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The issue of civil marriages

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The issue of civil marriages

According to the modern (widely distributed at household level) understanding that civil marriage is called, in which the relationship between a man and a woman is not legally legislated, but the couple lived in the same area and leads the overall economy. From a legal point of view, to be married couple, partners enough to live together at least a month. But in contrast to the institutionalized relationship neither spouse nor their children have no proprietary rights over all that they have acquired during cohabitation. If a civilian husband (wife) anything happens in the law of inheritance may enter only the official's relatives. And the question of whether to keep something of the former family, including young children, solely dependent on their goodwill. And expect them to charity - a senseless risk. Those who deliberately goes to a free marriage, you should think about how sure whether he himself and his chosen one.

If you really love a person, you will inevitably want to protect it from possible adversities, including to ensure his financial security. Therefore, the approach to the creation of the family, even in an alternative form of marriage official should be taken very seriously. In particular, we should not forget that your decision or desire to decide the fate of a loved one, and perhaps not one, because there are cases when the life of a marriage partner tragically ends in the moment when the light should appear to a child . He, like his mother, deprived of any legal rights relating to property inheritance. On this issue of civil marriages do not end there.
In addition to legal, there are many psychological problems faced by the civilian spouses and their children. Although men and women in extramarital union noted that the shape of their life together provides each partner with individual freedom, in fact it may be grounds for excluding himself from any commitment to their chosen one. In a civil marriage, according to research by foreign experts, much more than the official, admitted adultery by both husband and wife.

Many partners do not value their relationships, and are not afraid of the possibility of separation, because they will not have to go through a humiliating procedure of the legal divorce - you can simply disperse and not to think about who until recently was the closest person to you, especially if he is a replacement. Very often, a new hobby of civilian spouses leads to a rapid disintegration of the marriage, while a formal marriage in such a situation can survive. It's entirely possible that the official wife "stick" to each other because of proprietary concerns, but it does more good than harm. Still, the family can be preserved, and who knows, maybe start a new stage of relations that would make spouses emotionally closer to each other than ever before.

Furthermore, as already noted, a woman in a civil marriage does not feel secure. She lives on the one hand, in constant expectation of a formal proposal, but on the other - are often forced to hide from those around her fragile status of common-law wife, because the attitude towards this kind of family union is still ambiguous. Women are more likely than men to need a guarantee: a stamp in the passport for her is a guarantee of marital happiness, because with the consumer side of her family life in a civil union and legally married is no different.

Only confidence in the future it is much less than the lawful wife, because the so-called freedom and independence may be more likely to use men. And it may happen that the husband, whom she had hoped and trusted that his fate was disappointed in her feelings and felt it necessary to end the relationship. And it still continues to love him, but keep near him can not. It is known that the longer a man is next to a woman, the more accustomed to it, and she lost the sense of novelty, for it ceases to be emotionally appealing. The woman, on the contrary, the longer is in a relationship with a man, the more attached to him, and it does not matter, whether she feels maternal love for him is akin to pity or still continues to love his sexual love.

It hard to let go of yourself man, to whom she devoted much of his life. If an official marriage is not immune from such contradictions, the more civil. All this is connected with the whole gamut of the dual experiences of women who, on the one hand, like their civilian husbands, on the other hand, know that they can be easily lost, and fear of the loss. That kind of fear is largely due to the fact that single women more than unmarried men. And every woman wants to marital happiness. And if it does not always dare to break the family married man for moral reasons (you can not build your happiness on someone else's misfortune), the conquest of unmarried men, which it believes is in a civil marriage, before anything will not stop. And civilian wives perfectly aware of this and very wary of these "predators". Here is how their mental torment a woman, was powerless against the assertiveness appeared rival among her co-worker.

Typically, sensing the danger from a rival appeared on the horizon and out of fear of losing his precarious fortune, a woman against her will obeys the wishes of a partner, he is using her emotional, sexual, and perhaps financially dependent, leaving himself room to maneuver. He flatly refuses to marry her, and she accompanies him either, arguing that the main thing - feeling, but not formally, or scandals, or suffer in secret. Such a precarious situation could last for years. Psychologically, it is very dramatic for women, which often pushes her to take a desperate step.

But even if the causes of mental agony of people secretly going through his love, not connected with the persecution of others, that love is ephemeral, fragile, doomed. Regular completion of such family relationships quite differently perceived and experienced young woman, going through the testing of unregistered cohabitation.

We would like to dwell on the psychological problems of children of civilian spouses. Children react very sensitively to the shaky status of their parents, especially if someone at school or in the yard on this play a trick on them. Such a situation the parents in any case should not be overlooked. If both or one of them in any case do not intend to become a lawful spouse, you should teach a child to be proud that his family did not like the others. Need to convince him that this is not the latest situation in his life when it is important to appreciate their difference rather than similarity. And do not forget to tell him that from what is registered or not registered the marriage of his parents, they do not cease to be family, and love him no less, and perhaps more than other parents to their children.
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