The reasons for closure of the Child
Closure of the child can be attributed to many reasons. Firstly, these behaviors may be associated with psychological features of the baby, the subtlety of his psychic organization, the richness of his inner world. This child prefers to be alone, he willingly takes on lessons that require solitude: happy sculpts, draws, designs ... In this case, the parents must be extremely careful and sensitive to your baby. Therefore, concern, prompting fears that he had "something wrong", I said. The desire to "rehabilitate" a baby "until it's too late, rude intrusion into the fragile world of his dreams and fantasies can cause serious damage to its development, and if the kid really hide" in its eggshell, "" go into yourself. "
Another thing, when closed, causes the child of his fatigue, malaise, a quarrel with a close friend, not understanding their peers in the children's team ... In such cases, parents just need to carefully find the cause of mood swings and, if in your power to help your child more safely through this period. Quite common for children is considered closed in families where one child is brought up. Deprived of contact with a brother or sister, is almost always forced to play alone, he gets the wrong setting for socializing, and his communication skills are developing at times incomplete.
Is no exception and disunity among the members of one family, who take the benefits of modern civilization, the normal communication replaces a short talk on the phone. Not seeing the parents need to communicate with relatives and friends, the child did not feel it, and eventually cease to strive to make contact not only with relatives, but also with those who surround him in everyday life. Perhaps the reasons for closure of the child in you? Do you pay enough attention to the child?
Maybe you're always busy, you could never have what to play with the baby, but even talk to him or at least listen to what he wants to tell you? And whether that happened, that the kid was running to you, happy to show what a beautiful stone he found while walking, fashioned an unusual car from the designer fashioned this bear, and you're cutting it broke off or even cried just because you are torn away from watching a TV show or an exciting soccer match? Quite often the reason a child is a permanent closure of its displeasure with talk or actions of a family member. The kid is constantly being told that he does not like: too loud (or quiet) talks, in a big hurry (or slow), not walking, not sitting ...
Psychological test
To determine the likely cause of closure of the child , conduct a simple psychological test - ask them to draw their family, then look closely at the picture. At first glance it may seem that before you meaningless scribble, but a careful, thoughtful consideration of the "creation" can be quite specific and sometimes very disappointing conclusions. First, note how the child portrayed himself:
-If he painted a close-up, especially if all the other larger pieces, it's quite spoiled and requires special attention from the people around him;
- If, on the contrary, his figure is too small, so child evaluates its role in the family as a minor;
- If the child has depicted himself in the center, so he feels the most important, the child was accustomed to attention from the other family members. If, however, aside from the mom, dad and other relatives, so he paid too little attention, and he probably thinks himself alone;
- A big difference in image sizes of family members spoke about the violation of harmonious relationships within it. Small figures depicted individuals indicate their position insignificance, large - on the contrary, their importance;
- If all the pieces are equally large, we can confidently say that the family know how to respect everyone's opinion of its members, each see self-identity;
- Too small figures indicate mental discomfort kid, so you should look to it: normally if he feels, is not suppressed if he is not inclined to whether the depression?
- If the kid draws itself in the family, so he reaches out to communicate with their relatives. It is wonderful when the child draws all holding hands - is an indication that the family friendly atmosphere, communicating with each other all the pleasure;
- If the child has placed all his family in different rooms - this is a serious reason for you to think: is the time you spend together, whether you communicate fully, does not live there, each of you own life?
- If the child instead of the family painted a simple home, where not seen a single person, hence, communication with loved ones does not give him the necessary understanding, moreover, the situation in the family is so tense that the kid thinks it is hostile to him;
- If the figure next to the family members present a favorite toy, a dog or cat, it means that your baby is not enough heat, most likely, it was a pet or toy replace him communicate with parents on the same evidence used in drawing a large number of small parts;
- If the child drew himself among toys near a TV or computer, so he prefers to "communicate" with these items, rather than with family members;
- A strong pressure on the pencil when drawing of the increased anxiety of the child, the weak lines in the drawing say about his disbelief.
Pay attention to the feeling with which the child took the picture. Draws with pleasure - loves his family, feels comfortable with, agrees only after lengthy persuasion - something is wrong in regard to child or between adults, the child does not receive due attention in the family or warmth.
Can be carried out such a test: Draw (schematically) on a piece of the room, "place" in her family members, except the child, and ask him to "place" in the room itself. If he deems it necessary "transplant" someone from one place to another, does not prohibit it, give him complete freedom of action.
Subsequent findings:
- In that case, if the child unconditionally selects the chair next to mom, dad should think about their relationship to the child;
- If the child wanted to sit down between parents and asked for this change seats any of you, it means he loves you in about the same and you both were able to surround him with her care, and child knows that love and mom and dad;
- If a child wanted to sit alone in a corner on the chair, you need to sound the alarm, because the baby in the family lonely, lonely, uncomfortable. Variables as soon as their behavior, give your child more attention and love, otherwise dismal results of such an attitude will not keep you waiting.