The soul of a woman
This is the most difficult question. Outside, everything is clear, his mind, too, can understand, but the soul of man to climb ... the more the soul of a woman who herself to himself continually surprised. This general problem is almost too much for men, creatures, unpretentious. And therefore attracts them at first that the simpler - the legs and chest. And they think about the soul into the last turn. Just as with his legs and chest was wrong ... And we cling to a beautiful soul, like a straw. How many times have heard from men:
-How is she? Anything nice?
Yes, not much, frankly. But a good man ...
-Ah ... Well, well.
But themselves are well aware that communicate something will not face, and with the character and soul mostly. And still it is humiliating, "well, well ..." And yet the inner beauty of women, we appreciate it. Maybe not as beautiful outside, but appreciate. And even in some cases, give her the preference. Again, it must be said that under the beauty we do not mean much chiseled nose and almond-shaped eyes, as the overall "pleasure" to our eyes. Neatness, cleanliness, grooming, smartness - that is important, but not fluffy hair and long legs.
Roughly the same case with the beauty of the one inside of which so many say women themselves. Men talk less, because it is much easier to talk about what you see, rather than about such delicate matter. We're simple, remember? A woman's soul - a thing difficult. Firstly, it is very much an individual: someone like the good, obedient to Cinderella, and someone is precipitated from the Gorgon named Medusa. Second, if a woman ever spolzshey tights and stained teeth, then, whether it's inside even angels in heaven, no one would lead to this. So you'd better listen to our opinion about the appearance. Well, the character and soul ... Is that so out of curiosity.
Men need affection and care
We begin with the sort of pattern: what, judging by all sorts of books and scattered cries of men, men want and expect from a woman? Noticed that once a man ask this question, as the most inarticulate and zatyukanny little man will flourish and will be an hour without stopping the overflow nightingale? And so much life in her eyes! Such a blush on the cheeks! And straying, darling, from an excess of ideas, and salivating choking! And lopochet, lopochet, lopochet not stopped ... pleasure to watch. Bear it, of course, just nonsense. Even as something embarrassing to listen to. An adult like, but suddenly ... and loving it, and to understand, love unselfishly, obeyed and listened to, respected, and nothing would return not required. If all of these effusions to shrink to a minimum, we get about that option - here is a quote from the book by Eugene Kolesov "mystery books for women:" You need a man as a source of heat and light, as the rear, where he can always come back to catch his breath. Thank you for it - a trench dug, where he was not afraid of any projectiles. Where he can sleep in peace ... "Actually, nothing.
That is, ideally, all drawn like this: a man running on his own business (sort of cat who walks by itself) all day long. Well, it's up and running, of course, as without it ... and meets with friends, drinking beer or brandy, goes to the football, just fool around, move forward some of his crazy projects (if there is interest) and so on. In short, put off the full program. When he, my dear, ran so narazvlekalsya and gain, I want him to return home, where:
• puppy dog enthusiasm and commitment (expressed in sight, but not the words);
• loving eyes;
• caring hands;
• hot dinner;
• no issues;
• erotic robe over his naked body;
• TV (without the stupid and hurtful comments from the kitchen);
• perfect order (without screaming about dirty socks on the table);
• orgiastic sex (if the TV after dinner, and he still will-power);
• a hearty breakfast the next morning.
You still will laugh, but men (most of) it all really want it! Well, not children! Naturally, it carries so few. Most often the exact opposite. Still, the story is sadder in this world than the story of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo even escaped severe disappointment in his life. And so would say baby Juliet through five years of living together:
Again, with its alcoholics (philatelists, players, fans fret cut out) soaped! Anything around the house would have done, you bastard! Best years you spent, the bastard ...
And so on. And pity the poor fellow would be that if the poison was not real. But it would be too late ...
Okay, let's not about sad. In the end, Shakespeare, as a subtle and compassionate man, did not condemn his hero to such torment. Here it is - male solidarity. Now jokes aside. Yes, men like this draw myself a perfect woman. And just such delights want. But only the really wild man, never having seen a live woman who believes in it and on a pretzel heaven earnest hopes. All the others realize that dream - it generally is not harmful, but it is better to live. And if you creep up at three o'clock in the morning back home in a state close to the bewilderment, naively believing that you will meet a long, gentle kiss. This is possible only if accidentally fell not to his home. Yes, and it is unlikely that ...
But there are things that we just dream (with no hope), but there is something that expect very active. To convulsions and sprinkle with saliva. Many talk about the so-called femininity. The Beast is absolutely incomprehensible. And weird, because men and women understand femininity quite differently. Because every now and then:
"I want you to be feminine was!
-I, and so feminine! I do not know what you want!
And both are right. That's what they think about it smart people - psychologists: "If the image of the ideal male both sexes painted almost identically, the description of the ideal woman, they diverge significantly: women ascribe to their ideal of almost all the positive masculine qualities, while men look at the more traditionally feminine" . Traditionally - that means: "A woman should be soft, beautiful, soft, gentle, but at the same time, passive and dependent, allowing a man to feel towards her strong, vibrant, and prosperous."
Men want to be listened to sometimes
This is where the dog and fumbled ... difference in interpretation of the words "should be". Let's take a concrete example. Take a gizmo as understanding. Women believe that men want to understand them. About the way it is. But for us, this understanding? And this is not understanding the very essence of things. Do not feel others' pain as our own. Not endless attempts to sort out the details and give the correct advice. Of course, if that's all there, we're just glad.
But quite satisfactory and small. If we occasionally will listen to (not often interrupting him) nod (as needed, preferably the moment), not to cut too, that when we really do not want to, and be silent when it is not the time for lively debate ... With all of this can not be understood what we say. And do not worry with us. Enough outward signs of this very understanding. Well, it's hard to nod? .. Or is it so hard to come up and pat on the head, thinking to himself that after all Tanya fool - do not have the dress she was taking it it is old? We somehow do not see what you have in mind is.
Only this pensive, slightly sad eyes ... and all is well. Men are quite willing to demonstrate these feminine qualities. We're not going to climb up to you inside and meticulously checked, what is there in reality. Mikhail Zhvanetsky great said: "The fact that they kiss you, does not mean anything, Ito, that they come for you, does not mean anything. All my life you will think that she loves you, and it you will say this, and do not know the truth, and will live happily. " Yes, we just want to live happily ever after. And according to this believe in anything. Incidentally, the present understanding to us - is the ability to remain silent at the right time. Everything else is not so meaningful.