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The weakness of strong men

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The weakness of strong men

In a strong man can be his weakness, which only confirmed his power. The weakness of strong male - female beauty. Beautiful, elegant, confident woman can bring a man with what incomparable pleasure, and that's why New man seeks to close to him was just such a woman. "Two things a man wants - danger and play. Therefore he wants woman as the most dangerous toys "- wrote Friedrich Nietzsche. And if a man wants a woman that was with him, he will not spare anything for this.

The world-famous "Spanish Nightingale, a favorite of women Julio Iglesias once intensely and persistently worked for two years, almost without rest to buy her own plane. He realized his dream and is very proud of it. However, when the path of this spoiled child of women met the most beautiful of them - Dolly Parton, he fell in love with her and made her a truly royal gift, parted without regret, with the most expensive that he had. Yes, he gave her the plane.

Incidentally, when the press was asking insistently beautiful as her ugorazdilo fall in love with Sweet (and, I note one of the best paid in Europe), singer, proud woman asked in surprise: "I? This man falls in love with me, and I decide whether I reply to their senses. " The fruit of their joint cooperation was amazing to inflame the feelings of the song «When you tell me that you love me», where two perfect voices and two amazingly beautiful man sing a hymn of love. He who hears her, as if wings grow. And he Iglesias during the performance of this song feels real ecstasy. Is able to do only man who knows that he had the great fortune to love and to be able to generously bestow favorite.

For me there is nothing awkward to take on the favorite gifts. This man appreciates the presence of close to a real woman and not ashamed of what makes her gifts. He knows that so he does not demean himself or her - on the contrary, he only stated in his own eyes and in the eyes of the beloved, which gets him even more expensive. Such a man understands that the greatest treasure, which is a new woman, requires a decent frame. Ideal man would be sure to admire held, a beautiful woman no matter how great his chances for reciprocity. And they almost always maximal, because no woman can resist those who failed to appreciate her true worth.
The success of the most famous in the history of Lovelace lay in the fact that even in the obscure and humble woman, they were able to see the beauty queen. They forced her to believe it themselves enjoyed her transformation into a luxurious, self-confident beauty. A gift given to few, and so all those women who have had occasion to talk with such a man, remain in relation to it only a sense of gratitude, even if he can not devote his entire life. As the French say, "this gentleman a big heart, so big that he can make happy is not one, but a lot of women.
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