The laws of modern business
Do you remember the expression of the times of socialism "Life Saving handiwork of the drowning man, unfortunately, it has not lost its relevance today. We live in a renewed world, free from rules and convention. We can take the initiative and express their own opinion, we have moved from a shameful past and embarked on a new light the path of development, but today our lives are paired with no less stringent laws than those that have acted sooner. Change the shell, but the content remained the same. Yes, now we are surrounded by masses of glass and metal. Communications have reached a level that allows a few seconds to connect anywhere in the world. Man enslaved the entire living world, imposing its uncompromising conditions of coexistence. We put ties and began to call each other "for you", no longer to kill enemies, have changed this situation, you can go two ways: either to leave the world, become a hermit, or, knowing the laws of modern business , adapt to them and get to work on themselves.
This is the second way, let's see what lives and breathes a modern business for which the most applicable definition of "stone jungle".
"Every Man for Himself"
Yes, gone are the days when you could see the concern for their neighbors. Today everyone thinks only of himself, and if you think of the melee, it is exclusively guided by their own selfish motives. This is primarily due to the fact that on a subconscious level, everyone is working on his own "I", that is, considering the external world through our own interests and needs. The modern world, like, the big swing on which to ride, you need to work together. The modern world lives under the motto: "I'll do what you want, but only if you do for me what I need."
"Anyone who has fallen, will be crushed"
Agree that in our, the world no mercy to those who "fell". So do not forget, in any situation, you and your health first. Such laws in modern business, very much, but these two are the starting point to start taking care of their professionalism and to protect it from DD. Firstly, if you do not take care of themselves, then this nobody will. Secondly, professional dysfunction, namely "burnout syndrome", "white collar syndrome", workaholism can bring you down, make a non-competitive person. In order to avoid being dropped from a career ladder but also stands to protect themselves from the PD - agree that it is a good reason. How often can you hear the "Professional", "Professionalism" and a lot of similarities with words and phrases. The thing is that in recent years, these words are increasingly part of the business turnover, and are used to indicate both staff and individual activities, for example, "Acting in a professional manner," He is a professional in their field " and much more. But, more often, using a beautiful word, we do not think about its meaning.
Professionalism - great skill, a deep mastery of the profession, quality execution of work. It is in this sense, and used variations of "professionalism", the essence of which lies in the fact that there is some work, mastery of which the highest level we can call professionalism.
For sure, you have repeatedly clashed with the lamentations of HR-managers, or to professional slang "personalschikami:" We do not have enough professionals, we are experiencing staff shortages. " Agree with these statements unemployment have not decreased, and some indicators even increases. There is legitimate question, "Who are these professionals and where they come from?". As soon as a reservation, that if we are talking about professionals, it applied only to certain areas. It is hard to imagine a situation in which highly qualified surgeon in conjunction with the conduct of complex operations on the heart, just as successfully managed a huge corporation.
Indeed, there are such examples, but they are so rare that it can not even get into any tolerable statistics. Here, we are talking about combining the development of two or three jobs at once. Sequential development of several professions, and achieve a high level to a certain extent useful. Until now, despite the rapid development of science, it remains debatable as to who are professionals, and what is professionalism. Here, we are certainly not talking about what a particular profession or field of activity, and we are interested in the meaning of the term and are professional. Widespread use of the term "professional" in the following combinations "We need high-level professionals", "I am a professional," "He is a professional," "The high professional level, at least, resembles the hunt for a blue bird. Although wondered about who is professional, very hard to find a definite answer.
When broken down into elementary parts of the essence of the term "professional", it will highlight three of its components do not depend on specific activities:
1) knowledge;
2) skills;
3) experience.
Here are the three pillars on which rests professionalism. Most importantly, they not only attended but also organically complementing each other, have worked to achieve a common goal - improving the quality of work.