involvement of parents in addressing school violence indicates the need to inform the head of the commission on all possible incidents. Everything rushed into their eyes or seem strange in the behavior of a son or daughter, parents must report by telephone a psychologist and teacher, as this information may be important for the expert team. All these measures are designed to create a sense of the inevitability of imminent changes. In accordance with the prophecy come true by virtue of confidence in its implementation, parents and children need to instill a sense that everything must change for the better and evil will not go unpunished. Should by all means to overcome the depressive mood, often becoming the lot of people involved in the climate of violence. In the minds of children between the host committee at the school should contact the watershed.
In most cases, parents do not object to the action of the commission. It is not excluded, however, that one or two couples would react to everything with skepticism. Expert team should decide whether, despite this, get to work. Often, it appeared that the position of skeptical parents automatically affect the behavior of their child and create considerable difficulties. Child is considered "psychological games" marasmus or even refused to attend.