The reasons for womens diseases
Women are emotional beings and impressionable, and even if the women around the impression of "Die Hard" in her heart she vulnerable and sentimental, but some are able to hide it from prying eyes. Not many people know that the root causes of diseases affecting women, is the perception of themselves as women.
Women are very self-critical establishment, sometimes unnecessarily. Gynecological diseases arise when we have something not accept in themselves: we do not like our manners, we feel that we have a terrible figure, not enough good features, small, or the turnover is too big breasts, etc. Sometimes the woman is afraid to let the man in your life, become weak, to trust him, it suppresses a woman, her nature.
Diseases associated with the sexual organs, is directly dependent on our perception of sex, many women hesitate to intimate relationships, for some sex - is sinful and unclean. Women are dissatisfied with the opposite sex, as well as those ladies, who generally avoid men tend to have problems with the sexual organs.
Gynecological Diseases
If a woman embarrassed with their sexuality, avoid long-term relationship, doubts that could become a good wife and mother - is a high probability that it will have problems with the uterus. It's simple - the uterus symbolizes the womb, the source of life. Doubt that you can give beloved man pleasure, you can make and give birth to a healthy baby you unconsciously "sending" negative energy to your reproductive organs!
If you have a very long time remember wrongs caused by men, and it is very difficult to be generous and forgiving - you know that you can develop a variety of tumors of the uterus! If you think you have been constantly humiliated, do not appreciate your "I", you feel it is flawed, as a woman - do not be surprised if you receive regular gynecologist you have been diagnosed: cervical erosion.
Many women suffer from bleeding. Very often the problem lies in a depression and an inability to enjoy life. Symbolism uterine bleeding - leaving joy. Get rid of old grudges and anger, feel like a real woman, and joy back into your world!
If a woman feels insecure, doubts his femininity, he feels insecure, afraid to get acquainted with men, because there simply was convinced that meets a scoundrel - have such a woman likely to develop endomerioza. Frustration and disappointment and constant frustration with their male peers, leading to changes in the uterus.
Menstrual disorder usually suffer from the women and girls who are very critical of her femininity. Another reason - not taking sexual pleasure, because sex is perceived as something out of the ordinary, sinful. If the woman protests her feminine, nature, trying to dress in baggy things that God forbid do not emphasize the chest or waist, trying not to use makeup, look less feminine as possible - at a monthly ladies may be lost altogether.
If a woman feels just a chronic aversion to men, even to yourself is not that communication with the opposite sex can be held warm and friendly and give love and joy, look after men and is deeply convinced that somehow influence them useless - this woman can suffer inflammation vulva, vaginitis and belyami.
Women who have no time for such nonsense as the building of relationships, usually replaced sensual pleasures spiritual development. They justify their choice by the fact that sex is a primitive and banal, but the self is something that can really make them happy. Typically, these women are cold enough, they do not trust men who are experiencing stress in the communication can not relax and enjoy. Consequence of these developments - frigidity. But this is nothing like a normal fear, unwillingness to admit the sensual pleasures in his life.
I want to have a baby ...
Probably few people know that in the subconscious of a barren woman is the program of destruction of children. No, woman, of course, does not wish the death of her unborn child, but the emotions that she feels make viable unborn child, they kill the child's soul, and as a result - even if a woman becomes pregnant, the child can not make it. What is it about women in the subconscious that does not let her get pregnant?
If we turn to religion, many religions, a woman was associated with fertility and the body. A man synonymous with the spirit and fertilization. The woman should respect a man if she would be in the subconscious contempt - it would be futile because such a woman despises the spirit!
Therefore, if a woman subconsciously set up a very aggressive towards men - it can cause infertility. And here we are talking not only about the contempt, but also about the injuries, the claims of jealousy. But it is not only an aggressive attitude toward the opposite sex can cause infertility. Very often women are afraid of the future, like and want a child, but at the same time afraid of uncertainty. And maybe I still do not have to give birth, I still have time, etc.
While the woman in the subconscious will be no commitment to a baby, she will have problems with fertilization. The only problem in your thoughts and emotions, not afraid to be a mom, do not be afraid of childbirth, is not afraid to grow stout. Once you realize that your child is happy and that everything else is so insignificant compared with the ability to have children - you will immediately be able to get pregnant!
Go to your subconscious fears must be treated very carefully and cautiously! Miscarriage - is also our fears! If you are constantly spinning in my head: What if he throws me ... I'll raise the child herself? And one is born sick child? And if I can be a good mother, etc. etc.
Some women begin to doubt, already pregnant, the error of choosing the time of pregnancy and childbirth. All these thoughts have a negative impact on the fruit, you are in this currently is not recognized, but subconsciously you resist, pregnancy, and as a consequence of the uterus begins to reject the fetus.
At all times, symbolizing the feminine and spirituality, and a siren, and the temptress, and the great mother goddess. Women devoted poems, portrayed in paintings, praised and admired. Therefore, the lovely women like himself and his nature, and then you forget about women's diseases, and everything in your life will take shape as you would wish!