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The school itselfitself Part 3

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The school itself-itself Part 3

As I understand it, you have the most sexy, confident and charming beauty. When you step onto the land, men lose consciousness of your beauty, throw flowers at your feet and your heart. Women envy and aspire to be like you. You - the ideal. No! I can guess why. You probably could face two difficulties that stand in the way of virtually everyone. Well, no, do not solve the problem. There is a problem. And with them we are going to fight. I am confident that you will be able to overcome these difficulties, since you laid great potential. How do I know? Very simple. People who are all exactly how to proceed their lives and, consequently, the lack of capacity, would not have come this far in reading these articles. Women who have at least something from the right lessons, make your first step. He is the most difficult. Look at how kids stomp. They are the first step fall. And perhaps disappointed in walking. But still smooth, stands up and begins to walk boldly through life. Happened to you is almost the same. You have fallen and are afraid to stand up. Why be afraid of something? Would you be able to make things worse? Now, if you were standing on the roof of the house and were going to take another step, then you could worsen their situation. And in our case, you will find any improvement or anything. You'll be standing at the origin.

So. The first pitfall was all known and loved Mrs. laziness. Want to pay tribute to her, because she broke more people than the bomb that fell on herasimu. It is so powerful that in combat, many have fallen, even the greatest. You know why? Because it is not visible. And agree, how hard to fight an enemy that can not see. But the fact of a person - the enemy is. Here is an example. Stand up straight and lift your right leg. Not high, at 45 degrees. So stand fast for 10 minutes. Do not read further before you try. So what? Who survived, raise your hands? Little hands. This means that you overcame laziness. Those who still stood, still read on. There is still an enemy. We return to laziness. What do you feel when you stood for a minute? Crawled about the following thoughts: "Why do you need? Yes Put you foot, one all - just not seeing it. We - you know that you still can. And if it were important, then you and half an hour with his leg behind his ear would have stood. "

If you have not listened to these sweet songs, laziness could go the other way. Somewhere something much itching. Then in another place. Then you have mastered itching. Perhaps the window is very noisy drove a car, and you urgently need to be look at her? It's all tricks of the insidious laziness. When you have their classes, it grew louder and louder told you: "Do not you need it. And life was so good, right? Miss it once today, nothing will change. But tomorrow, we do, together, we perform all the exercises.

Laziness has such a feature: if you do not listen, she begins to speak to you louder, then louder, then goes to cry at all. All because she realizes her outliving your own home, where she was so warm and cozy. She is able to do all sorts of different things, just to stay with you. But after some time and hard struggle, she still retreats, and you remain a winner. But do not rejoice. Laziness, before leaving, calling for backup. It is her good friend and old habit.

The habit is a bit of a different plan, but the goal they have is common. Phrases habits about are: What do you want to change? This is also your life will change. And who knows, maybe she'll not like it at all. A live, as we are accustomed to good. All we know, no secrets. Everything is open and very clear. So what, what do you feel flawed. Lived somehow with that, and still live out. And you really start to wonder: is it all will change! As I look at colleagues? A husband? And I myself? I'd rather stay like that, and I will believe that all this nonsense, nothing works. Let others try, and I'll be your cream of wheat is still very long. Well, until someone behind me will not do.

In general - what tricks laziness and habits so that they can not predict. Every time they take more and more new guises. In order to achieve its goal, you just have to know what you want. You want to be perfect? If you are not sure, then do not hold it. If ripe, boldly begins work on another. Worse than you currently do not.

Through these lessons, except that you will become a very beautiful and smart, depending on whether you are programming yourself, you become more and healthier. Your beauty will also affect internal organs, immune and circulatory system. Disease, which probably you have, just leave you. The only reason for this is that you learn to love yourself. And once that happens, you will not need to draw attention to themselves by the disease and failure. The more you will not depend on other people's opinions, and the need of diseases disappear.

And finally, if you still think start exercising, do not delay. Do not wait for tomorrow. Because tomorrow you will say to yourself: Tomorrow. And so will every day. If you really care about such changes, you should start right now. That's right, get up from a chair, walk over to the mirror and start doing. When you transfer some important lesson "for later", you steal themselves in their own time and opportunity. They will not always. You do want to live well? Long stay young, or return their attraction?

Of course, it is worth thinking about the future, because it will change. You will be more envious. Over time, you learn not to ignore them, but it's time. Likewise, you will have more attention from the stronger sex. And you'll lose the choice that is not always easy. In general, the attention to you will be a little exalted by the society. People do not like to release from their ranks "gray mass" of its members. And to prevent this will help your laziness and habit. Will offer spend your time so that you have not been able to spend the necessary procedures. Will derisively refer to you, telling me that all this nonsense and not worth wasting time on it. Be vigilant and persistent. Then all you get!

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