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The relationship of children and parents

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The relationship of children and parents

To understand the significance and role of the parents and children, we need to take a step back. Should look at the situation from the outside and think about the deep background of the value of family relationships. Apart from the purely personal aspect, the relationship between parents and children inherent archetypal character. This means that problems arising in relations between parents and children owe their appearance not only the idiosyncrasies of this particular mother, father, or the temperament characteristics of the biography of the child, but also an impersonal factor as a partial staging drama meets the deep needs of the soul.

 The relationship of children and parents are a reflection of a cliché, rooted in hoary antiquity, the matrix of relations, always ready to become a reality. Nature of intra-communication between children and parents formed as a result of mastering their own and others' experiences only partly true. Parents and children in many ways just blindly follow the path outlined in our unconscious. In contacts with our children our purely personal psychological reaction is constantly painted and modified archetypal forces and influences. Our need for a father and mother, goes beyond the need for them as specific individuals serving in this role, we feel the need for a father or mother, as such, in impersonal terms.

On the one hand, it is manifested in the characteristic of all parents wish to preserve and protect their children in every possible way to care for them, but on the other hand, is expressed in our fears, as well as in the fact that most children want to see my father is not just other, but above all it accordingly father in their understanding, because in school the teacher to be a good little fellow, he must not deviate from its role mentor. In an archetypal perspective father and mother are an expression of the opposite pole. Children's instability and fluctuations, curiosity, innocence and daring oppose parental stability, security, experience and caution.

Do not get me wrong: whatever uncomplexed, progressive and open to new trends nor was the position occupied by the parents personally, it does not change their age-old archetypal roles in which they act by definition. It forces them to defend conservative values, and to call back quite independently of their quality of life and from their position on specific issues. As archetypes, they can not be progressive, can not keep pace with the times. Archetypal scenario requires parents to adhere to the values, ideas, or behavior patterns related to the past.
The position of children

Finding children's own position, their identity as the discoverers of new horizons are possible only in case of recognition of parental attitudes clearly retrograde and backward. Children need to father was anxious and concerned about the behavior of his son, "do not fit into any frame, they need to furious indignation mother angrily pulls out of the hands of his dityati toy gun. Children will not be able to realize themselves fully, they can not afford to be naive and irresponsible, if the parents will no longer adhere to crash, conservative and sometimes completely outdated trends.

Concerned parent-child view provides the necessary psychological space for experiments on himself and the environment. In the absence of guiding pole, marked by the position of the father and mother, the children can not afford to play tricks with impunity and to express views that are diametrically opposite parent. From the perspective of archetypal symbols, the parents and children are the characters in the drama with a clear-cut plot and there is a conflict, each time filled with new content. This drama is repeated from generation to generation. For this reason, critical in the education are not value orientation, and the manner of presenting, filing.

Fears are in the same category. Fears and concerns of parents is partly borrowed by them from their children. Children get rid of their fears, shifting them to the "shoulders" of parents. Parents fear for children due to their archetypal roles: on the one hand, it is feared the possibility that children will fall under someone else's negative influence, on the other - sometimes anxiety and fear for the fate of children is their shocking deeds. However, all this fits into the framework of the archetypal role of the father or mother.

Within this relationship the parents take responsibility for part shade. Their task - to protect children from negative aspects of reality. Although mother and father and children seem old-fashioned, reinsurers and seeing all the bad, in their heart of hearts glad by the fact that parents have the responsibility to ensure that something might happen. If the parents forget about this its function, the children often feel ill at ease. Parent's refusal to match its archetypal function leads children in extreme confusion. Where the wall from which they can push to get into the hands of the wheel of life?

The fact that parents are the opposite pole, forcing them to constantly feel anxiety in connection with their children and fear for them. A proportion of the violence in the student's environment is generated by the refusal of modern schools and teachers from performing this function. The desire of teachers to find consensus on any matter and their desire to resolve all issues collectively deprive students the opportunity to see them as opponents. The consequence may be an escalation of violence, do not stop until until desired response occurs. The task of the parents - to become the opposite pole, so that the children had the opportunity to pass on to them, their fears, concerns and fluctuations. Fear, inspired by children to their parents, and parents fear for their fate - the necessary conditions for normal development of children, they serve to safeguard the protection and care. Parental fears provide children with space to maneuver in their quest and daring.
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