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The two extremes of sexual compatibility

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The two extremes of sexual compatibility

There are men with normal sexual function, with normal health (in terms of sex), but that a woman needs 2 times a month. And in the rest of the time - evenings, nights - work, business, fishing, beer, household chores ... There are women with normal sexual function, with normal health (in terms of sex), but that man needs 2 times a month. But in the rest of the time that they want? - A fool knows! And there are men, whom they say - "macho". He needed a woman on a regular basis - twice a day. And there are women, whom they say - "female". She needs a man on a regular basis - twice a day. It's the two extremes of sexual compatibility.

Does it make sense to calculate - what would be the maximum term of life together with representatives of different extremes? Rhetorical question, is not it? In life we are bound to the template that should be run in the morning an alarm clock, and time co-host, we have only the evening when children are asleep. (There are no differences by gender). Then what can go together in the evening, if needs are completely different? If someone needs to watch the TV, walk from corner to corner, to prepare a bed, a swim-dive in the bath or shower splash. But before going to bed - a necessary procedure, called copulation. A second side (option) Requests impromptu impromptu impromptu and again. Who of them would go "left"? And if anyone should blame the "left" end?

Or even easier - morning sex. Not just a morning, and before the alarm clock, a dream. And can someone not be able to suggest an antagonism in the relationship? Try then to imagine women's claims to the sleepy man who will end, so it began. And instead of mutual appreciation evening will begin with the recriminations, turning into resentment and conflict. And imagine men claim to the sleepy woman, who somewhat resemble the violence. And instead of mutual appreciation - resentment and hostility. What do you think the claims of this nature many years will this go on? And they can end?
You know what this? Sexual compatibility, often more important than life and the level of financial security. Because sexual incompatibility entails the cessation of sexual contact (contact name), providing an exchange hormones. But when they stop active sex life, while stopping the regular exchange of hormones, begins active aging. Such an outcome are you interested in?
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