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The luxury of being independent

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The luxury of being independent

Loneliness chosen very deliberately, and not imposed from the circumstances - the luxury of being an independent ... 11 million French women say they are - the fanatical supporters of this way of life - outside of marriage and family, and in Italy only in the last 10 years, the number of women increased by one million. In the U.S., they account for 40 percent of the female population. Empowerment of women, implemented as a deliberate solitude - a trend that is spreading around the world ...

Perhaps this choice is selfish, because quite categorically rejects the classical role of the wife-mother, or is it - the manifestation of the fear of a bad marriage! Maybe. Sociologists argue that the basis for this choice lies primarily with the fact that these women value their freedom and independence. In addition, they are given the question whether to participate in the reproduction of the human race, if you do not feel ready for such a difficult role? Likewise, useless force yourself, supporting any trade-off relationship, in which, without solving their own problems and create more and more, not only themselves but also others ...
If you feel herself mistress, if you are determined and independent, but without a shade of discomfort and distress, all right then! But if your loneliness lies on you a burden becomes unbearable, then what? Of course, all people are afraid of loneliness. Fear from the moment when the spawn. Then grow up, start to take care of themselves, but there are those who never grow up.

12 tips for 'good' loneliness.

NO - a feeling of abandonment and loneliness, which often takes possession of you and frustrating. In these difficult times, try to convince yourself that you are not one, but simply free. Maybe the word will change your mood.

YES - the everyday concerns about their appearance. Even the feeling that you are in a sense, change its main principles, pay all the same attention to clothes, makeup, hair.

NO - tiresome persecution romance partners. If you are still not there was something good, give time to work for you. Maybe the expectation would be fruitful.

YES - to new acquaintances, invitations to spend time, any kind of social contacts. The closed door is equivalent to the loneliness and despair.

NO - the fear of loneliness. It is far better than any harmful for you to link your daily exasperating and bearing an increasingly grim experience.

YES - candor. Show yourself to others so what is wet. For the mask anyway, sooner or later will fall, and then you may find yourself in an awkward position.

NO - inferiority complex and nervous crises. Think about what someone would have given much in order to appear on your site.

YES - entertainment, hobbies, travel and new meetings. Enrich your free time with new pursuits and interests.

NO - passing decisions and joys: cigarettes, alcohol, confectionery ... In the end, the victim will be you and not someone else.

YES - the work, but with a sense of proportion - do not make yourself a slave to a career just because he feels an emotional void.

NO - a fleeting affair. Pre-_ Deliver time to relieve you of some bitter disappointments.

YES - contact with people dialogue. Ultimately, why should you withdraw into its shell and shun the light? To do this, there is no reason.

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