The role of money in your life
Money - is another important aspect of our lives, with their help we are able to build on the fate of his plan. In addition, as you remember, the money - it's one of the areas in which we go the most vulnerable - both in relationships with others, and in general in life. It is not our purpose in this chapter, you will instill some moral and ethical attitudes about money, or teach you how to earn them - this issue is devoted to one of our next books in the series "Your personal trainer." Our task - to understand what the role of money in your life, how much money or lack of them are an obstacle for you in shaping their destiny. How to build a relationship with them so as to be invulnerable in this field.
To begin to do the exercise.
Take your diary of observations and record answers to questions:
• Do you have a lack of money?
• If yes, how often do you feel - chronically or periodically?
• What feelings do you have is a lack of material means?
• What do you do to fix this situation?
• If you were asked to identify the relationship with money, what definition would you choose:
any relationship?
• How can you explain this?
Our relationship with money and the money are a major component of the ability to control their own destiny. For instance, if you ever feel a lack of money, it seems, you can not manage them, and, therefore, an important part of your destiny is beyond your control. If the lack of material resources is causing your anguish and fear - most likely it means that you have developed the ability to earn a little money, you are not confident in the ability to ensure their lives.
Argued that the money - it's just a metal or paper. However, they are a very important power in our lives. Amount of money that can make people and the way he refers to them - an indicator of how a man sure of himself, as he realized how much value their time and work, how can build their own destiny, and relationships. We are not accidentally wrote that the indicator is not only the amount of money earned, but also as the owner to handle them. There are very well off people who do not respect money, demonstrating his contempt for them, say that money - it's something unimportant, not necessarily for happiness, or even mud.
And at the same time, there are people who have a modest income, but which is quite enough of this and who do not aspire to more. Money is a measure of how a man managed to find his place in life, to discover their talents and earn a living. In other words, the amount of money earned - this is a sign of how society is valued talent employee and the employee was able to adequately teach their skills to society in exchange for money. We are familiar with people who are extremely talented, but who nonetheless earn quite a bit due to the fact that they were unable themselves to appreciate their talents and express themselves. Some are not able to adequately assess the amount spent in the effort, which is the equivalent of wages. Usually, they honestly believe that money should "earn" a little money for money is not considered. This is a sign that people apply to themselves with disdain, setting off the his only plus their sverhusiliya.
Psychologists know that a very large number of families falls because of money problems. This is because we grew up on the phrase "do not have 100 rubles, and have 100 friends," "Happiness is not about money," "Happiness is not money to build," rather crawl through a camel in the eye of a needle than a rich man enter the kingdom Heaven "," pelf ". You probably themselves can recall many similar statements. These phrases, of course, there is some truth, but it applies only to one extreme - if the person is too dependent on money, if he is greedy. However, categorically rejecting the money, we fall into the opposite extreme - lack of money, poverty.
Let's take a short analysis of the words "wealth" and "poverty." The word "poverty" is obviously derived from the word "trouble", and means that a person with no money, is in deep trouble. At the same time, the same root word for "wealth" is the word "god". Thus, a rich man - a man, marked by God, seek His grace. Family, having left because of money, how can really fall apart because of money, if the spouse is unable to contain his family, and under the pretext of money. After all, if people love each other and know how to negotiate, they always manage to come to a consensus about who and what contribution is made to the general budget, who works and who is engaged in housekeeping or child, who, how much and what it spends. Failure to agree on money - the problem is not money but the ability to negotiate. Often the monetary difficulties spouses cover more serious issues such as sex, not being able to discuss them with each other.
Money is an indicator of your attitude towards others. If you do not respect money - you are unlikely to respect the professionals who charge high fee for their services. And then reap the consequence: you will usually not very lucky with good doctors, teachers, consultants, and so on. If you - the company's head, then if you do not respect money, you are likely unhappy with their staff, peers and superiors. Money may be one of the most important tasks in life: they help to keep in order the body - "house of the soul." Surely you do not just confronted with people - disinterested, which to its detriment treat, educate, teach, provide other services. People who do not respect money, usually admire these victims dislike to him and to money: "Ah, he's so well done!!! But themselves altruists, and their followers or clients typically suffer from the free practice.