The protective power of silver from the evil eye and spoilage
On force protection from the evil silver cross is unparalleled. Worn on the body of the crosses have to be sanctified in the church. If the place where the cross comes into contact with the human body, a rash or a variety of skin diseases, it means that a person is spoiled. It is possible that the chain, which is a cross, you are constantly torn. This is also an indication that an effect on you with magic.
• Silver water strengthens the heart. It helps with poor urine and haemorrhoids. Silver water also eliminates the unpleasant odor of sweat.
To prepare the silver water is necessary in a glass or pottery pour spring water and put a silver coin for at least three days. Take silver water can be 150ml 3 times a day. Silver water is useful to drink from the disruptions in the heart.
• If pure silver to hold in your mouth, it quenches thirst.
• Women in the ears are svyachenye silver earrings that there was no noise in my head.
• wedding silver rings put in a font for children suffering from jaundice and cachexy.
• A patient suffering from jaundice, take baths, to put a few small silver coins.
• No silver products can not be put to the deceased in the coffin.