The strength of desires
Now you will execute your desires! You have to create - of course, under my strict guidance "- a unique set of" tools for success. " These tools you will be able to continue to use it - they are versatile and easy to use. But most importantly - they work! I tell you this as a magician magicians! If the goal is, and the desire to achieve it does not, then this goal is false. Refuse it, it still will not bring you success. You will simply mark time in one place! Only a goal that makes you an immediate and genuine desire to achieve, will be a real step forward on your path to success!
If your desire is clear, sincere and strong, it will certainly come true. Remember "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho: "If you passionately want something, the whole universe will help to ensure that the desired come true!" It's true - you under force to implement any of your dreams! Moreover, it is in the nature of human beings - to implement their dreams. The only reason that your wishes are not always true, lies in the fact that in mind you have complete confusion reigns. Millions of different desires, often conflicting, rush in your brain with the speed of thought. How does Higher Power will implement them if and to respond to something they do not really have time? Important, sincere aspirations often get lost under a thick layer of superficial and false husks. A great desire for the fulfillment of which requires a long time, gradually forgotten, superseded by small and often insignificant whims.
But now something we are going the other way! You clearly understand what you want, set yourself specific goals. It remains only to turn them into strengths-focused desire. Thus, a master-class " power of desire "!
Exercise "grants wishes"
Focus on a single goal, the most important and meaningful to you now. To clarify its definition: it must be stated briefly, specifically and necessarily positive. For example: "I get a thousand dollars a month. I enjoy an abundance of money in his life. Thank you! "Pay attention to some of the rules of building your" spells ". First, it must be expressed positively, ie without the particle "no." Secondly - in the present tense. And thirdly, it must assert a fait accompli, and not alone your desire. That is, the word "want" from your sentence should be deleted!
Now release all your cares, worries, everyday thoughts, come to a state of inner silence. Got it? Excellent! Just in this state say your desire aloud. Can be repeated several times that it is imprinted in your consciousness and subconsciousness. Write down a wish on a separate sheet of paper. By the way, for this purpose is perfect triangle cut out of red paper (top up!). Can be pasted directly under your own picture (always with a joyful face and big smile!). Now, put the triangle in the southern sector of the house.
Getting visualization. Sit back, relax, and then log back into a state of inner silence. Imagine his desire is so clear and vivid as if it were already realized. Mentally walk all the way to his goal, and connect with her. Rejoice, rejoice, celebrate their victory as if you have already achieved it! Complete the exercise suggest call guardian angels. Do not hesitate to contact him. The more often you go to the Supreme assistants, the stronger they become!
So, imagine what a peaceful natural landscape and ask your guardian angel to appear. You can feel his appearance on small changes in space. Thank the angels for the fact that he came to your call. If you are not familiar, ask how to call him or her. Typically, angels are quite willing to answer questions. In this case, you can ask your assistant Bright fill your desire to force. And finally, always thank the angels! I congratulate you, my dear, you have just launched a powerful mechanism for the execution of his desire. You heard Light forces of the universe! And of course, they've got down to business.

You also have left to wait patiently and carefully monitor developments in order not to miss a good opportunity or other sign of support from higher powers. That's when you truly useful art of living "here and now! And try not to worry about exactly how and when your wish will come true. Everyone wishes your way and its time of implementation. Imagine that you have planted a seed in the ground. You do not see how it takes root and grows. But one fine morning you will notice a little tender sprout pushing up from the earth!
I note that many, achieving a certain goal, unable to enjoy the joy of achieving it and immediately "thrown into the battle" for the next victory. Do not do that, I beg you! I am familiar with many businessmen who are on the verge of a nervous breakdown because they always think that the competitors are breathing in the back, and we must work, work to exhaustion. Work is certainly necessary, but calmly and with pleasure. Do not forget to celebrate each, even a small victory! Otherwise, in the pursuit of superpribylyami and supertselyami lose the most important quality of a successful person - calm and indoor comfort! It is very important to be able to enjoy what you already have.
If you're on my beloved, well-being reached a level that can provide all of their vital needs, including travel, education and decent housing - this is a great victory! And for this you can thank higher powers for myself, constantly. Once in your soul will affirm peace and harmony, all you have to be obtained as if by itself. And then you'll be much easier to endure the temporary setbacks and financial losses. After all, you'll know that you have the strength and the ability to create good for yourself and others!
I have a favorite affirmation: "I had everything, there is very good!" Do not let anyone disturb your inner peace, and then you really all so be it. That is very good! By the way, the stronger the desire, the more acute emotional intensity that accompanies it, the faster it turns. Therefore, to enhance energy desires recommend the use of any situations where you feel strong positive emotions and whose blood is filled with adrenaline. For example, take a ride on a roller coaster, repeating the phrase, spell. This will greatly accelerate the fulfillment of a wish!
My pupil and associate constantly uses such situations to "energize" their energy desires. For example, rushing after a sauna in the icy pool, she yells is not just pleasure, but with the meaning: "I am a millionaire!" Yes, and I myself am doing the same thing! Suppose this is not always clear to others, but it works! It works! A swim in the sea - that's where the limitless possibilities to work out their desires! Want me to tell you what I do when I swim? I'm in a state of bliss I read aloud to appeal to the Almighty for San Light:
Oh, king of kings!
Oh, lord of all worlds!
Oh, light the lights!
I'm your daughter!
I am heir to yours!
Be multiplied Abundance is mine!
Imagine a person swimming by humans? But it does not bother me! I well remember the Chinese saying that "the sage is often difficult to distinguish from a fool, because their behavior is similar. The main thing - result!