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The magic of wind

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The magic of wind
Since ancient times, was a place inhabited by the gods of the ancient Greek pantheon, where the supreme deity was Zeus. They spent their days on Mount Olympus. Sacred offerings to the gods, and prayers were offered up to heaven according to the traditions that existed in the culture of many peoples, and the flames of sacred fires, too, ascends to heaven, bringing to their gods, the meaning of the sacrifices and offerings, which they expected. In the cultural traditions of the northern (Scandinavian) countries analogue Zeus was a god one. Nordic gods lived in Asgard, the place which was located near the top of Yggdrasil, the world tree.

In China, the element of air has been brought to a net fall, the great dragon that lived in heaven. In Eastern traditions in the sky ran colored ribbons and kites, bringing prayers to the supreme deity. The magic of the elements of air, or the magic of the sky, thus, focuses on the success and achievements with the outside world, personal effort and ambition, the acquisition of wisdom in all cases, when it comes to careers, law and justice. The magic element of air - it's also magic, which helps to enjoy, predicts a good time in a society of thoughtful interlocutors, and everything that makes people happy.

Myths about heaven

Heavenly Father is traditionally considered the supreme deity and a symbol of a higher power of nature, it is usually entered into marriage with the mother-land. Together, they created everything that inhabits the earth, including humans, animals and all that fills the natural world. For example, in the myths of the Maori people as the ranks, the heavenly father and my father, mother earth, have entered each other in the eternal embrace. One of his sons, Tane-mahout, the god of forests, turned into a tree and supports the heavens. He has done for his father's clothes from a light haze of fog, received from his brother, the god of mist, Ika-Roa, and taming the Milky Way, and shining stars. Maori believe that they are direct descendants of the ranks and dad.

Sometimes, in the tradition of some people the sky is revered as a mother. In the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians said that the goddess chick has created the vault of heaven, having made his body a huge arch that stretched over the earth. She kept the weight on his hands, and her legs supported her husband, SEB, which symbolized the earth. Her arms and legs were a support for the sky, and her whole body glowed with myriads of stars. Chickpea called "Mrs. heaven", and her clothes in an Egyptian painting and sculpture have always been painted blue. Gradually, the cultural traditions of many peoples the father of heaven became revered as a god-creator, the father of all things, as well as supreme judge in whose hands was concentrated justice and wisdom. Jupiter was the supreme deity of the ancient Romans, and he watched all of human affairs, showing his intentions by means of special signs and wonders.


Sylph in ancient myths symbolized female spirits. They were perfect and protect the innocence of young virgins. They were the souls of the chaste and virgin maids, who in life loved to flirt, but never anybody did not show its location. Sometimes they can appear in the guise of butterflies circling above the beautiful white flowers. They lived on the tops of hills and open plains, and they can be seen through the light haze of fog.


These were the guardians of winds. They got their name on behalf of the marshmallow, which symbolizes the wind from the west in Greek mythology. He was the son of Astrea and Aurora, the goddess of the dawn. Zephyr was beloved Flora, goddess of flowers, and he gently blowing on the flowers and brought rain to the flowers can grow. Marshmallows are often portrayed blowing the trumpets, the sound of which were produced winds.

Summoning Winds

Rite causing winds is one of the most ancient traditions of magic elements of air, to aid which is usually invoked in cases where the presence of wind it was vitally important, for example, that ship could sail, or to working windmills, which was milled corn or wheat. According to ancient legend, when a sailor on the ship will pick up a coin and toss it into the wind, the way he "buy" yourself a nice breeze all day long.

Sorceress managed to sell wind departing to sea fishermen in the form of rope tied to her peers. The first node untie when sailors needed a light breeze, the second knot untie when sailors needed a strong wind, as if to unleash a third node, then breaks out the storm at sea. When the Swedish king in 1563 at war with Denmark, he took his ship four witches to ensure that they control the weather, making her as he needed to win battles. Swedish sailors also built on the banks of stone labyrinths, sacred in the belief that this will help in long voyages, and bring them to such a wind, which is necessary. If during the voyage began calm, sailors were taken to the oars and guided his ship to the nearest island to it, on the shore to build a new stone labyrinth.

In the other Nordic countries navigators podnosili gods milk, honey, money, ale and stones with holes of natural origin. All of this was to cause the wind, which could rotate the wings of windmills, or help the sailors on a long journey. A symbol of magical power over the winds were a sword with two blades sharpened on both sides. He was an essential attribute of witches, and people were afraid that the angry witch with it can send them to the storms, brandishing a sharp sword, that with a whoosh, and so they resorted to the sacred hymns and sang:

Whistling woman and a clucking chicken are evil for God and for people.

Prophecies of heaven

This form of the predictions are traditionally involves the prediction of the clouds, or rather, in their configuration, and the morning haze, which appears in the morning. The myths of the Maori people say that the morning haze appears above the ground on the morning of the massacre and tears separated dad. And yet these myths say that the tears of separated lovers spilled on the ground by rain. One of the oldest forms of predictions of cloud or haze of the morning (when you need to be able to see in the clouds of certain characters or figures) suggests the interpretation of what he saw, those symbols that form the gray and white lines of smoke or sudden rupture of the lines.

The lakes have long been considered the most suitable place for a magical divination and magic, especially in the mornings, when above them there is light haze. Such methods of prediction have been widely distributed in Scotland, where the villages scattered over the morning mist, revealing gaze homes and churches, when came the barely audible chimes, and when stretched to guessing their hands ghosts rising from the depths of the lake. Waters Douzmeri in Cornwall (England) - is one of those places where, as they say, is with Mrs. Lake Excalibur, the legendary sword of King Arthur.

They say that in the morning mist over the surface of water at times you can see the hand of Lady Lake, and wedged in her glorious sword of the king. In Glastonbury, which is another venue associated with magic and King Arthur, the legend says that once this place was magical island of Avalon and the waters surrounding the island, the dying King Arthur threw his famous sword. The magic of morning mist over the water or land (particularly in the lowlands) - the magic is more delicate than the magic of the heavens than the ritual of tying knots, than a magic ritual with balloons. In it lurk predictions associated with happiness, especially when it comes to love.

You can try to penetrate the secrets of the morning mist, when find yourself in the early morning on the lake or river, and then you can look into the future to behold in him the coming joy, which may fall on your head like snow on a summer day. However, you can resort to this kind of predictions, and being at home.
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