The mystical interpretation of the meaning of numbers
Abstracting from the Pythagorean reasoning, adding that even in those early years, many philosophers have been very unhappy with the narrow limits nine-digital system and started to put forward his theory that received or did not receive confirmation in the further course of their application.
Number 10
The Book of Exodus tells how Moses led the Israelites from Egyptian captivity, and about how he had received from God the Ten Commandments. Since this number is in the West is considered sacred. But long before Moses in Judea was known tithe or tenth part - kind gift of God, or rather, the high priests. The custom of sacrificing priests, one tenth of production goes back to Abraham, who gave the priest Melchisedek tenth of the whole production, it has received from the four defeated the Kings.
The Pythagoreans were ten suns, symbolizing the cyclic improvement. In the Jewish Kabbalah differs ten Sephiroth - is the main incarnation of God, his divine and infinite quality and scope of the emanation of Ain Soph, usually depicted as a Tree of Life. The first of these - the Monad, the First Cause, and the remaining nine trio formed by three, each of which is the image of the original trio: male and female, and combines this ability to understand. And finally, the ten horns on the head shamans of Siberia and Central Asia are the emblem of their supernatural powers.
Number 11
Number 11 was supposed to be flawed, "wrong". St. Augustine cemented this view, linking the number 11 with a sin on the grounds that it is supposedly the perfect number 10 with "excessive" unit. Strange logic, but the deadly sins, there were still seven, but Laws - 10 (as well as the horns on the head of the apocalyptic beast). Therefore, the number 11 came to symbolize some sort of danger, conflict, and revolt. In Europe it is sometimes called, along with the number 13, "a baker's dozen."
However, in theosophy, these numbers have apprehended a little differently, since 10 - the number of the universe, and 1 (monad) is the number of God. At this number, there are instructions in the Bible - Joseph's dream, which saw the star, who worship the twelfth, which was "his star." The Roman Catholics opened in this still, and the prophecy of Christ, which is etoyu twelve stars and other stars - the eleven apostles; lack twelfth as seen as a prophetic reference to the betrayal of Judas.
Number 12
From the standpoint of a purely arithmetical number 12 was extremely comfortable. The results of addition and subtraction, multiplication and division related to the number of 12, have been studied by them were made quite meaningful conclusions - as in the calculations of black magic, and in Christian theology.
Amazed numerology to perform operations of addition and multiplication, and everywhere received:
12 = 2x2x3; 12 = 2x6; 12 = 3x4; 12 = 4hZ and so on.
5 + 4 + 3 = 12.6 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 12.1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 = 12 so then. In the meaning of each of these expressions put certain images, which were interpreted in a positive or a negative sense.
Yet in the first place among the 12 was associated with dividing the sky into 12 parts constellations of the zodiac and the year - 12 months, also associated with the constellations of the zodiac. Each season and each constellation were attributed to certain properties on which science is built of antiquity and the Middle Ages.
A model based on the number 12, is the most important (the next largest - Ternary, quaternary and then sevenfold), as shall be equivalent to a circle, and hence the idea of universality (which at the same time expressed and the number 10). It is for this reason, the State Etruscans were divided into 12 parts, and Romulus founded lictors 1.2 (bodyguards). Jesus promised the apostles that they will sit on the throne and will judge the tribes of Israel.
And just as in the period of Antiquity 12 labors of Hercules, personified the passage of the sun through the signs of the zodiac, with the same 12 signs already in the Middle Ages was attributed cycle of legends about the Knights of the Round Table, because they were required to the completion of the solar cycle, helping the weaker sex, punishment of tyrants, the release of the enchanted people, etc. A similar distribution of the chronology of 12 sacred animals was practiced in China. "The number twelve is the number of perfect. This is the number of signs of the zodiac which the sun visits in twelve months, and to honor this number, Moses divided his nation into twelve tribes, established the twelve cakes proposals and placed twelve precious stones on the breastplate of the High Priest " (HP Blavatsky. "Secret Doctrine" ).
Number 13
13 - number of disbelief and betrayal. At the Last Supper table sat 13 people - Jesus and 12 apostles, including Judas, who had already agreed to betray his Master. But it is clear that the origins of hate for this number back to a much earlier time -. to the days when the constellations in the sky has more than 12, and 13, and one of them, which is associated with either a weaver spider, Arachne, or from the Ophiuchus, was most unhappy. And though the year, as in our day, divided into 12 months, but due to the imperfect observations every few years added to it the 13th month, which, of course, was regarded as unfortunate.
American author James To asserts that in times of matriarchy was 13 marks the lunar zodiac. No sign is Arachne (Spider), which lies between Taurus and Gemini and is characterized by the fact that enabling people psychic abilities. When James suggested that the 13th lunar sign was removed from the zodiac cycle during the conflict between the solar and lunar priesthood. The victory of John Dory was so complete that not only have lost the certificate, but even the memory of these disputes has not been preserved and turned into a persistent prejudice, because of which even today the number 13 in some countries missing in the numbering of houses and apartments.
Incidentally, the witches working collection was and remains a "coven of thirteen, because of their year, 13 months (13 x 28 = 364). Satan in the rites of witches is the number 13. Believe me, banning sow the 13th of any month, goes back at least to Hesiod (VIII century BC. Er.). In the Tarot Death - 13th Major Arcana card.
In Central America, 13 is considered a sacred number (which is based on a 13-day religious calendar week)
Number 22
Number 22 was sacred in the Christian world by the Jews, who symbolized the universe was built in 1922 letter of its alphabet. According to Isidore of Seville, by the Divine Word, spoken in Hebrew, the Creator created in six days, 22 things: the primal, angels, light, sky, earth, water, air, firmament, dry land, seas, seeds, grass, sun, moon, stars , fish, reptiles, birds, wild animals, domestic animals, terrestrial reptiles and humans. Thus, it appears that God has revealed himself through the words of 22 letters and 22 things that are associated with the occult concept of "all things". Apart from this, thereafter Creator gave to His "image and likeness of" 22 books of the Old Testament, that person he could rise above the corruption and re-connect with the Creator. By 22 letters strongly tied and 22 card decks of Tarot. Some occultists claim that the Egyptians in the mysteries of Isis and Osiris from 22 carved on a stone figure of the Holy Book of Thoth, who are believed, after the invasion of the Caliph Omar the Great Arcana Tara
Number 28
In China in ancient times, during the Han, the division produced the Zodiac belt in 28 sectors and ... 28 constellations 3odiaka! And that instead of the usual 12 European sectors, each of which the moon is "inhabited" by two and a half days.
In the Chinese lunar calendar the moon every night "moved" like a traveler from one hotel, the other constellations. Such hotels were isolated stations 28, as the period of the Moon around the Earth was applied but 28 days (exactly 27.322 - the so-called sidereal month). In Indian astrology, such stations are called "lunar parking.
Number 108
On the sacred number 108 mentioned in the description of the ancient Egyptian system. Analysis of the mysteries of 108 tried to orientalist and writer EI steam. Here's what he wrote in his book "Star Signs": "In India, as in other cultures of East, alphabet and number line in addition to the primary role and carried secret esoteric load. In the language dealing with zero means another void, heaven, hole, infinity; unit (ECA) - the beginning, moon, earth, body, ancestor, a Brahmin, deuce (motion) - the twin nostrils, eyes, lips and sun in conjunction with the moon; triple (three) - fire, jewel, Shiva (three-eyed), three of the world, three times (past, present, future), etc. In the ancient Indian magic ethnographers value of 108 tried to "explain" and so 108 = 1 + 7 + 100.
Here, then: 1 - CD Divine vsedaruyuschego Sun: 7 - number of divine worlds (in fact, the visible planets, along with the sun itself, known in ancient times), 100 - number of the sacred rays of the great luminary. "According to the calculations of Plato, the required number equal to half of the 108, is obtained by adding the following figures: one (1) complete the first two numbers (2, 3); two square numbers (4, 9), two cubic (8, 27) - Total: 54 ... "One explanation for trying to find the product of the initial base" magic "numbers: 1 x (2 x 2) x (3 x 3 x 3) = 108.
Now we understand why the Indian gods Surya, Shiva, Brahma, Buddha, Avalokiteshvara have nicknames to 108 (or more precisely - epithets). And why is the fence the first Buddhist monastery of Mongolia, Erdeni-Zu, 108 form a stone mortar. And why Lama religious holidays, the mysteries of the Himalayas involved 108 colorful masks of deities.
In "Revelation of St.. John said: "Whoever has a mind, the count to the number of the beast: for it is a human» (XIII, 18). One hypothesis argues that this number was chosen because of. It is repeated three times the number that precedes the "lucky" sevens. Numerological theory holds that this is an encrypted name of one of the Roman emperors, struck repression of the early Christians, in contrast, some scholars believe that 666 was the monastic number of Simon Magus, one of the leaders of the Gnostic heresy, which the author of "Revelations" may be considered dangerous to early Christianity. However, there is generally at the time of Nero, the monks, there is still a very big issue, because as an institution, created with the specific aim of the cult, and has adapted to this purpose, an organization of Christian monasticism appears only in the IV century AD. er. and until then no monasteries or monks numbered world is not yet known. One way or another in the name of any historical person, which saw Antichrist, numerology, trying to find "an animal number, and, as a rule, it found.
Number 888
Strange number three eights (888) is studying the occult number of Jesus Christ in His mission of the Savior of the world. Curiously enough, the addition of 888 gives the number of b, which is the number of Venus, symbol of love.
Number of Christ (888), thus, is in complete contrast to the number 666, which is frankly, is the number of the beast, for it is man's number. Addition of digits of 666 gives 18, and 1 + 8 = 9 - number of Mars, the symbol of war, destruction and power, and strongly opposed to the number 6, whose symbol is the Love.
In addition to the above numbers include SOF and other numbers that are, so to speak, local scale. Here are some of them:
24 - number of Elders of the Apocalypse, sitting in front of the throne;
27 - the number of United Trinity Church, taken 9 times, symbolizing absolute completeness;
32 - the number of paths of Kabbalistic Wisdom;
33 - number of years of Jesus Christ;
49 - The seven rays of Gnostic Light, each of which contains seven jets of touch;
50 - the number of gates Kabbalistic Mind;
64 - number of Brahma, through which he holds the world
from destruction;
72 - number of the sacred name of Jehovah God;
144 the number of rescued people (Revelation);
423-the number of man (the microcosm) of the Riddle of the Sphinx;
777-number of the Christian Trinity;
999-number itself is rather strange. In the last years before the millennium rose pandemonium around this number, ostensibly just another number of the beast and it will be a "superzver. All these fears resulted in another zilch, as it is, however, happened and exactly 1000 years ago, when humanity beating in hysterics over the past millennium. One dedicated to dare to say: "The devil - God is on the concepts of evil men, and another, using an even more bizarre, but no less vigorous expression, he added:" The devil is formed from scraps of God. " Speaking philosophically, "the devil" - is a human idea of divinity proud, amazed and topple from the sky higher and more humane force. Thus, if we take the number 666 for the number of the devil, then let's take the number 999 for the number expressing the power of God, for it again after 1000 years, did not let the doomsday so that any chance for a better life for us with you still there .