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The reason why we get sick

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The reason why we get sick

Most often unknowingly bought himself the disease are children. Baby needs a lot of warmth and caring parents. And they can be constantly engaged in clarifying relationships with each other or some kind of their own affairs (business, school, hobbies). As with the child's parents' attention? He has only one solution - to get sick, and he is actively using them. Once a child becomes ill, the parents throw all their affairs and deal only with them - a goal achieved. Adults, too, sometimes want a break from the hustle and continuous trouble, I want to feel the care and attention of loved ones. In everyday daily routine are all busy in their own problems: work, household chores, earning money, building a country cottage or something else. In the end, though, and people live together, but they have no communication, lack of mutual attention, care, interest in the problems of each other. They begin to look for, how it can get, and some find - through sickness. Once a person becomes ill, he start to pay attention to families and children, always busy with my husband (wife) are interested in the fact that sick at heart, what he needs, etc. As disease-free all get it? Almost impossible.

Children often use the disease to achieve their goals. The child craves a favorite toy, and parents do not want to buy it. How to be a child, how to influence parents to fulfill his desire? Only one way out - ill. Child falls ill and her father and mother bought him everything he wants - if only to recover. This same method is actively used by adults. Do not you want to go to the unpleasant meeting, but you can not see the possibility of avoiding this - the body comes to your aid. You have a fever (sometimes 2-3 hours) and you with a clear conscience remain in place - where did you go with a temperature?
 Illness as a way of being

Another popular and widespread among some populations way of ordering his illness in order to occupy their free time and feel "in business". For example, seniors often suffer, as the disease gives them a lesson: to go on doctors to comply with medication regimes or procedures, complex brew herbal teas from herbs. Have extensive threads to interact with other patients: what have new drugs, as the case grows from friends like doctors behave in relation to the sick, etc. etc. As a result, their lives are filled with meaning, a person feels in charge. And what would he do if he were healthy? Another category of "fighters" for their health, oddly enough - housewives, while ensuring their husbands. If the husband earns a little bit, then the wife is actively involved in the creation of material wealth families through rational expenditure of money, buy food, and other goods at the lowest prices. She feels claimed she "in fact".

Now imagine a woman whose husband earns a lot or a lot. Go to work it makes no sense, save - the more so. While children are young, she claimed. But when children grow up, total maternal custody is becoming a burden to them and they begin to show independence, depriving the mother of spheres of her worries. What remains to do such a woman, especially if it is energetic and full of energy? If her head is not okay, then it starts to sort things out with her husband. There are claims such as: "You do not respect me, come with me no heed, you're not with me delishsya, I'm for you like a stranger" and the like. Terminate such disassembly is usually in divorce. As a result, she has a lot of goals in life: to find a job, to catch a husband is not worse than before, to raise children. Her life was filled with meaning.

Another traditional occupation of housewives - the fight against overweight. Overweight, it is certainly not a disease, but the time and effort is sometimes more than other diseases. Entertaining thing in this case - the very process of struggle against excess weight, rather than the result. That is why it is often stretched on for years and leaves open the possibility to engage in this fascinating business for many more years. While not sick. And it will continue for as long as people do not consciously choose yourself some other occupation and the need to fight for the health of not disappear by itself.

 Disease gives a sense of significance

Another option - a situation where the first well-known and successful people remain without work. Athlete, artist, activist or politician to reach the zenith glory remains gone, often in a rather young age. What to do man accustomed to attention and adoration of the crowd, communicating with celebrities? Go to ordinary job? The soul does not accept. And people are affected, but not simple, common disease, especially that no one can heal (sometimes this takes the form of mental illness, for example, he begins to hear "voices"). At first he treated in his clinic, then in an urban clinic, and then he was sent to a specialized institution, where he was involved in the disease luminaries of medicine. All it again in the spotlight, with worn, he sympathized, to communicate with him a celebrity. Let it hurt, but again he has created the sort of life to which aspired. His sense of self-importance gets complete satisfaction.

Illness as a way to rest

Another very common reason we get sick - we want to stay. Maybe you have a very intense pace of work, leaving no time for rest. Maybe you are free to manage their time, but your internal setup does not allow you to relax, when other work. You work, work, work and do not see the possibilities on how to stop this continuous run "around the circle." You want to take a break, but do not know how to do it. Here comes to the aid of the body, which needs to really exhausted, and your internal order is implemented. You get another OCR or something more serious and with a clear conscience relaxing week or two. Sometimes parents come to the aid of their children - a child gets sick, and provides the mother a couple of weeks on sick leave for child care. A sign of this is that the child usually recovers within two or three days and the rest of the time she can spend entirely on himself.

Sometimes a person needs to take an important decision: to change jobs or residence, marriage or divorce, ask or demand something, but he did not dare to do it. Idealization of its imperfections (in the form of fear to make mistakes) prevents him to take a final decision. If time running out, and the final decision is not everything, comes to help the body - he falls ill, and the person has reason to further postpone the full term of the decision. As you see, disease gives a lot of hidden benefits, and if you do not recognize them, then we can treat even a lifetime without any result. And the result will not be because your subconscious mind will return you to the disease again and again, because it you really need to get the benefits of the unconscious. What is the solution of this situation?

To begin to understand what benefits you receive as a result of the disease. Then find another way to get these same benefits, but without the disease. And start getting them without paying attention to the disease - thus you give the subconscious mind to know that its aid you no longer need. You no longer need the attention of her husband through illness and get him with his sexuality. You are not looking for a way to avoid an unpleasant meeting you, and simply call that person and say you do not want to meet him. You are not looking for a point of application of their strength within yourself, because you've found a lot of things in the external world. Only with this approach, medical or healing efforts will effect a full recovery, and the disease will not come back to you in a month or six months or a year after treatment.

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