The purpose of marriage?
This theme, probably, many would not that strange, but more unusual, because the business aspect of sensual relationships as something not very compatible. But the business did not sense - someone that has, or someone that can give, but in what sense. Any business, any movement, any thoughts must have a purpose. In other actions, thoughts will be in a state that is called "adrift." Some people call it - "surrender to the will of destiny."
True, because stupidity? Their lives, the lives of their unborn children, general happiness, finally, be likened to a lottery ... But this is unfamiliar or strange. The majority believes that the future life, the future our relations are calculable, predict, plan, build, finally. Is this true? The fact that "marriage made in heaven" is nothing more than a literary phrase. Winged, if you want. Such an attitude is only valid for the stupid and lazy. Marriage, he de is accomplished not by our will.
But this is just an excuse for those who then ceases to live together, costs, and assumes no responsibility, shifting the responsibility for the disintegration of the family on the other half. It turns out - was the love and turned a family, not my fault. Or not guilty. Broke up the family - so here I am, like, and absolutely nothing to do with. Marriage is something "fell from the sky." But the great majority of his first steps would be desirable to make a marriage last a lifetime. And why do not we have? Do not get more than half are willing and suffering from this absolute majority. Not everyone is obtained through a period called "lapping characters.
Clear - leaped libido, wedding Soon, soon! Sex, household chores, unfamiliar relationships in the details and so on and so forth. And what marriage is something created, for which the pair is connected to the family? In order to have sex and household chores? Or maybe because "zhenilka has grown? - So it's not" what "and" why. " purpose of marriage?
So after all, why or what created marriage?
This brings me to the main topic. And not raised almost anyone. And even without the "almost." No one at first does not address this important question, namely - the chief. ... And then we will have no time, then turnover to seize, and then will be the first scandals, diapers, then loans, rental, purchase, trouble ... And work, work, work ... So after all, what a pair of young people creates a family? In order to give birth to children, to cultivate and grow? For this? But this is not a property of personality!
These properties (procreation) incorporated in our Creator. And due to the biological data of the body. This can make any pair of little animals - give birth, raise, bring up, let out in life. A man proud of posterity, is to recognize ourselves as part of Darwin's ladder. Not for this couple united in marriage two people. More precisely, not in order, they shall be assembled. Their minds have not yet decorated in concrete thought. But they are apart from their physiological needs something even know how in life, but to work? For something aspire something because they want than to eat? On what is surely more capable, except make babies? So who wants what, who knows what, who was capable of?
-Someone wants to "make" his life, and someone wants to get ready and all at once.
This is similar to the following criteria - the husband-father, husband, son, wife, mother, wife, daughter. The first and second person. Someone leader. Someone will be there. Someone is going to "take." And someone is going to "drive". Just thought this is not decorated in the specific concept of his relation to the future of their half. And if at first, even "before" to set priorities on life, priorities, views on life, then you can decide and, as is the same whether the goal is unity in the marriage?
Distant, the overall goal
For example: to find a friend, become her friend. And, one more than my husband! Friend than a wife! It must be grasped. No neighbors in the apartment and the bed in the morning which diverge at their work, and relax in the evenings together watching television. And two individuals who in their lives they want to achieve something, they want someone to be, want to get some recognition. That way for five years. Or ten. And for this act together, together. Even if - the role of the first plus the second part, but together.
Or another variant of unity: the creation of harmony of interpersonal relationships in a pair of "he-she" - is such a purpose in life. Creating ... But immediately the question arises: which platform on which the base will be established this harmony of relations? What lifestyle are going to live it and it to be able to build their relations on the level of harmony? Issues such as the first goal. And both options are repelled from the first priority - whom to be? What to do? over what period be?
Find in the world of his native mate - a hypothetical chance. Phrase for the books. And children will - neither of whom it will not be affected - nature. By educating children wake instincts. And who does not wake up - on the "pressure" society. So, the purpose of life - birth and upbringing of offspring - is not objective: it is caused by nature. Any small animals capable of ... But to change your personal qualities, to have simultaneous changes in the pair to create a harmonious relationship - that's what might be a target compound in the union of two. As an option.
But the first priority may not be at all. Normal people just go to work, at night occur accidentally in the kitchen. Hello - Hello. Such a formula you like? These lines - motivation: make a goal for the year, five or ten years ahead. You, woman, and you can live without a goal. Do you worry - the house, kids, a husband who is able to "left". But men should be the goal. The long-term.