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The main male secret

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The main male secret

Yes, we, as women, have their secrets. There are not many, really. We do not hide with maniacal persistence, as we age ... but the secret is. And in fact a paradox - the most important as his, alpha and omega male essence, we yell at each corner. We write huge banners and leave them on the street. We whisper about him at night, we resign ballads about him and the choir sings them. But the woman stubbornly unwilling to neither hear nor see it. "Yes here we are!" - We vopim and jump with excitement. "What?" - Wrinkle the forehead by women. "Oh that's the same, literally! Here and now! "- We are not appeased. "I do not understand. You are so secretive, "- shrug women. "Well, where's the stealth? Here, here and here ... And one more thing. Nothing is ironically "-" The trouble with these men do not understand them ".-" Oh, how so? After all, here and here ... "And so on. The dialogue lasted for millennia.

What is this quality that distinguishes us from the women? Most importantly, the most important thing ... the main man's secret ... Rod, do not misunderstand me. What is it? WE ARE SIMPLE! That's what we're trying to impress their wives, mistresses, casual acquaintances, friends and fighting the cashier at the store. We are simple. To such an extent that sometimes gets hurt. Dismantled, with bated breath and thrusting zeal of a language, and there ... no secrets and mysteries. No doubt, the torments, the contradictions, subtle sensations and tremulous feelings. We just - we cram. Insist defend, argue and convince. And still remains a mystery to pretty girls, women, etc. it.p. They always think that we are pretending. Playing the fool ... or a fool. (Depending on your situation.) Him, that is, you, charming the ladies, it seems that if you all really so hard inside is arranged, which themselves often confused and mistaken, then we must be collected with some complicated mechanism inside . None. It really is very, very primitivnenko.
We do not resort to covert subtle hints, do not ask leading questions, not like camouflaged teachings. Oscar Wilde said: "If you want to know what is really a woman thinks, look at her, but do not listen." With men the opposite is true. Need only listen to what he says. Not like, not to anyone, not when, but exactly that. For example, if a man says that he does not like overweight women, it does not mean that:

• you scored a couple of extra pounds;

• He appeared someone who meets the brutal standards of 90-60-90;

• he does not like your mom;

• he does not like your girlfriend;

• He wants to go on a diet and going to ask you to prepare only spinach.

It only means that he does not like overweight women. Such taste. And no more ... But the women ... Women are willing to suspect the worst. And then join the fight for their rights and the rights of full ladies. Phrase of obese women is not taken from the ceiling. Personally conducted the experiment. Everyday tone as casually told his friend to the ladies that do not like fat women. None (!) Has not responded adequately. The closest to a correct understanding said: "What do you mean?" And what I mean? .. And in fact ... Yes just what I do not like overweight women.

Likewise, we just answer questions. That is, we hear the question and answer to a question, not the fact that the matter may be hiding. Occurs because, again because of our simplicity. Well do not come to mind to seek second and third meaning of the question! Only the first. Of course, you can call it a sign nearby. But why, say, to ask the question: "Honey, I do not have crooked legs?" When nine out of ten men in all sincerity said: "No, dear, not very." What did you expect? Both the demand and you answered ... Again, without malice, without wanting to offend, and without any hints. Simply and directly.

Thus, going to ask a man to question, to think three times, and properly formulate it. For he will answer that hear, not what you think. With a sweet directness and unconscious sadism of the child. In general, we prefer to answer "yes" or "no." Less likely to get confused and trapped. And besides, in our opinion, this is quite extensive in most cases the answers. Few women, if a man just do as she wants. She needs to while at the same time he re, felt guilt, drew conclusions for the future and so on. A man needs only the result. "Stop shaving blade to my feet!" Stopped? Clever. Did not stop? I'll say it again. But ashamed or not, you realize your mistake and draw conclusions for the future or find me just miser - it does not matter to me. The main thing now face after shaving does not look like a football.

Simple as a penny

So, I repeat the main idea, the main male secret , the secret of which have made women, not men. We are simple. And to communicate with us in our language, to be easier. And remember that the subtle hints at the thick circumstances are not well understood. Well, do not be offended by it. Themselves to blame. Why do I say that adapt better to you? All too easy - much easier it hard to become temporarily easier than vice versa. Of course, all men are different. There are also those who catch, grasp, penetrate, to seek and find. Occur. Rarely, though, but still. This nuggets. Outstanding personality ... a good example to follow. Unfortunately, many of them. If you are lucky and your man the following question: "Is it too I got better?" - Within half an hour nightingale poured on how you look wonderful, and that the best woman he never met in my life, take care of it as the apple of your eye. Find another of the same - a task almost impossible.

You can certainly try to teach a man to understand simple hints. Teach the same bears to ride a bike! But you can only act kindness. Conduct educational talks, slip the necessary books, to arrange simple test ... Just a little bit. So that it does not overheat. But systematically, so as not to wean. The result, of course, your imagination does not shake, but to show her friends to envy, it will be possible. As shown by the same bear-bike ... It is true that your life is not much easier. He still correctly understand everything a couple of times out of ten. Although it's better than nothing. Naturally, the simplicity of our Men extends not only to talk. Not at all. So we just in their desires, fears, actions, purposes ... What to do! In the end, it is necessary to recall the source material. Where did you see the refined vysokoduhovnye monkey?

That's one of the statements: "During a joint meal, he" feeds "you, putting you in the mouth pieces of the dish that it eats itself. Do not you dare give up, even if you sit on a strict diet! After all, he suggests you that wants to see you always around, split the last piece ".- It is like a woman! What is the depth of analysis and the power of intuition! I had it and it never occurred. And any other man, too. We are simple. When we put you in the mouth pieces of something edible, we really admire the impossibly erotic spectacle. Yes, the kind of woman, soft lips, taking on, say, cherry, stirs our sexual fantasies. And the cherry on the site we represent something else ... Oh sorry. So we arranged.

Or here's another version of the same author: "If a man comes to you with the smile of a serpent-tempter, offering an apple to Eve, giving so at least the same as an apple, a sandwich - in other words, something edible - and says:" Try ... " - it does not desire you to feed them. This is a hint that he would not mind if soon you will taste and flavor of his lips ".- Alas! It's really just a desire to feed you. Maybe you podobreete, and then ... No, not all over, we have reduced to sex. Not all ... I guess. Well, on that optimistic note, talking about men's simplicity and you can finish it. Finally just want to say that some of the things we really is very odd, complex and mysterious. But the main principle of communion with a man who works in most cases - look for the easiest answer, the simplest explanation - and you get to a point.
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