The school itself-itself Part 1
How many times, getting up in the morning, you said yourself that "You - the most attractive woman on earth »?... I think many thinking and have not found an answer .... And how many times, at the same time of day, you said to yourself: "Oh, how I look terrible" ... Snickers? This is laughter through tears. You want to be sexy, attractive, flame? But why, then, ladies, you've decided that'll be such, constantly complaining all day about what you are imperfect?
I know what you think. In order to be most-most, it is necessary to spend a lot of power, money and time. And you have all this, of course not. You are busy with work, hobbies (if lucky), family and even all a bunch of responsibilities. In your understanding of the beautiful and sexy can be only when you sit for hours will become a beauty salon, sauna, solarium, etc. And how can we reconcile all this, and yes even all the things to do? And relax. As anyone. Who wants to sit comfortably in a chair and for the fifteenth time to see "The Devil Wears Prada," someone wants to go on nature and the barbecue with friends, and someone thinks of a stormy night in a nightclub. But it's not a hindrance to, to get his, the desired image.
Of course, we do not Vanya's lucky, and lying on the stove to get does not work, but the effort it must not so much. And time is even smaller. Silent about the money, then they do not participate. Well of course, if our method, you will be able to connect a gym, beauty salon and a proper diet, and if not - it does not matter. The effect of this will not become worse.
Enroll in school of beauty
Ready? Proceed. As this school, you need to prepare some material. This is: a big calendar, a notebook for a diary, a poster of that, a character similar to your desired way. Hang a poster in the most visited place. It is usually cooler, and as a consequence - a toilet. Rather than face the heroine in this picture stick his face. What is desirable to place near a large mirror. Only important here is that: the poster should not be where you are going to do. A training course will take place just near the large mirror. Now on the calendar, count 40 days from the day when you're going to start doing. Be careful, once you've spent the first lesson, no absences and vacations! Every 40 days, from day to day activities. Therefore, if during this period gets a trip to the sea, or to relatives in the village, to delay the start of exercise. Well, in a notebook datiruete days and record their feelings, experiences and results.
Now the result. Do not expect it sooner than 40 days. It is, perhaps, and come quickly, but do you not pay attention. 40 days - this is your final, and only then can take the exam. Why 40 days? This is the magic number. For many it is associated with the unpleasant ritual. You know why. But in fact, everything we do out of habit, we did every day, for at the very 40 days. If you want to quit - do not smoke for 40 days, and feel that you have already thrown. If you want to lose weight - the same thing. Perfect Exposure - 40 days. Simply put, all our habits and otvychki, into a system of behavior for 40 days. Therefore, the deal is you have to this time period, only then you will succeed.
Our course is self-realization will be divided into 4 parts. Since we have school, then you expect four lessons. Two mandatory daily, and two, that will be used alternately. So in the end, we will talk about issues that may arise in your teaching. But I hope that they are not useful. Because all you get.
First lesson: a special start to the day
So, you woke up this morning as usual. What do you usually do? Most often, the scheme of action at all one. Open one eye, then the second. Get up. Go to the toilet. Then the kitchen. After drinking tea or coffee, running, headlong into the bathroom: washes, paint ... More - clothes, kissing her husband on the cheek and the front door. In this case, it is output. And of course you do not have time for something to cheer yourself up to do what you really want to say to yourself "I am - this is peace." But in vain. With this and will work. So, forget what they were doing all the time in the morning. Tomorrow you wake up, stretch, smile, and say aloud: "Today is the greatest day of my life! He will bring me what I should know today. " After that you will do what it wants your Ya You want to go out on a balcony in a bikini and see what was happening on the street? Exit. And listen to what your I said. Get out there when it is you say. Or maybe really want to say hello to his girlfriend, with whom you have recently had a falling out? Do not think about what she thought. Call us and wish her good morning. It was only after the previous procedure, drink your favorite coffee, wash, paint ... All this you have already done, and went beyond the threshold of his apartment. How mood? I think it is unusual. Because the day you started your unusual. But not yet read this article, and in the morning will smile. More than that. Almost all will not be smiling, but quite the contrary - to swear, get angry, debate and criticize. And it's pretty can spoil your mood. Need to teach yourself to ignore the chaos, and then it stops.
The second lesson: try on the crown
You need to understand that you - the Queen. Stop and put on a crown. Come on. Go ahead. Invented the crown, which will bring you confidence and enjoyment. Sense of power have always liked people. Wear. Clothe you? Feel like the shoulders have begun cracking down? A chin raised up? Keep it up, he forgot who he was and is going to fly. Now, his new royal gait, you can safely pace on the designated path. Do not stare at passers-by, and do not look for approval in their eyes. Because it is already something which, as the approval from them will not be exact. There will be anger, jealousy, condemnation. Do not let this scare. More than this, the greater you become. Over time, this all will pass, or if you just stop paying attention to them.
These two lessons you should prodelyvat every day. Write down all your feelings in a diary. On your next steps will be discussed in another article. Good luck! You are the most - the most!