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The more dangerous idea

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The more dangerous idea?

Try to imagine the huge pendulum length of many kilometers. Just sosredotochtes and submit. Thread descends from the clouds and her visit heavy ball the size of a house. When I present it, they usually see it on cable and the lead block of the dark - all the bright moonlit night, a bright, sunny day as the negative - so bright that it seems even possible to read the newspaper. Around the late fall or early winter, a wide empty field, a few bare trees, the dark wooden houses and the church in the distance. And above all this lead to a block of thread: many kilometers pendulum. However, the landscape can provide any, it is a matter of taste. Just try to get the image was bright. That's the idea.

Then swing the pendulum and keep rocking. The first thing you will immediately notice: a pendulum, just like a real, rocking slowly and gradually, in any case, does not want to go in the first oscillation, it is too heavy and inert, the thread starts, hums, the pendulum has resisted, but finally being studied in a slow arc . Rocks the next. For heavy ball flies through the air, whistling, and the trees bend, feeling pressed against the movement of air. Look closely at him for a few oscillations. Just look.

Here it is - pure creation of the mind, the ideal of ethereal, something that does not exist, never existed and will not exist - indeed, something that can not exist - twice the non-existent. Pure mind game. Pure idea. Pure nothingness. And now INSTANTLY stop it - let it hang motionless. Try it. Well, it came out? Pendulum resists. The pendulum, if you do well imagine, did not stop. He continues to swing. And no matter how many times you may have tried to get him to stand still in space, he goes on the destination point, without submitting to you.

There are several ways to "allegedly" to stop him. One can imagine a pendulum, filmed on reel - the film suddenly stops, freezes the frame. Yes, the picture froze, but the original after continued movement. Look not on film, and the pendulum - it still rocks. Try to put obstacles in his path, even put a concrete wall - it will carry them. You can, of course, substitute the mountain, the punch bowl, calm down and lie on it - but that is no longer the pendulum, but just a ball lying on the ground. Pendulum, you still have not stopped. He does not obey you.

By focusing, you can clearly feel the resistance. But it is a trifle, it does not matter. How can this be set for life? "- You ask. About the same as the first crack for the dam or mountain avalanche rolling down the steep first stone. Think about it: the creation of our mind, is absolutely ethereal, doubly nesuschestvuyushee, just born, did not immediately subordinate to us? But how can that be? Svom disobeys his father and the owner? For the first time I introduced the pendulum about fifteen years ago. At times I thought about it. All these years he continued to swing. When I think back about it and imagine it, it sways like rocked before. He never stops.

He did not stop even a few generations later, because I told people about it and now it swings in their imaginations. He almost immortal and not subject to my will. He is pure idea. I invented it, and he immediately found his own life. Do you think that is the case only with the idea of a large pendulum? Not at all. Any idea as soon as born, is no longer subject to its creator. How dangerous idea? " She is stronger than its host. We call this effect the pendulum.

The idea comes into his own life, is not subordinate to us. So it was with the idea of a stone ax. Somewhere someone on the edge of the ancient forest bent down, picked up a stone, hit him another stone and used a tool like an ax. The idea of an ax, was born, has found its own special life and continue into Goals - cutting down forests, protected as a halberd, and smashing their heads, like a guillotine. Incidentally, the inventor of the guillotine ended the life of the knife on his creation - and his idea, too, did not obey him. Napoleon coddling with the idea of conquest, and the same idea and ruined it.

The idea of Christ lifted him to the cross. That's really what Galileo had to escape from his idea, which has already opened over him fanged mouth and licked his lips. And the idea of a proletarian revolution? Is not it ruined most of the revolutionaries, along with counter-revolutionaries? And, perhaps murderous of the ideas, the idea of freedom, equality, fraternity? How many people have eaten it? And the idea of an atomic bomb? No matter how hard humanity tries to subdue this pernicious idea itself, it will never be able to do. Because ideas are immortal and are beyond anyone except its own logic of development. So many people were killed executions and torture has been broken for leaking goals, so many books were burned, destroyed many monuments and hidden clues - but was it destroyed, uprooted while at least one idea? Even the most foolish? What does it mean and what causes this frightening vitality and ability to spread? "- The idea of sprawl among people like ink spots on the blotter. Ideas burn us, like wildfire. The idea strikes us as an illness from which there is no cure.

Infection with the idea

The similarity is, even in words. The man, a sick idea of "hot", "off", he advised "not to flog a fever." On the other hand, fever, or fever, accompanied by acute onset of many diseases: when a person takes possession of infection. Or when a person takes possession of the idea. And, both of fever begins. Remember, the behavior of a small child, seen in a toy store. Only a minute ago, he was calm and the toy he was not completely necessary. But he sees it, is surprised and want to buy. It's hot. If the mother refuses, then his desire only grew, he began to whimper, to insist, or even comfortable fit. What happens next? The mother reluctantly buys a toy and from that moment the emotions of the child begin to fade.

Arriving home, he plays with her new treasure, the next day also plays, but not so willingly, and then throws it all. All - now he "had chickenpox and recovered. Until then, until he sees a new toy store and then "light up". Just behave and adult, with the only difference is that his emotions are not so visible, and he knows how to restrain their desires. If we continue the analogy with the disease, we can say that he had already developed a certain immunity. As shops woman (assume a woman who is not constrained in the media)? - It also lights up when she saw, for example, a beautiful dress and even forgets that not going to buy a dress and a bracelet. And even if she had had eight beautiful dresses she can buy the ninth. From pure whim. So a child collects toys and then almost does not matter.

And a man behaves in a similar manner. Stumbling on the thing that pleased him, but that just totally was not present in his mind, he "thinks". Thinking it's really - just self-justification: he picks up the reasons for which should buy it. If he came up with enough reasons for (or one good), he buys. And it does not think that if he went down another street and saw this thing, then there would not be any reason to make a purchase. The idea of possession of a person and causes him to "get excited". Fever during normal disease may be accompanied by headache, insomnia, and if the temperature is very high, even the disorder of consciousness. Sleep disorders are common and "ideological" fever: possible bad sleep, anticipating the promised fulfillment of desire. A disorder of consciousness, or at least upset the logic of thinking in "ideological" fever just catches your eye.

Man, hot, may decide to explicitly at the expense of their own interests - for example, to spend on unnecessary purchase money that was absolutely necessary for something else. In this mental process is often reduced to the justification of decisions already Dictated IDEA. People already infected with the idea and the idea of forcing him to seek an excuse misconduct. And if you think about their actions later, you realize that really knew the answer beforehand, and exculpatory arguments do not withstand rational criticism. But then, at that moment, they seemed to be sufficient.
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