The trajectory of intellectual development
The trajectory of intellectual development evolves according to certain laws and consists of several stages.
Latent stage (pre-school period): This talent has not yet visible, but began to have effect as internal (ability) and external factors - the maintenance or the repressive function of the family as a whole. Birth of a gifted child is not always a gift of destiny for the parents. Churchill, Einstein, Rodin and Burns tormented his teachers a bad speech (dyslexia), an illiterate letter (dysgraphia), poor performance and bad manners. Add to this the difficulties in communication, carelessness and disregard for others. You really want for your child?
A truly gifted children are always characterized by high emotionality, irritability and impressionability. The reason - a disharmonious development, in which one prevails over the other faculties, and associates of the "do not understand." Fierce pressure adults or an active public life only to loosen the psyche of children. They need more support, peace, opportunities to do what they like.
Demonstration phase: when the ability to not only detect but also become the subject of admiration and love. This stage may begin even earlier. For example, for Mozart, he started at 3 years. By age 15 ability and achievement are no longer regarded as children. A person must either develop a grown talent, or remain at the level of mediocrity. In childhood, parents' opinion, of course, - the chief authority. But remember: it is one thing suggests another thing to oppress and impose. For 19 years the child has to be separated from their parents and have to decide what to do in this life, how to manage their own inclinations. The period of emancipation painfully those parents whose lives have been narrowed down to the implementation of the plans her own child.
They just do not know what to do with it on ... But the independence of the child may never come. Some recognized the prima ballerina, aimed at stage success, and selfless service Melpomena, until recently, went to the meeting, accompanied by mothers. Those were supposed to decide whether a man is worthy of "our attention." Inflated self-esteem and ambition as any child always lead to conflicts with others. Parents then tolerated, and the remaining cast and hate. When the baby finally comes out of the parental shackles, he begins to require others to respect and worship and are usually run up against resistance from others.

Phase alignment. Here is a teenager at the level of achievement with their peers, but may have problems in dealing with them. The fact that children with extraordinary abilities are held hostage by a particular environment and often have no idea how people live and communicate with ordinary people. The tragedy of the same bright demonstrative period manifests itself in the unwillingness of children to be "like everyone else." They expect from themselves and further extraordinary achievements and events. In this case, the children believe that others expect of them nothing less. As a result, they can not wait to meet disappointment.
However, there is a chance to reach a new level of creativity. This is the most important and least studied period, which takes place in 15-25 years. For example, for many years dean of the Faculty of Journalism was clear Zasursky, came to the university at the age of 13 years. As practice shows, enrolling in higher education, child prodigies to the second course merge with their peers and rarely then show excellent results. Prior to that, the geeks were at the sports racing excitement. Enrolling in the institution, they may lose the motivation to achieve and become like everyone else. Psychologists call these children "lost generation of children contests. While the contrast between the age of child prodigy and his obvious achievements, the society is experiencing an interest in it. Then he played enough and navoshischavshis surrounding the switch to the other. The market is developing according to its laws, and talent - on his own. Geeks - is now a marketable product.
Stage of creativity or depression. Rapid early development, which has been in adult life, hardly fits into the biography of the average person. Unrealized little geeks living. The most tragic story that comes to mind - it's short life Nicky turbine, which in 1970 talked about as a brilliant poet. For his first collection of poems "Draft genius" Nick was in Venice the Golden Lion. " Before it only Anna Akhmatova was awarded such an award. Yevtushenko drove Nick "as the show in America, poems translated into many languages. But in the 12 years since Nike began to occur severe changes: she became moody, uncontrollable, cut the vein, thrown out the window.
At age 16 she married 76-year old Swiss professor of psychology, but neither the psychology nor Europe has not helped. Unsuccessful attempts to find work in Moscow, a dull silence of which appeared in the remarried mother, alcoholism, suicide attempts, the last of which in 2002 led to the death. Worth fighting for is not brilliant, but for the harmonious development of the child, which would allow him to choose and plan the trajectory of his biography, and success is inevitable in this gifts.
If you have a particular child:
• contact the person and using tests to define the features of his personality and level of talent;
• establish and maintain an environment of understanding and promoting intellectual abilities in children;
• help him organize circle of friends with children similar in terms of intelligence;
• In no case do not support the child's understanding of its exclusivity, otherwise you will become a slave to his offspring and their own delusions;
• Remember that success today is increasingly dependent on more enterprising than the level of formal intelligence.