The secret of wisdom and happiness
The wisest thing the most important truths, as a rule, are so simple that we simply do not pay attention to them (think Sherlock Holmes: The best way to hide the thing to look for - is to put it on the most prominent place, where nobody would her head to look "). One of these truths by experience familiar to every child and, unfortunately, all too often forgotten by adults, is that true joy in life comes to us through the living and the direct perception of the world, not distorted by projections and assessments of practical intelligence.
The mind creates the scheme and assumptions, calculates the possibility, invents a suitable explanation and looking around a certain value. Activity of the mind can bring satisfaction, but the real joy it gives. Real joy brings alive the natural perception, a sense of direct emotional contact with the outside world or with other people, perception is not overshadowed by fears estimates or forecasts.
Intelligence says in the first place is that from his point of view is a practical value, sweeping aside all that he considers "odd" or "unnecessary." Under the influence of intelligence, we are going out into the street, not look at the surrounding nature, do not enjoy the kind of trees, sky and sun. In terms of intelligence, this landscape we have seen hundreds of times, and nothing new to tell us he can not, and if so, then there is nothing to waste time.
Intelligence is planning where to go and what to do, where to buy, how to plan your day, etc. The work of intelligence is important and necessary for us. Until the intelligence contained in an appropriate framework, helping us to deal effectively with urgent tasks, no problem. They appear only when the intellect begins to work "when necessary and when not, getting bogged down in a quagmire of endless projections, suppressing the emotional sphere, and thus depriving him of the natural joy of the perception of the world and interact with it.
Dog, going for a walk, always feels genuine joy. She runs around, sniffing, exploring the yard, completely immersed in the process of perception, discovering something new that was not yesterday or the day before. She did not know boredom and depressive thoughts like: "Vanity of vanities - all is vanity", "What does it profit a man from what he taketh under the sun?", "What anguish - each day to see the same thing," etc.
The baby is in a state of pure perception. If cared for properly, he had no fear facing the world, from which he himself had not yet separated. When a baby needs for food and affection are fully satisfied, he feels nirvanopodobnoe state of bliss calm and serenity, the memories of which remain in the subconscious, and to whom, as an adult, he unconsciously seeking to return.
Perception of the world
Perception is out of the past or the future. Fully immersed in the perception of you as if drops out of the flow of time, stop to evaluate what is around you, stop scrolling in the head scrappy or intrusive thoughts and memories about some troubles or plans for the future. The secret of wisdom and happiness is extremely simple. He is to take advantage of intelligence to solve pressing problems, as far as possible (when circumstances permit) switch to being a source of natural pleasure full perception of the world, his body and himself. Timely switching on the perception will help you avoid the trap puts intelligence fantastic projections, fears, intrusive memories or thoughts.
During the meal as much as possible enjoy the views, taste and smell of food. If you dine in a pleasant company, or a beautifully set table, try to simultaneously enjoy being together, kind of food, color and texture of the tablecloth, the scenery outside the window, etc. At first you may not be easy at the same time pay attention to sensations coming from different sources and the senses, but over time your ability to perceive details of the outside world will increase, and with it will increase your ability to feel a sense of pleasure from the perception of the world.
During an acute love is characterized first and foremost a sharp aggravation of perception. Lover does not think about that beloved beautiful eyes, he plunges into the maelstrom of these eyes, feel the beauty of their whole being. The same applies to the smell, voice, movements, a loved one. Without the full shift on the perception of quality can not be sexual intimacy, which is characterized by getting maximum enjoyment from all the senses - smell, sight, hearing, taste and tactile sensations. The more complete you can switch to a positive perception of the world, his body and his ego, the less you will get in to take away your joy of life "intelligence trap" - intrusive thoughts, regrets about the past or predicting the future.
Go to the "lost paradise" is not as difficult as it may seem. It's enough to restore hidden in us by nature's natural ability to a full perception of the world, learn to enjoy what you do, and what you have, the simple things, constantly surrounding us, but that our intellect, busy all sorts of projections, fantasies and projects, usually not paying attention. Switching to a perception, even the boring process dentifrice can be turned into pleasure. Experience the taste of toothpaste, then, as toothbrush bristles gently massage your gums, making them more healthy and strong. Feel the pleasure of how are clean and smooth your teeth as freshens your breath, as cold water at the gum mouth wash. Think of the process of brushing teeth as an act of caring for your body, strengthening your health and a feeling of general well-being.
Learn to enjoy your body, flowing with natural processes, their movements, gymnastics, you are doing, the books that you read, music you're listening to, persons and voices of friends and loved ones comfort of their homes and many other little things that, in Unlike our fantasies about the future, are the main components of our real life. Life, which occurs here and now rather than in the past and no future.
Learning how to switch on the perception, you will have the inherent ability to enjoy the wise very process of life and their own experience, make sure that the ability to enjoy their existence is more important embodiment in the life of some fantastic ideals or goals, which at a certain stage of your life the way you seemed very important. Ideals, goals and views are changing under the influence of certain circumstances. Meanwhile, the natural ability to enjoy life, typical of happy people and sages - is the same regardless of age, creed or culture.