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The last thing on earth

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The last thing on earth

What does it mean for you to die? There are many different metaphors of death. When we think about death, it often seems to be in the form of an old woman with a scythe, the darkness, the enemy, finishing tapes ... Sleep - the most common metaphor for death. That is why many people dream to die in their sleep. Everything that happens to us can be a resource. All - a positive experience. So it might be worth and death turned into a resource? Carlos Castaneda described in detail the life and teachings of Don Juan the Yaqui Indians. In the philosophy of Don Juan's death - a counselor. It lands you, reminding that you are part of nature, rather than dominates it. And every time you need to make a decision, you turn around and ask for the death, which always stands you in his left shoulder: "What would you advise me to do if it were my last job on Earth?".

This question leads to the movement. He makes you think about those things that you do. After your last job on Earth has a special meaning. Would you like to it remained the most striking your incarnation. When you refer to death as a counselor, you have a constant reminder that you should turn next to have effect at the earliest possible vivid manifestation of its essence. And then the next. Of course, no need to constantly think about death. But from time to time to contact her for advice does not hurt. At death, you can learn a lot.

The last thing on earth . Death - here is your last job on Earth. What death you want to die? Maybe this will be the last action of the drama in your life that best expresses your essence? Submissions from the eastern culture of death - a time of transition from one state to another, as well as birth.

Time Machine - in the future

The next exercise is best done in a quiet environment, while lying or sitting in a comfortable and relaxed position. A few minutes in order to enrich your life right now, we invite you to take a trip on its own timeline in the future, no matter how far it may be, until you reach the point at which you can not or do not want anything more do in your life. Reaching the limit point of death, one must turn back and look at the present. Having done this, ask yourself:
What I would like to conclude by this point?

What feelings arise in me after I completed these cases?

What would have happened if I had not had time to complete them?

How do my actions today bring or remove me from those things that I want to finish?

What advice I would give myself a present, looking back from here the rest of his life?

How important to you seem excitement of this from this point of view?

What is the most important thing that should be addressed in the present?

What emotions do you feel looking back at yourself in the present?

Go back now and think a bit about what you do.

Now I'll share with you a metaphor, who wrote the first having carried out the technique of "Time Machine".

We - just a fantasy, torn from the body.

Forgive me, it hurts do not you want to.

I swear in one, in this tale will not be bored.

Live with a smile!

Scientists have found that optimists and extroverts (sociable people) live better and longer, in contrast to the sullen, angry, resentful, anxious, distrustful, etc. people. Because the hormones of joy improve immunity. Kind and cheerful people less ill, almost no debate, they are busy with their lives, rather than the lives of others. To change the mindset and the "bad guy" to become "good man", you need to know one simple psychological rule: never compare yourself (for the worse) to those who objectively lives several orders of magnitude "more expensive", occupies the post above, who the nature of the prettier, thinner, etc. This reduces the self-esteem and brings anguish and depression.

Stop it applies to life too seriously! All - the game. Look at the world of merry eyes. Be a man with a sense of humor. We need to develop their strengths and enjoy the success that is already there. Do not try on someone's life itself. An exception may be only a variant of someone else's success as an example for an incentive, not a role model and even more so for comparison. Life - a game of Tetris, where any event - good luck, if you know the situation properly deploy. And finally I want to say that in this world there are at least five people who love you so much that they could die for you. At least fifteen people in a more or less like you. The only reason that someone loves you is that he wants to be the same as you.

One of your smile will please someone, even if he does not love you. Every night, someone thinks about you before they go to bed. For someone you are - the whole world. Someone could not live without you. You are special and unique person. Someone who you do not even know loves you. Even when you make the biggest folly of this it turns out that a good thing. When you think that the world has turned away from you, take a look: most likely, is that you have turned away from the world. When you want something, but do not think you can do that, you probably will not get anywhere. Ho, if you believe in yourself, sooner or later you get what you want. Remember compliments often about who you are talking about. Remember spiteful remarks and ridicule. If you have a best friend or loved one, do not forget to tell him how much he means to you.

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