The most frequent types of deterioration
Rhode Fedorov has many generations of healers. Over the centuries the ancestors of Mary Semyonovna helped thousands of people. Maria Semyonovna told me that for such a long time Fedorovskiy faced with a variety of types of damage. "Previously, each damage was rare, specially for each case of the invention which only the most evil and powerful wizard can bring. Now, thank God, such is not. As a person comes in, so almost immediately see that for a spell on him. But you teach, what damage is and how to recognize it. " Recognize the damage, according to Maria Feodor, the easiest way through the casting. But you need to learn to read over the wax. There is another way - on the grounds. Signs of damage, though the symptoms of the disease. If the symptoms are identical, then cure this "disease" so much easier.
If the person previously was a sociable, open, active, energetic, then when you move such damage as he would "pupate, loses interest in life, closed in itself. He becomes completely indifferent to themselves and others. Often such damage shall bring to an involuntary suicide, because the person ceases to feel the taste of food, indifferent to their own pain. It may just die of starvation or disease: stop eating or refuse treatment. The man who made "Baby Doll", never did not come to a faith healer. Cause it can only be close to understand what happened to him that something was wrong. With that, it's pretty heavy damage, it is simply removed. To do this, read together with the patient prayers of the Holy Great Martyr Trifon despondency. Do not worry, that will not be able to get the patient to recite this prayer: he does not care what to do. If you insist, he will read it only to you from behind him.
Prayer Great Martyr Trifon
O holy Christ mucheniche Trifon fast pomoschniche and all resorts to see you and praying before the holy on you skoroposlushny predstatelyu! Hear now, and every hour prayer us unworthy of thy servants, venerated saints in the memory of your reverend at this house, and predstatelstvuy about us before the Lord in every place. Thou, ugodniche Christ, the great chudeseh vozsiyavy, istochayay tselby inflowing to you in faith and in sorrow suschiya Men zastupayay himself hast promised before the outcome of your lives from this tlennago prays for us in the Lord and ask Him thou this gift: If anyone in any distress, sadness, and mental illness or bodily prizyvati will thy holy name, that will be so relieved from every priloga zlago. And as Thou sometimes daughter Tsarev, Rome City tormented by the devil, thou hast healed, sitse and us from the cruel his wiles to keep all the days of our life, chiefly as a day poslednyago our breath predstatelstvuy about us. Budi us then mate and fast progonitel deceitful spirits and the kingdom of heaven leader. And you are now to where the predstoishi with faces of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, and so vouchsafe us partakers byti prisnosuschnago gladness and joy, but with you Rich country glorifies the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Paraclete for ever. Amen.
Spoiling "banding" connects creative abilities. This damage does not suggest intentional, it can form itself, if someone's creative success is very jealous. Although this damage is not too heavy, get rid of it hard. The fact that the action it is similar to a chronic disease that goes unnoticed and then suddenly it escalates into the worst possible moment. A person can feel nothing, and achieve success after success, but at the time of the special creative off him like a hem wings. It is simply not what can not. This condition can be confused with a creative crisis, when in fact it is not. The crisis in creativity - the phenomenon is normal, but he never comes suddenly. As a rule, a person "stuhaet" gradually: it is because he was just tired, he needs to gain strength. Spoiling "banding" kills creativity STI at the time of their heyday, when a person is at the peak of his career. Often such a sudden loss of inspiration brings people to suicide. Therefore, it is very dangerous deterioration. Get rid of it can only be got rid of vanity and pride. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to do because creative people are extremely proud of him. Moreover, on whom such damage, do not despair. We must first understand what a talent - a gift from God. This is something given by God, was given a gift - and that means, at any moment can be taken away. And sorry for the impossible. In life there are far more important things than work: health, love, in the end, life itself. Need to pay attention to these things and learn to appreciate them, be thankful to God for it. Once you understand this, just get easier. Leave despair. This is the first step to remove damage. To find the humility and get rid of pride will help you two prayers - the prayer of St.. John of Kronstadt against vanity, and prayer Silouan. Read them every day and see how frustration goes away, but at heart the peace and quiet reigns. When will gain peace of mind to return and inspiration.
Prayer of St.. John of Kronstadt in vain thoughts
Lord, do not let me think to yourself as to the best of any of the people, but think of as the worst of all, and no one to condemn and judge themselves harshly. Amen.
Prayer Silouan in trouble on nesmirenii and gift of humility
Lord, give me thy humble spirit, lest I lose Thy grace, and would not cry about it as he sobbed Adam about heaven and God. Lord, You are gracious, tell me, what should I do to put up my soul? O Lord, vouchsafe us the gift of your holy humility. Lord, give us Thun humble Thy Holy Spirit, as Thun art thou save the people and lift them to heaven to see your glory. Most Holy Mother of God, has asked that we humble spirit. All Saints, you live in the heavens and see the glory of the Lord, and rejoice your spirit, - pray, that we have with you.
Spoiling "Shelom" induced persons, who have no talent, and they know very well. The purpose of such people - to find a talented sacrifice, and live at her expense. It is known that talented people are gullible and vain. With the adulation of their friend could be any wicked person. Spoiling "Shelom" like zombiruet man: he produces ideas, implements complex projects, but thinks it came up and did not he, but his "friend." Often, these "friends" knocked in the heads and make the perfect career. Of such talk: "in a strange hump in heaven wants to drive." Get rid of this corruption is not easy, but possible. First, it can help the way you used the Porch "banding". If this does not help, then do the following. Please note that you will need to help a loved one that you trust - a spouse or best friend. The three churches in order public prayers for the health of the man who put a spell. In all three churches take holy water.
Holy Water should be a lot, so, going to church, grab a larger container. Returning home, strip naked, sit in the tub, take in hand a burning church candles. Your spouse (or friend) will need to pour holy water on you, reading a prayer-conspiracy:
Let God arise and His scattered all at once! Yes disappear from the body of this baptized servant of God (name) foes forces of Satan, evil words, envy da rage! Go, go, go to hell! Put a cross at the forty seats in the domes on the forehead, eyes, mouth, shoulders, on arms, chest, back, feet, heels. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, John the Baptist, the Apostles the saints, all saints, all the martyrs and the martyrs, all the virgins and saints, all the blessed and holy fools, all the angels and archangels, with the leader of the property of St. Michael, all the Lord's saints and the righteous! Pray, defend, stand before God, I Remember, God's slave (name) out of trouble, adversity to deliver. No you, Satan, in this body of residence, not place you, you do not have any power over the body of this generation. Here the power of the Lord, the Theotokos throne. Amen. Amen. Amen.