The role of interest in negotiations
For many of the negotiations characterized by a model in which the parties perceive the problem to a conflict of positions, and the purpose and the decision - to accept one of them and abandon the other. Naturally, we are talking about positions, as a result of negotiations often come to a standstill. If the librarian has remained within the two designated readers of positions - open or closed window, the decision and would not be found. When he turned to their true interests - to provide fresh air and avoid the draft, out soon showed up. This difference between the positions and interests is crucial in terms of the impact of the negotiations. What is the role of interest in negotiations?
Interests - the main thing in the negotiations. They are the motivation of human behavior, the driving force real action on the background positions. The main problem of any negotiation is not a clash of visible positions, and the conflict of real interests. As the philosophers would say, it is necessary to level the level yavleniyapereyti suschnosti.Vasha position (the phenomenon) - this is something that you decide. Your interests (entity) - what made you decide. Interests as the driving force behind people's actions. At the core of any model of human behavior lies needs. A detailed list would be endless. No classification does not give any idea of how different requirements are imposed on each other. In addition, any classification can only give a frozen picture of the living, constantly evolving process. Because of time constraints in preparing for negotiations, we can only deal with large key categories relating to the fundamentally important and predictable things.
Recognition as a necessity - a complex of desires and movements of the human "I", which can be divided into two groups: the desire for freedom and independence, the desire to be strong, competent, confident, and the desire to have a good reputation, prestige and achieve high status and power, career development, recognition and respect on the part of "significant" others, appreciation. Huge impact on people's behavior ambition certainly confirm this research. Sense of pride in their achievements, recognition and admiration of colleagues encourage people to act better than other stimuli (eg, the prospect of earning extra money). If you face a man who has achieved all their own, relevant to compliment and recognition of its success will give him to feel that the effort is not wasted.
Assertiveness, self-actualization. Satisfying the primary needs of people continue to be concerned. Many people can not feel happy if the case that they do not correspond to their potentialities and capabilities, even if they have achieved great success and received recognition experts. Man, in which "sounds" music, she wants to do it. Happens in the high-pasted official or a successful businessman "breaks" the potential artist or a poet. Pulls people to do that to which they have an internal pull, and that brings a real pleasure and satisfaction. Unfortunately, it is often impossible, causing disharmony. Knowledge and understanding - a natural need for a normal person. Curiosity leads people to experiment, generates interest in new, unexplored. Thirst for knowledge and desire to "get to the bottom" - a vital factor of human behavior. It is this need gave rise to great thinkers and scientists. It can be satisfied, but only under the condition of freedom and security.
At the heart of the aesthetic needs is the desire for harmony and order. Some people literally get sick once they find themselves in an ugly situation, and come to life only after the satisfaction of feeling beautiful. Passion for beauty is particularly pronounced among artists and designers.
How to spot a hidden agenda opponent
Discover hidden interests behind the positions - means to take a step to success in the negotiations. How to do it - is less clear. Present position of the parties most transparent and concrete. Interests behind them, subtle, may be closed shaft emotions, habits and national peculiarities, etc. How to understand the partner's interests and better understand their own?
1) Put yourself in the partnera.Rassmotrite position, which is a partner and ask yourself the question: "Why?" Most likely, one or two answers come to mind. This is already something. You can also just ask a partner, why it is precisely this position. This will show that you are asking not for the sake of idle curiosity, but to understand the needs and requirements, which stand for the position.
2) determine what action, according to him, you owe him predlozhit.Posle this ask yourself why a partner he did not take this decision? Try to determine what interests prevent this. If you want to affect the point of view, the starting point must be an understanding of how it is configured.
In the course of attempts to define the interests of the partner is very helpful to ask yourself two more questions.
> On whose decision I want to influence?
> Does the other side of the idea of what solution you think it should take?
If you do not have clarity in the partner of her, too, can not be. This alone may explain why he does not accept your expected solution. Entering into negotiations, each party has, as a rule, not one but several interests. At the same time will be prosecuted to their own and shared with partner interests. Typical error - the belief that the other party has the same interests. So rarely. In addition to matching, there are differing and conflicting interests. It is also helpful to realize that the negotiations involved, and other persons and influences, both physically and invisibly - members of the delegation, certain powers, instruction manual, the requirements of the voters, etc. To understand the interests of partners should identify the different interests that it must be taken into account.
The most powerful interests - this is basic human potrebnosti.Chtoby identify partner's interests, special attention should be paid exactly on the basic needs that motivate people's actions. Taking them into account, you will increase the chance of a favorable outcome of negotiations. Practice, however, shows that it is basic needs are often overlooked, but the main interest comes down to money. But if basic needs are perceived only as ihproblemy - Success can not be expected. Success is possible when ihproblemy deemed legitimate, and begin to be seen as part obscheyproblemy. Make a list of interesov.Podobnaya work helps to identify the interests of the partner, deepening understanding of them upon receipt and processing of information, remember and rankings. It can also stimulate new ideas about meeting those interests.
Talk about interesah.Odno means closer to success in the negotiations - to declare their interests. Otherwise the other party may not know about your interests, and you will not guess what ihinteresy. It will also focus not on the failures of past negotiations, and not positions, and on present and future concerns and the nature of the problem. If you want the other party take into account your interests, we must explain what they are. Show the vital importance of your interests. Go to your interests will be treated with due respect, if you encourage other side to understand how important they are and laws. This is one of your goals in the negotiations.