The third is always an extra
If you asked her friend to help you talk with your loved one, then what you're wondering, we calculated? Most often, so do very young girls, for whom all these passions and suffering - a novelty, their first love is simply not sensible. But strangely, when the same stupidity makes a woman mature, sophisticated. I understand that love is akin to the disease, but still quite something to leave with his head is not necessary, it still is useful! At least to soberly assess the situation: here comes your best friend (or friend, it does not matter) to your loved one passes him your letter or oral communication, and what's next? You think that everything is ok - a man must immediately give the answer, and your girlfriend will go back to Russia.
But you look at what is happening through the eyes of men: for him comes pretty woman, something is out there talking about another woman and has some sort of response is required of it ... Frankly, most of the men decides that such a strange way your girlfriend is trying to tell him about ... his own love! Simply can not express his feelings directly, here is covered by you. Progress in the male mind catch? You can ask me, why is your girlfriend so you do that? How, why? You're a woman, you should know that flirting with someone else's fiance loves all women, and it is quite natural: subconsciously each individual female tries to prove his superiority over others, to prove that it is better than all the other ladies.
And your friend - remember, it can not itself be aware of his treachery! "- Is sure to be flirting with your favorite man, thus further strengthening the order in a pleasant delusion (" Well, sure, I told her crazy like me, look how eyes shoot! ") . And where the two like each other, can occur any. And, as usually occurs. But, for God's sake, stop doing this tragedy! Her best friend, a loved one! .. If you had a cool head, you would never have come up with this nonsense with the mediation! Drop this nonsense and for all adolescents would decide for themselves: use the services of a mediator in love - it's like digging a deeper hole by their own hands. The third is always extra! If you like to suffer and writhe, then a better way and you can imagine. But if you want to be happy, always and in all circumstances of life take action yourself! Do not trust anyone their secret heart - after all, they are of interest only to you alone, and for anyone anymore!

Case with the mediator-man-is also not the most advantageous situation for you! Male chauvinism, unfortunately, felt at every step, so rest assured - your loved one and his friend, acting as a broker, be sure to discuss you and your behavior in detail and bring forth to you my verdict. And you can not even appeal it later! In my opinion, much better than most to hear the truth about themselves, no matter how bitter and sad for you as it was, than to learn later the news about themselves from strangers (even from the same "mediator"). I love it there, I just need to control the situation, just so I can feel comfortable and ignorance deprives me of the ability to think clearly and act appropriately. However, you may have about this a different opinion, and you may do as you see fit, the right one for you.
And the mediator or the mediator by its very presence will tell your loved one that you are combining, a weak and indecisive person that you do not have the courage or desire to achieve your goal, you're afraid of everything. Imagine what you will get a view of your lover? So, if you do not want to ever feel abandoned, rejected and miserable, step on your throat and fear - boldly forward into the attack! Is love not worth it to make for her sake let a small, but all the same feat?