The value system
According to research by psychologists, human value system is formed in the first twenty years of his life. The system of values - it is specific for each individual group of programs, determining on a subconscious level scheme and style of his thinking. This part of the world model allows us to develop their personal, subjective attitude towards what is happening with our events, that is, determines our reaction to them. The value system helps us to distinguish with certainty what is good and bad, right and wrong, what is normal and that abnormal, what is important and what is not, what is acceptable and what is not acceptable.
Well-formed system of values is crucial for building a harmonious world model rights, because it is the system of values defines the goals and tasks set in front of people, the way he achieves the goals, then, what skills and knowledge he wants to buy, and what is neglected, the manner in which it builds its relations with other people. Pronounced polar thinking, combined with a clear, once and for all certain and unwavering set of values defines a rigid model of the world, characteristic of a man accustomed to seek his regardless of the circumstances and the opinions of others.
When circumstances are favorable and when the social environment encourages the holder of a rigid value system model of the world, such a model of the world makes its own advantages. Its main drawback is the poorly developed ability to adapt to changing conditions of life. With a vivid example of a rigid model of the world we encounter in the film by Yuri Mamin "Fountain" when he arrived in Moscow for his daughter respected in his village resident Withered heat of the Central Asian desert to find water leaking from a pipe in the dead of winter off the water and heating in a multi-storey residential building and barricaded themselves in the basement, flatly refusing to include water as long as the leak is not fixed.

With the tough and uncompromising value systems or individual items on the value system we encounter in our lives all the time. Most clearly with the traumatic effects of such intransigence faced young people still do not have enough life experience upon which they could make certain adjustments to its system of life values. Recently, a television show, under the heading "masked man", appeared on the stage, former prisoner, said to him Sergei, who told a sad and tragic story of his life.
When Sergei was fifteen years old, his father died on the job of a heart attack. Boy, madly fond father, very worried, and his mother sent him to a youth holiday camp so that he could even slightly to unwind and recover from shocks. Sergei returned home without warning, intending to make the mother's surprise. To his horror and indignation, he found her in bed with another man. Burning with righteous anger over this betrayal of memory of his father, Sergei took a rifle and shot them both. Then there was the court sentenced him to nine and a half years in prison, three years in prison and children six and a half years in adult camps.
Aunt, visit Sergei in prison, told the boy that his father was not a model husband and spoke with her mother brutally and severely. It turned out that Sergei's mother has long met another man and she was going to divorce her husband, but her son is for the time being concealed so as not to hurt him. Even a long prison term could not reconcile with Sergei torn by remorse, and most likely a heavy feeling of guilt will poison the rest of his life. In this case we see how to follow their own, are not bad and not flawed convictions deprived of life two and crippled the fate of a third person.
Middle way
People's beliefs vary widely. As a rule, the man himself, especially being in a society that separates his belief system does not notice how strange and often ludicrous are his beliefs, but to the casual observer, they may give the impression of something not very adequate. I had a chance for a long time to live in Spain, and especially the first time many beliefs Spaniards were surprised and amused me. For example, I learned that a huge percentage of the inhabitants of Spain's middle-aged and older on the United States of America with undisguised hatred and disgust, and these negative feelings with characteristic Spanish hot southern temperament manifested for some reason mainly in respect to jeans and hamburgers.
When it came to the United States, men with undisguised pride declared that they never wore jeans and not for the world is not put on over this ugly and nauseating creation of Americans, and what they were talking about selling to McDonald's hamburger, best not to repeat it. However, the younger generation that grew up among the hamburgers and jeans, does not share these beliefs, which often serves as another reason for the irreconcilable conflict between fathers and sons. Because our system of values is most relevant to our views on events in the life events, and from it depends largely on our ability to adapt their behavior to real-life situations that we face, it largely determines our ability to be happy and enjoy life.
Middle path in the system of values expressed in the conscious introduction of new model of the world of life values in such a way to give flexibility to the system of values and harmony. In the harmonic model of the world are rare extremes of commitment to a specific pronounced value of life, as it always present opposite poles of each value of life, and the choice of behavioral strategy is conditioned intuitively determine equilibrium, whose center is shifted in one direction or another depending on the situation .