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The purpose of living together

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The purpose of living together

Most people, families live with the hope that the best and most important thing in their life will come. Later. Once upon a time, but will. Live and hope. Already in fact, it is clear that "hope dies last"? And this majority does nothing for his hopes. And the question is: what, specifically, people expect? That is, hope-what is available? That's the way our life is that most people, the majority does not know how to dream. This is almost never taught.
Dream - a complex, scientifically based process. Daydreaming on the method brings practical results. But this is a very little-known. Almost anyone. And as a result, there is a desire to come, there is hope, but few who have a clearly marked a dream, decorated according to the method of formation, registration of dreams. Few people have clear goals, planned by the method of setting and achieving goals. There are some desires. Get married and have a baby. Washable nappies and watching TV. And as an ideal - to stay home and raise children. But to a man to work and make money. To start. And then (only then!) Appear desire - that guy is not walking on the side. " It's about women.

Men, too, is simple - to have a wife, so the kitchen is not messing around. And that (this one is not recognized out loud!) Someone extolling the merits - which he is a hero-miner ... Add another couple of functions, such as - go on the sea, spend their savings to buy coolest cars - and a set of desires over. And when the two halves are already joined together in a harmonious family when they learned about all the "joys" of family life, all the old dreams are read in their eyes - sadly indifference ... It all relates not to the search phase, when he and she are looking for each other when the two halves of the "fly" around the world to find each other. It all relates to the phase when the daily and annual routine has already pulled the dreamers back to earth.
When will the dreams and begin a harsh reality, the views you see this notorious sadly indifference. But if a woman from this union something else has - the children and the visibility of the family - that man is more complicated. Find the advice of psychologists for the preservation of the family, find advice sociologists, look different and different methods of setting goals. Pick up something yourself. Learn how to dream. Not to collect their "Wishlist" and not be slaves to their needs, and draw their dreams. As can be seen properly. And make a plan for achieving them. Then, and purpose in life appears. The joint objective. The purpose of living together . Your overall life. Then again, my husband turned into a man. Eyes light up and will shine in your direction. The plot of life will rise at full power. And there already from you will depend on which way he would send his plot.
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