The ratio of boys and girls to violence
It is believed that boys are more likely to abuse girls. In the acts of vandalism, threats and fights are involved almost exclusively boys. Girls do not feel attraction to violence in an open and rough form, they are distinguished by great restraint and the ability to find common ground with others. Perhaps violence contrary to their nature, and they are always and in all just victims. Despite the unambiguous quantitative preponderance of violent acts committed by boys, incidents of female violence also takes place. From acts of violence committed by boys, they are distinguished by the qualitative aspect - the aggressiveness of girls is expressed differently in another way.
Different for boys and girls to violence . At the core of their relationship to violence is the fact that the bar girls' perception of violence is much lower. What is perceived by the two boys as an innocent desire to stretch the bone, is survived by girls as ugly brawl. Their understanding of what is permissible, is different from the corresponding understanding of boys. The difference in the threshold of sensitivity makes girls a constant feeling of imminent threat and they need to keep the defense - the boys wonder and complain about the "babyu" hysteria. The next thing that draws attention to the aggression of girls - is its selectivity. Violence targeted marks in psychological vulnerabilities of the victim with all her personal qualities. Female aggressiveness is often more targeted in nature, acts directly and in a sense is more effective.
In one of the 5 th grade a boy, awkward, and introvert by temperament, has long sought in vain to attract the attention of their classmates. He was rejected because apparently unlovable and his passion for mineralogy could not understand the rest of the boys. He did not "fit" into the atmosphere of the class. Then he tried to cling to the female half of the class in hopes to win over even classmates, believing that they are good. However, the girl persisted in the reluctance with him to know. The greater was his joy when he received a gift on his birthday sleek package with a cassette. With a sinking heart he opened the package and inserted the tape into the tape recorder, waiting to hear the enchanting sounds of music. Instead, it hit the flow of subtle insults: he looks like a piece of crap, he should return to the womb so that she could get rid of him, making himself an abortion, no one and never fall in love ...
Boys and girls - the wolves or sheep?
Girls are able to better control their emotions. Girl, just plyunuvshaya neighbor in the face of the desk or break his notebook, two seconds later as if nothing had happened to calmly listens to words of a teacher. Often the aggressive behavior of girls is more difficult to recognize. Boys tend to be much more forthright and primitive aggression and often come across. In case of participation in group violence girls prefer to stay in the shadows, acting secretly: they do not go beyond expressing admiration for heroism classmates, they dare or incitement against each other. They give their favor boys, according to their behavior. Cases when a girl allows himself to get involved directly in the conflict are rare.
In one of the senior classes where the constant change of teachers. Period of time during which the teacher was standing pressure from the class, becoming shorter. Finally, the class came to the teacher who decides to resort to the most "tough measures". He focused on a group of boys, leading to the manifestation of aggression. The class collectively decided to punish the hated teacher. Finally, four girls volunteered to waylay him on the street, as it follows him to threaten and, if necessary, to select a portfolio. They have fulfilled the promise. The teacher was so discouraged that he preferred to resign. Cases of such attacks are rare. It is noteworthy that all the girls in this group were very nice and wore fancy, expensive stuff. Looking at them, nobody would have thought that they could scare anyone to death.
In the age group of adolescents from 11 to 13 years, the power sometimes goes to the girls. It is well known that in this age girls are a distinct physical advantage over the boys ahead of them in development. They are aware of their advantage and derive from it for yourself a favor. They begin to perceive themselves differently, and otherwise build their relationships with others. In one class, the impetus to change the behavior of girls served as lessons in self-defense classes that parents sent their daughters. They began to apply techniques learned in the classroom and soon began to pose a serious danger to the boys. Girls are not just used to practice the skills they have moved to group activities. Attacking students and younger pomilovidnee, they are threats forced them to kiss their shoes, etc. Interesting reaction itself boys: as soon as they saw the overwhelming supremacy of girls, they have undergone a complete regression. Their behavior is almost made like the behavior of infants - whiny and helpless. Moreover, their self-esteem dropped sharply.
Girls can be aggressive and spiky, and with respect to the teachers who do not like. Often they know what the theme should be affected, to embarrass the teacher. One teacher received a letter from two tough girls in which they accused her of lesbianism, and of abusing his position to obtain sexual gratification from girls. Girls threatened to denounce her to the school if she did not immediately take away from their class. The girls were able to exploit the ubiquitous pop-up free child molestation.