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The ratio of men to sexual manipulation

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The ratio of men to sexual manipulation

Sexuality - the only weapon of women in the struggle for survival. What, and rob? No, this can not be tolerated! Another thing is that all you need to know and remember about the measure of conscience. We still are not as dumb animals, as we are often portrayed in the books of a bitch. And the clumsy attempts to move women up the corporate ladder, only slightly opening the knee, really make us disgusted. Mikhail Zhvanetsky wrote something like this (with the quotes do not guarantee the accuracy, but the essence convey true): "I was neporyadochen in goal, she - in the media." Very true observation.

Indeed, men can and are making something not very noble, but they do it quite openly, so to speak, with a raised visor. Women also tend to more worthy goals. But how! .. But men are very sensitive to the rules of the game. We believe that in most cases it is necessary to act openly and honestly, without resorting to "ruse." Accordingly, when a woman starts to behave "unsportsmanlike", we regard it as a violation of the rules of the game, worthy of censure. Here is a typical example of this "unsportsmanlike", in our view, conduct.

Quote from the book remarkable writer Victor Koneckogo: "I had a few friends, to write prose. That was long ago. Young and pretty tempting. Does not really blue stockings. And all were talking about literary victories (at the front of printing their stories), the same stories. Seductive writer, comes to the magazine's editor, brings a manuscript. Editor pecks on her charms and asks for a date, in short, hints, a scoundrel and a feudal lord on the bed. Writer elusive perceptible hint makes it clear that everything will happen in due time as to the Scriptures. Editor of her opus pushes. After that, the proud author reports that he, the editor, not on that was met, that she faithful wife and generally inaccessible Everest. " Yeah. Clearly, the editor is also to blame. Nothing, you know, hints of bad to do. But still ...

Must be skillfully manipulated
This is a very typical situation of manipulation. Shall not discuss the moral side of things. It has long been known that the morality of men, women and morality - things are completely different. With this you just need to accept that. But here is the manipulation ... The ratio of men to sexual manipulation, is calm. This is normal. Abnormally when it is done crudely and primitively. You can manipulate, humiliate not. Man will never be a fuss if it is in this manner ran his finger around. Well, a little upset, hmyknet, they say, the fool, and this will calm down. Because he knows - all of justly. These are the rules of the game. But only if you did not touch his pride, and even honor. That is, if he does not fail on occasion to strike back.

Groans Western men that they can not stand when they are treated as sexual objects to me, frankly, quite incomprehensible. They are also considered a kind of manipulation. Oh-oh-oh! .. What they're all sensitive ... Well, or so they think women are books about men cheerfully write. In fact, much more offensive when we are treated, as in:

• wallet with ears,

• massoviku-Zateynik,

• boy for

• cheap labor.

Sex object? Yes, for God's sake! Here is what one of the men in the book by Barbara De Angelis: "When I see a woman, openly showing their sexuality or simply adhering to me, I feel sexual arousal - automatically. But this is purely physical. Inside me there is an aversion to it, moreover, I feel offended by how I was treated. " Well, where's the manipulation? Such complaints are normally hear from a woman. But from a man? ..

Such behavior does not like us, only two cases:

1.If the end scrolls woman dynamo.

2.If the woman we are absolutely not attracted to looks.

If neither the first nor the second, we are not against such behavior. On the contrary, hail. But when the show legs only to get into a purse, and do so boldly and primitive - it would cause revulsion in every self-respecting men. In general, the relationship "you to me - I'll" suit us just in case, if the woman no interest other than sexual, we do not feel. If it is interesting to us and how people bash to bash us absolutely no need.

Oh, those coquette

Another type of manipulation - flirtation with other men. Or detailed and not very many stories about the fans or as many former partners. For such revelations, we see only a lack of confidence. Nothing more. Men, too, behave similarly. If he is sure of himself, knows what women like, it will not be left to right, telling of his adventures. And not only women but also men. Who cares about that? That is if there is any doubt in their own attractive and interesting, then - yes, you Tom, Dick and Harry to tell about their victories and the crowd of fans, which supposedly do not know what to do.

We are conducting themselves well, so things like women's crack fast. And within a nasty giggle when we hear all the groans, sighs like: "Oh, do not know what to do with them ... As they tired! Then in the movies, a restaurant, and one all-in-Paris is calling ... "I have to always say:" Calls? Go on! "And what, you immediately begin to appreciate her more? Too frantically to invite to restaurants and Paris? Aha, now! If I am someone somewhere inviting, it is not because I'm afraid, as I had not been surpassed. And because I want it. And to manipulate me so stupidly is not necessary. Nothing but disgust, it does not lead.

The same applies to stories about his ex. Just irritate them. We're not going to change to be like them. We will not change the line of conduct. Many women in fact a thought: if I tell him that I liked in the behavior of my ex-husband, he will behave the same way. Ha-ha-ha! Like the former - to return to him. And the whole story ... Summary: manipulate us with their sexuality can and should be. But this should be done subtly. And do not scoff then over our silly faces. Annoy us rough handling. We, of course, being blunt, but in all that comes to sex, rapidly umneem. I said that we need to play. Yes, it is necessary. But not here pripletaya sex. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite result.

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