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The work of a psychologist with problem classes

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The work of a psychologist with problem classes

In one class, the student emerged memories relating to the experience during the break: he was forced to kiss the shoes of his classmate. This case is deeply wounded the boy. Leading gave him the opportunity to describe his experience of guys falling to him in one subgroup. When the boy told of his humiliation, it helped him to remove the emotional blockage and it felt great relief. Often an indication of what is happening in children's souls, that they take are contained in the figures. If the student portrays himself in the picture as the hanged man streak or his portrait in bold black strokes - it's time to sound the alarm. Perhaps the child is deeply affected, experiencing fear and threat hanging over him. the work of psychologists with problematic classes is to consider carefully these pictures and think about the nature of mental problems, which found its expression in them.

The same is true of the pageants: the nature of the stage presentation of episodes to tell the children stories are expressed in their own states of mind and fears. Often, while in an indirect form of children's experiences are reflected on the events in the classroom. During the first and second afternoon session of crisis in children should be able to individually or jointly with his small subgroup express the attitude, seeing the situation at the school. Therefore, recommended during the treatment phase of impressions for a while to break the class into subgroups, within which students are more likely to overcome distrust and to share their impressions about the state of affairs in the classroom or school (often, if they listen to the whole class, they are lost).

Lead directs the course of discussions in the subgroups. In order to assist can be contested in front of these scenes or pictures. Why were you figure dominates red? What does it mean so many weapons? So imperceptibly for the conversation of children went on to discuss anything that causes them to fear and concern. They talk about how they are terrorizing classmates, what threats are trying to intimidate them or how they themselves are often enraged. Due to the fact that the horror has become a topic of discussion, the children untied languages. An impressive example of the girl-Turkish woman, who, according to teachers and classmates could not understand a word of German. Classmates is constantly slighted her. One time she stole his knapsack. Another time, ambushed on the way back home. However, these were the flowers. Several times it has been subjected to sexual harassment. Girl Turk stoically endured all the abuse. At school, she remained completely silent. More surprising to observe how, during the communication in the group she suddenly found his voice. In broken German girl to describe the whole vile behavior of a class in relation to it, all the power ispytyvemogo her fear and his inescapable desire to return home.

During conversations with children and teens much of their desire to expose the violence and aggression externalization. Describing the incidents of aggression during the first therapy session, the children often provide examples of threats by students from other classes. The root of the problems - ill-intentioned 6-graders or houmboi terrorizing the streets. Statements and concerns of pupils, as a rule, do not differ from those statements and concerns of their parents. Most children are not less depressed parents what had happened and felt that something must be done. However, the blame for what happened falls on others. Only during the second or third session, as a rule, it is possible to get kids thinking about their portion of responsibility for what goes on in school.

The problems need to talk

After the treatment phase experience comes the turn of a joint discussion. Leading offer children sit around, sitting on the floor, and work together to talk about himself and his class. The only condition is supplied with the presenters is as follows: a conversation should not be reduced to mere talking, and have a specific effect to reduce the violence in the classroom. Often present behave quite shy. They are not always ready to open up the entire class. Recognition has to pull out of them like ticks. They are called by virtue of the existing problems and possible measures to overcome them: students carry with them far too many weapons in the class thrived theft and sadism.

General discussion is needed to ensure that children share those wishes and fears, which they have already been expressed in the subgroups or in person. The purpose of general discussion - awareness of the need for joint action to improve the situation. No one should stay away. This encourages children, leaving fear, to think together about possible measures to prevent further violent attacks. Often the new offerings are rather crude and an expression of helplessness. Apprentice offers a "start to treat each other with love" and requires that "henceforth all started to behave differently." Such statements indicate good intentions, but are quickly forgotten. It is therefore important that children have agreed on any concrete measures.

In one class was able to negotiate the corner equipped classroom sports mat for students brawl. In another class, moved the party: instead of the previous arrangement, when the students were divided into four groups and was restored the traditional order. In the third grade were introduced two signals: red means that you should concentrate entirely on the learning process and to stop all the talk, Green allowed a quiet whispering. These conventional panels, the new arrangement of desks or a sports room mate in the class does not allow children to continue to forget about his decision to serve for them a sort of "reminders". Innovation can apply the rules of student conduct: what is our specific response in the event of a fight?

As we proceed in the event that someone would threaten our classmates? What we do find that someone had brought a weapon to school? Students will produce a single joint tactics, which is applicable in such cases: the discovery of weapons must immediately inform the teacher, if the fight went too far, it is necessary to separate the fighters. Often due to a similar arrangement children who previously preferred to all that means nothing to intervene, who behaved with restraint and did not give anyone trouble, say for yourself should intervene and take charge of maintaining order. In view of the above in one of the 6 th grade to monitor compliance with the order took a group consisting of three girls and three boys. They announced that they will not be tolerated, if further any of the students of this or any other class thinks of torture of any classmate. The threat to take effect: the situation in the class returned to normal.

Naturally, to eliminate the causes of unfavorable atmosphere in the class of some measures agreed upon with the students, not enough. It would be extremely naive to think that by bringing in a class of sport mat, you can permanently eliminate violence from its walls. But it's not in concrete measures and a change in sentiment to which they lead. Proposal to change anything specifically generates in students a sense of their own contribution to overcoming violence and raises self-esteem of students. They no longer feel the utter confusion in the face of the element of violence and begin to realize the possibility of overcoming it, countering her entire group.

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