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The logic of bigotry

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The logic of bigotry

Logically we can deduce the false theory that would seem absolutely true and this is the logic of fanaticism . Examples abound. And none of the evidence itself, nor on the conclusions or postulates will not be able to judge whether it is true or false. So the truth is always a matter of faith. If, however, in one case in my answer is five, and in another ten, then I can compare the two methods of solving the problem, until I find that small errors that led to an incorrect answer. Perhaps not a bug, but the inaccuracy of understanding of the term, because any concept has no point value, and the range of values - and this area contains infinitely many values, slightly different from each other.
The fallacy of the theory is not always derivable from it the most. Assume that of all the theories on the ground there would be only marskizm, then no one could prove that this theory is wrong. Need a comparison, we need an alternative. But, in order to believe in Marxism, we, at the time it took to learn it for years and decades, on a primitive, but it is quite logical level. And, for example, if I believed in it strongly (because of its logical infallibility, which repeatedly convinced), then I would not spend over many years to study the theories, which I think is certainly false, because they are contrary to Marxism. The same with faith in God. If I spent years studying the Bible and made sure that each word of truth, I will not be treated with the same degree of detail and without bias theory, the falsity of which I'm sure. Same with atheism, nationalism, and all sorts of sectarian movements.

Changeling truth credibility

This trick is widely practiced all sorts of earthly divinities raising fanatical followers. For example, a relatively well-known individual who calls himself a god (divine grace), whose name I will not call for ethical reasons, as proof that evolution does not exist: "Darwin said that man descended from apes. Then why did he not come from monkeys now? " However, the theory of evolution does not say that man evolved from apes, she argues only that he, together with modern apes evolved from common ancestors. Such simple manipulations in the writings of "god" tens and hundreds. Bigots go after him a crowd and record his every word, not noticing the change.

In most, perhaps in any country, brought up relating to folk customs as to the shrines. They are touched, they announce nepogreshimyi, called "genetic memory" or some other way. However, folk traditions deserve far less reverence than is commonly believed. They created a mass of uneducated people as a survival mechanism under conditions quite different from the conditions of our lives. Therefore, they maloprimenimy. They may be of interest, both historical and cultural facts, or respected, like the memory of the people, without whom we would not have in the world. But this does not mean that they are the truth, infallible and sacred.

"Traditional" customs present day - a massive fashion to one or another. If now the craze mass usually means there is no taste, and had meant about the same. Any relic (that is, the thing is above criticism and perceived by faith and not reason) someone is beneficial. Especially clearly evident in this case folk relics. They are beneficial to any gosdeyatelyam who need the support of the people - or even in relation to themselves as to the shrines. Performed the next logical focus:

Initially equated the concept of homeland and the State, made possible synonymous. Both these words are written or implied as a word with a capital letter. Rodina necessarily written with the "biggest" of the letter, other anti-state heresy, as well as the homeland coincides fully with the State of the State of taking a capital for himself. In fact, home (with a lowercase letter as the word "native", "mama" and others close to the heart of the word) is eternal, and the different state just grow on its soil and feed on its juices, relieving each other, it might happen that a person without even moving from one location for several years, replaced some "homeland" that is, of course, absurd.

And the second step - to bring suitable attitude to folk shrines, related both to the absolute, and instilled a) that the veneration of tradition means honoring the homeland, and b) that the absolute worship of the motherland means and an absolute reverence for the state. If a person sees no difference between these two concepts, it's easy to make. Therefore, in any part of the world you hear the sugary lyrics that promote the people's courage and valor of folk heroes - is a mandatory part of the official culture.


If we compare the fanaticism with somatic diseases, most of all, he recalled the tumor - most malignant, sometimes benign. Fanatoid swells and invades healthy "tissue". Initially, the person becomes more and more limited, then just dies, if the case is heavy. In a movie about chess players old player lost the match because I deposited a young heart. His podozhili the clinic, and warned that if he would play chess, then die. But he still meets with a young and played with it, finally. It is stronger than the instinct of self-preservation. Who is the bigot? Firstly, it is selfish, loving only himself (or originally or now) because it pursues only its own goals, believes only his own opinion and is no respecter of other people's point of view - even if it is infected with the idea of humanity. That is, it's pretty unpleasant.

Second, a person with erased personalities. He does printsipiano no different from other fanatics, but the direction of the idea, which he serves. All of his personality traits eaten proliferating idea. Thirdly, it is a weak man. Fanatoid, like any disease, infects the weakened individual. Fourth, it is not necessarily contagious. Fanatoid much more likely to find its followers among primitive than those interesting people. These subjects are very few people can lead the other, unless some of their own kind. Pronounced fanatic also maloprivlekatelen as too loud sound or light that hurts your eyes. Another thing - people-person at the initial stages of the disease, if it is already infected, but have not lost an individual appeal. This is contagious, not less, than a sick plague. Fifth, a person who is capable of supernatural violence, if so requested by the idea.

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