The nature of aggression
Aggression - the main instrument of violence - are organically integrated into the socio-biological life of the individual and society. Such an assertion is seen by many with hostility. "A man must be inherently good or at least good-natured. But if he sometimes behaves rude, cruel rapist, it is temporary blackout in his emotional life, often triggered by perhaps only a consequence of inappropriate social structure, in which he still was "- ironically observes Freud.
He continues: "So, what tells us the story and that we ourselves had experienced, unfortunately, does not confirm what was said, but rather reinforces the proposition that belief in" goodness "of human nature is one of the worst illusions, which the people expects to improve and facilitate their lives, while in reality they do nothing but harm ... a man lies a special instinct - aggression and destruction "(Freud, 1989, pp. 364).
Modern psychologists distinguish positive aggression, which serves the vital interests of the individual, providing him the group and society to the survival and security, and negative aggression aimed at meeting the desire for cruelty in itself. Positive aggression in the formation of human culture is replaced by ethical and moral taboos. Therefore, it would be naive and pointless to strive for its total destruction. It is important to ensure that its manifestations proved socially acceptable and proportionate to the circumstances in which this aggression appears that the latter without encroaching on the freedom and rights of another person. At the level of social groups is a competitive spirit instead of hostility and rivalry, the desire to resolve the conflict situation instead of trying to destroy or subjugate any of the parties, abduction of aggressive energy to substitute objects of sublimation of destructive energy of strong emotions on positive goals.
At the individual level is the awareness and acceptance of their experiences, the recognition of the existence of various of the world and different points of view, a willingness to engage in constructive dialogue, set for positive and responsible self-realization, to compromise. Faced with problems of violence, psychologists often do not exhibit the courage and facilitate its task, limited set of Latin words and talk about aggression and its inhibition. Aggression - a concept neutral, a word which has passed to us from Latin and means nothing other than "attack". It is obvious that the attack as such does not seem the most serious human sin, if we compare it with pleasure, which is received by some people from the violent suppression of the intentions of another person, falling sometimes, figuratively speaking, into the pit prepared for the neighbor.

Are you sure therapists that avoid the abuse of that? I will say softly: psychological knowledge can be a weapon in the hands of the therapist. The value of psychological violence grows as the fall of the popularity of "physical violence. In this situation, psychologists may unknowingly be people involved psychological manipulation, in particular with patients and relatives. Therapist in any case, the psychological pressure, force and should try to do it for the benefit of man, in other words, to serve his creative beginning (eros), but, alas, quite often in the forefront stands the archetypal shadow. It turns out that the harm from psychotherapeutic work can be equal to the desire to help the patient.
In 1970. renowned scientist Konrad Lorenz published his work "On Aggression". In it, he put forward a well-reasoned hypothesis that attraction to aggression a priori built into the human psyche, that is, human aggression for its manifestation does not need an external threat or internal frustration. What is the nature of aggression ? It arises spontaneously (in the form of the formless, amorphous desire) and always looking for the appropriate forms for his discharge. In addition, Lorenz suggested that the human species characterized by the ability and the need to form personal connections, and it manifests itself even at the level of aggression. This ability to establish close ties with other people, and the expression of aggression are, in fact, components of the same pattern.
Studies Lorenz and other ethologists have established that the behavior that looks like a manifestation of underlying aggression, really there is not only humans but also in some animal species, although not at all. Fox, climbed into the chicken coop, chickens choking more than it can eat, and play cat and mouse can be perceived as senseless cruelty. Known experiments conducted on rats, which showed that aggressive traits can be cultivated, that with the help of selection can be displayed particularly aggressive species, prone to violence is also a genetic determinant of behavior. Indirectly this is confirmed, for example, the fact that the vicious, aggressive cancer in rats, producing adrenaline, are much larger than that in rats peace. In addition to hereditary factors determining the aggressive behavior, scientists have isolated a factor of the territory, which manifests itself in birds and animals. For example, a bird family by identifying a place to nest, attack any bird that happened to be nearby.
Then, moving along the phylogenetic scale up to the representatives of the higher animals, we find that they attack as a form of aggression is becoming increasingly associated with the factor of dominance. Status of specific individuals is partly determined by how she is able to fend for themselves, ie, its capacity for aggression. This, in turn, determines how much food will get an individual, whether she can find a sexual partner, etc. Here the determining factor is the desire for excellence, not for aggression aggression. The latter serves as a tool for behavior, rather than its goal. The higher we move forward on the phylogenetic scale, the less aggression manifests features internal inherited characteristics and the more similar jet, the functional behavior. Data for the study of primates show significant dominance in their behavior manifestations of friendliness, the propensity to cooperate and even altruism over aggressiveness.