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The negative effects of shyness

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The negative effects of shyness

Some shy children may not survive because of his shyness, mostly children, whose shyness to a greater extent due to the peculiarities of their temperament - a melancholic phlegmatic. For other children, shyness is becoming a big problem that accompanies a person throughout life. Sometimes shyness is a feature of the formation age of the child and runs independently, but may persist and lead to various negative consequences.

Shy person is not feeling that everyone around people constantly watching him and every moment ready to bring his heavy sentence. This feeling is due to the reduced self-esteem and self-centeredness inherent in shy people. They are recessed inward, constantly evaluate and analyze its Ya Shy people are painfully react to criticism and unflattering remarks, very upset by failure and defeat. They are constantly worried: what impression they make on others? What do they think the public about their abilities and physical appearance?

Shyness children have a tough time in kindergarten or in school than their peers nezastenchivym. Shy children are often left alone because of its inability and unwillingness to engage with others, they may offend more active and aggressive children, shy shy to speak in public - at various children's activities on schoolwork - that makes them feel not so skillful, intelligent and talented as the other guys. A shy child is embarrassed to raise her hand in class, respond poorly to the board, despite a good preparation, which may reduce its performance on school subjects. Shy people find it difficult to ask for help, which complicates their lives. In adults, for whom shyness has become a constant companion, suffered a career because of excessive shyness and sensitivity.

It happens that a shy child in school or preschool is simply not paying attention because of his shyness. If a group of children led by insensitive and inconsiderate teacher, the child will not offer participation in activities at the lesson of his little cause to the board. If a child there were problems communicating with peers, it is not invited to children's games, which exacerbates the problem even more shy and automatically dooms the child to loneliness.
Someone else's opinion ... someone else's influence ..

Shy people are often deliberately deprive themselves of positive emotions and joyful experience - refuse to participate in various recreational activities, feel free to visit their interesting sports or any other activities. For example, girls bring pleasure to dance. On the one hand, she wants to go to dancing class and learn to dance with another - it scary that it will be clumsy and awkward, that would look ridiculous in the eyes of others and cause them to ridicule. As a result, the girl just refuses to practice her dancing at all.

Shy people often become captives of others' opinions and judgments, as are hesitant to express and defend his own - they simply submit the proposed or imposed by a stranger. Shy people often have to go on about the more active and confident people, if there is infringement of their rights and interests - they can not fend for themselves. Especially this statement applies to children. Often authoritarian parents of shy children who do not hesitate to make decisions for them in all vital issues - ranging from buying clothes and ending with the choice of school.

 It does not promote self-reliance in children, future adult lives, children are simply unable to choose something based on their own judgments, they just rely on the opinion of authoritative for them man, parent, spouse, manager or just a friend. Shy people are usually easy to believe that they are easier to fool than nezastenchivyh. Aggravation of shyness in some unusual situations can lead a person into a state of stupor, to drastically reduce his intellectual abilities.

Is it not a shame shyness?

The negative consequences of shyness are found in the fact that it brings a lot of worries and inconvenience to people. It should be noted that in overcoming shyness children have a much more complicated than for adults. An adult can read the professional literature on this topic or contact a psychotherapist - to understand your problem, find its causes, to determine for themselves the plan to overcome it and follow the plan, after all, an adult can ask for help their loved ones. The child does not have the life experience to determine the cause of their suffering, to identify the problem and help him to be only the closest people who reside together and have a chance to see all children's experiences - his parents.

Long accumulated voltage may suddenly burst out in the form of aggression or violence, which usually shy people do not expect. If active, liberated people anger arises from the inability to control their feelings, then shy people on the contrary, it is the ability of strict control over their emotions, becomes a cause of aggression. Unfortunately, we know many cases when the quiet and modest people commit violent crime. As a rule, all the people around characterize such criminals as soft and shy.

Of course, in no case should not think that the shy child - a potential offender, but it is very important to teach your baby to get rid of aggression and negative emotions. Usually unmotivated aggression occurs after some little trouble the incident, causing bouts of uncontrollable anger, and often directed at peers. And if at first glance it seems that this behavior is unmotivated, then a thorough analysis of the reasons causing anger shows that aggression was the result of internal stress of the child.

The negative effects of shyness - alcoholism. Unfortunately, this is a serious disease is becoming younger. Drinking alcohol in adolescence is due to the desire maturing children to be like everyone else, do not stand out from the general circle. Alcohol also can feel more relaxed, free and serves as an illusion to get rid of shyness. There is a well-known expression: a drink for courage. Fascination with alcohol is usually held at the end of adolescence, people are no longer experiencing increased depending on the views of their peers, find for themselves new ways of communication and stress relief.

Excessive tension caused by the constant restriction of freedom, can cause adolescents to leave home, to wander, which gives them the illusion of freedom necessary. If a child inspire children that show their anger - this is bad, his subconscious can find a form of spillover of negative energy, such as causing harm to himself. This can be expressed by the fact that a teenager too keen on piercings or tattoos, in severe cases - causing injury to himself, making demonstrative suicide attempts, etc. sent to a negative emotion can cause depression and, as a last resort, many suitsid.Suschestvuet options for the negative manifestations of chronic shyness. It is obvious that shyness is a fairly serious problem and requires urgent attention.
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