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The school with pleasure

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The school - with pleasure!

You will not believe it, but happily run to school every first-grader can. Recipe for such a miracle is simple: a desire to zameshennoe independence and confidence. Please note that the desire born in the mind of the child, but the other components required from you. That the child went to school with pleasure, you need to learn to trust him. Of course, it is not easy, but trust is the basis of mastering any skill. You think that you are smarter than their children? What do you all know, but they are small and stupid? Do you think that they need to be around to monitor? But then, what skills you're going to educate your child? Go to toe the line? To follow orders? Ask for permission with or without? This was successfully teach the army. And we're going to learn to trust. Please note: to teach yourself, rather than a son or daughter.
So, you're pre-climb, to cook breakfast. Make sure every minute. Starting to bother the kid, and he ... turns over and falls asleep again. Your power grows. Finally you manage to raise a child, send him to the bathroom to feed breakfast to help him to wear a jacket and backpack. But he was still half asleep, so the road to school becomes an endless stream of prodding. Your stress reaches its climax when you run in to the school with the second call, and the child still needs pereobutsya. Phew! Just terrible memories of some. Now wait, but when we get tired of this situation. Bothered? Excellent! Proceed to the second stage of training: ask questions. First, currently.

- Who Needs School: me or my child? Him. At least, because I am in my already attended this.

- Who wants to go to school? He wants to.

- I want his school? In general, no.

- Then why do I have to strain because of his tardiness and spillages? Why am I dragging him by the arm, and he, looking around, drags, as if time has a wagon and a small truck? Because it's necessary, because everyone else does. But this is wrong, illogical!

Now we ask questions to his beloved Chad.

- Do you like being late?

- Do you think that I like to keep track of how long you're going, how you catch the crows on the road, as always late?

- Do you yourself like to be late?

On all these issues, we are likely to get the answer is no. And develop a plan for further action.

- Alarm clock, he now puts himself.

- Wakes up on it myself.

- Samsledit for the time remaining before leaving home.

- Sampodgonyaet mother, who has accompanied him to school.

- Samsledit of time allocated to the road.

- Samdelaet lessons.

The same applies to the additional classes, courses and so on.


How was it for me? Istoshno squeaking baby alarm not heard in principle. Therefore, the first day of the experiment, after waiting a bit, I just said to him: More wake I will not go back to bed I'll lie down. Child as the wind blew from the bed. You can motivate your toddler other phrases and actions. The main thing is that for him they made sense, were significant. For him, not for you! On the first day, I still had to remind him: I unresponsive for your time, I was unresponsive for your tardiness. Do you think I was easily restrained by councils and prodding and remain just an observer?

Difficult, but it was worth it! Now in the morning I will not hurry and just waiting for my genius child will give me the command: It's time to go! Now he drags me by the hand, and I admire the scenery of the morning, the sky, a thin Ledkov in puddles, enjoy a bright winter morning and think: But really, going to school for first-graders - a real pleasure. And for his parents too. And then followed by a second, third class, but the principles of interaction with the child remain the same: confidence and trust once more, questions, conversations, discussions. My elder son is already in the fourth grade, he still makes the lessons myself, I do not even know what to ask at the house, although all the interest, as the day passed that he now knew what he had learned. He had long commutes to school by himself. Soon the first class will my younger son ...

The child is no different from adults. Remember how we behave when someone is willing to perform work for us, helping us to control us and protect. That's right, we sit on the neck and stop doing anything. Valeria, put yourself in the place of the boy. Why would he do something, something to remember, to strain, if a mother and grandmother, who believe that without them, the child can not cope? I understand that it is difficult to immediately begin to trust your child to believe he can do something myself. To help you find out, let's start with goals that can be expected from your letter, you set for yourself and your child.

- Prove to him that without you, no matter what he can not.

- Prove to him that he learns not for himself but for you.

- Prove to yourself that you are irreplaceable!

How to fix the situation? Formulate for himself other goals.

- I want that child to learn independence.

- I wish he himself saw to it that is in his briefcase and homework that is.

- I want that he decides what time it stand up, because it can navigate through time and this is his school, not mine.

Thus, you begin to gradually give him more freedom of choice. Let will be responsible for the content of the portfolio, and then for the implementation of lessons learned, and then for an alarm clock. Be sure to check whether he is pleased the school, what subjects he liked, what is the relationship with classmates. This information will help you find the right arguments, when you explain to him why he goes to school and for whom he does it and then your child will go to school - with pleasure!
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