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The need for interaction with people

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The need for interaction with people

Man differs from animals so that he - a social being. A person grows and develops within the social, cultural and historical traditions and rules, providing an opportunity to meet the needs of all people. Stay a man for a long time alone, without his own kind of society, it will deteriorate and die. Starting from birth, people need other people. Each of us has a need for interaction with people . He comes into this world totally helpless and unable to take care of itself. Even a blind kitten, remaining on the street one can survive. Human child - no. Man feels the need for other, not only for physical survival, but also for the social contacts necessary for the formation of personality.

A person deprived of physical contact with other people, experiencing bodily fasting, and devoid of emotional contact - emotional starvation. People who have bad contact with other people often get sick. Therefore, the interaction with other people and feeling part of the community is important for the human body, it is a condition of his physical and mental health, personal growth. With the help of others a person grows, learns self, social processes, the boundaries of their own and others, but to others a person is maturing as a person. Showing consideration for others, caring for them, we care about themselves and the world in which we live and those who will continue our lives, our ideas, our family.

Healthy relationships are based on:

1) trust;

2) respect;

3) the ability of each party's relationship to present their needs, implement them and support to meet their submission requirements.

If the relationship you have is good, then increase your quality of life, and you can see how at the same time improving the business and improves the weather at home. " At the same time if your relations are based mainly on the conflict, jealousy, envy, or do you isolate from others, the quality of life is deteriorating, and it will definitely affect the relationship in the professional field, home, etc. This is because your relationship with other people - the mirror of your interaction with the world, with the environment. What interaction is the result. If inharmonious relations are likely to interact with the environment prostroeno bad and you can not give or take, to feel bad boundaries that lie between you and the outside world.
When a child is born, he does not distinguish between themselves and the outside world, for him, for example, my mother is a part of him. As the he begins to understand that is part of it, and that - part of the exterior. Process of separation (differentiation) is due to meet the needs of others. And the more clearly expressed to him the needs of others, the better it understands itself: what it is, where does his body, where does his power, where he is in danger. If the people around him did not stand for themselves and their needs, the child grows into a deep misunderstanding of how the world works, how they interact and what is its place in it.

Human relations for each of us play two important roles: connectivity, providing support in the development and designation of boundaries, helping to more clearly understand who I am, and who - others. Between these two phenomena have a very strong relationship: if there are no boundaries, there is no cohesion, since contact can only be two different creatures, and once there are no boundaries - no two separate beings. Then there is no connectivity, but there is a merger, when none of these two men do not understand where he is, and where the other where it needs and where the needs of another. And if these needs can not be isolated, so - to meet.

The importance of relationships in our lives is the fact that to the psychologists for the most part treated the people who complain about problems with other people. You can rightly say that the main problem people are poor relations. We do not give test results and offer themselves to analyze what your relationship with others. Write in your notebook three phrases that you choose from the exercises and that illustrate how you interact with people. Think about what quality of relationship they represent.

Note: The way you treat people, clearly reflects how you feel about yourself. Practice shows that any relationship starts with a relationship with yourself. If you do not love yourself, if you fight with him - a symbol of your relationship with others: if you fight with them. And if other people can not change, you can not force them not to fight with you (after all, the origins of this struggle - you have inside!), Then deal with the dislike for yourself - you can. Once you change your attitude towards yourself, as soon as your life will cease to be a battleground for "perfection" and you allow yourself to be who you are, then you and others be allowed to stay who they are, and in response they are - you .

The main problem for people who are poor relations. At the same time, we can say the opposite. The need for other people is fraught with danger that makes us unhappy and promotes alignment of poor relations. This is due to the fact that often a necessity in the relationship is quite different, our personal unmet need. It was she who pushes us to seek refuge outside, from other people. That it encourages us to look for a man who could save us from the uncomfortable state of unmet need that could be for us, but for us to satisfy it
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