The threat of allegiance
Women are afraid of male adultery. There's nothing you can do. So let's try to reduce risk factors. What is the threat and risk to his loyalty and devotion to you? Many girls believe that the threat of betrayal comes primarily from other women. Not for nothing do they say, do not be beautiful and ugly man have a girlfriend. What do you do if all your friends are good as the selection? Do not introduce them to your man? Get them to come to visit you a la "I'm a mother instead of a mop? Or maybe it is too late, to surrender her boyfriend at the Monastery? As a girl, all of whose friends have model looks, I can say that in fact a beautiful girlfriend - not so much the threat of allegiance as a gift of fate. It's a unique chance to test their resistance to male charms of another woman!
Think of myself, because if he is on your girlfriend, then most likely, loyalty and dedication from him in the future, do not wait. Than to suffer ten years of marriage, better make sure his feelings now. And if they are not as strong as it seemed, we can only rejoice that you have time to learn about it. For example, when my man became acquainted with my girlfriend, model beautiful, Covergirl, his only response were the words: "Nice, but not to my taste." Since then, I feel free and easy.

Another risk factors capable of pushing him to treason - this time at the spa for severability. The fact is that if a man goes to sea alone, he faces a huge temptation. Even the most loyal men can not stand the exotic surroundings, a large number of half-naked beauties and hot, the atmosphere, and disposing resort to short novel. So it is better to rest together. This will improve your relationship and intimate life diversifies. If you really really want to be generous, let go of a boyfriend on the football, to the bathhouse or pool. But in the best resort to go together.
But the most important risk factor for high treason - it's your pomeshannost on fear of betrayal. Thinking about something, we attract it into your life. So that the best insurance against male adultery - the thought of something pleasant. Every time you have a fear arises, tell yourself: "How glad I am that my man faithful to me! This is happiness "or" I trust my man! ". This will be the most versatile tool.