The main celebrations in the impure
The main holiday of them - Ivan Kupala. It lasts for two nights - with 6na 7iyulya and 7na 8iyulya.
The second most important is Walpurgis Night (with 30aprelya on May 1). Incidentally, Hitler was so advanced in the occult sciences, that suicide is 30aprelya before Walpurgis night.
And remember the May Day demonstrations? They were held after Walpurgis night. A huge number of people with red flags. And the word "demonstration" of the word "demon" - a long, great. And the red flags in order to arouse people's aggression.
Winter and summer solstice, winter and summer equinox - too big holidays. At this time, make a strong spoilage. And if not quickly provide assistance to such people, they burn very quickly.
On Midsummer around my home crowd unclean - a solid wall. One evening 6iyulya on the roof of my house sat a white dove. He sat all night and left only after 8 hours in the morning. And when I hit foul, they told me that this time there were so many that the very image of the Archangel Michael in a white dove came to my defense.