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There are smart women or not

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There are smart women or not?

How many copies of broken about it! There are smart women or not? " Maybe it's a man of principle and the donkey's stubbornness do not want to admit women smarter? Or is it all women "are silly charm or horror are fools? Men are afraid of smart women or is it only seems that way? Who, finally, smarter - men or women? Every self-respecting feminist and misogynist every spiteful consider it their duty on this occasion to speak. (What a surprise - the mind men have never been the subject of lively debate. Why, I wonder?)

I'm not a misogynist. Therefore, I believe that there are smart women, and beauty are silly, and the horror of what fools. Just like men have all kinds. In general, the position of my original special is different. At first glance ... It is important that men think about it. And as correctly or not they think - it's let life shows. So I say again: the author is not trying to prove the existence of intelligence in women, or lack of it. He only says that the secret of men ... And the men (which is already here to hide) does not think much about the intellectual abilities of women. However, we must admit that this question is not very exciting. The mind is the woman we tend to look more like a disadvantage.

"Smart" in the men's conversations - is synonymous with the words:

• bore,

• ugly

• non-sexual,
• a man in a skirt

• do not know what to do with it.

When men talk among themselves, they do not discuss the mental capacity of their friends. We discuss the appearance. Face, figure, dress sense, the ability not to bother about trifles, the ability to prepare and such trifles.

Talk about smart women are or not comes when:

• A woman has a sense of humor and it would like to highlight (but we say it is about a sense of humor and not about the mind, albeit one without the other is theoretically impossible).

• Woman - Candidate of Sciences and at the same time boss (such women, the deep is our belief that resemble guinea pigs, which have no relation either to the sea, nor to the pigs).

• A woman admires us and our achievements (well, it just shows our stupidity and vanity).

• The woman is so stupid that it is worth mentioning separately.

In all other cases, conversations about the female mind as something not to go. Well, not beyond the banal "all women are fools." But talking about it - still that assert that the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea, and the horses are fed oats and hay. All so know it! Only a madman would disagree. I have not seen such yet. You will not believe it - never in my life have I talked with a man who would argue that women are smart. But I have not seen and those that are very frustrated because of the stupidity of women. She (female stupidity) we only care if it spoils our lives, or nerves. And in life, we have this in parallel. We are a full fool find something to talk about. And if she will still be talking when she asked to do so! ..

The Internet has found an interesting article on the subject. That is about the ratio of men to smart women. Wrote her a woman. Clearly, I was interested. After all, in fact, I wonder how we relate to intelligent women ... not women, we certainly do not belong. What we think about them ... That's exactly right. So. Immediately liked the statement that "it all depends on ... sexual preference of a specific individual male. (That's right, but they say that it is men reduce everything to sex.) That is a man smart women either excite or not. It's very simple. So just like that cry from happiness - at last all became clear!

Next is the alignment of the types of men. Most of all I liked these names. "Obscurantists" - its author's opinion, 50%. Next come the "slightly advanced Liberals - 30%. This is followed by "reasonable" (!) - 19%. Come and finish this zoo "intellectually preoccupied - 1%. It is clear that "obscurantists" of intelligent women run like fire. "Slightly advanced liberals" allow glimpses of the presence of consciousness in women and respond to these glimpses of a more or less adequately, but without any pleasure. "Reasonable" believe that a woman - man's best friend. They have her on an equal footing. Share, consult, discuss or even listen. "Intellectually concern" - is if the woman did not just read Schopenhauer in the original, and not her doctorate, about any sex with her can be no question.

That's how this issue are women. The principle is simple - think I'm stupid? The fool. Think I'm smart - well, then you're too smart. Something similar had Mr. Krylov - "cuckoo praises cock ..." and hereinafter. Stop, stop, stop! No need to boil! You really damn smart! I swear! (But why did so few of you famous scholars, writers, artists, etc. it.p.?) Well, okay. Of course, I speak maliciously. Everything that I have listed, does not measure intelligence, I understand ... But I think that these conversations and doubts arise because men and women try to compare things that are absolutely not comparable. (And basically trying to do this woman.)

What kind of women we currently choose?

I will not repeat for many, that intelligent, confident men like smart, independent women, and a notorious losers with three classes of education screaming that a clever woman - it's like a flying chicken. First, about this and so firmly on each step. And secondly, it is not true. At heart, no man finds a smart woman. (Do not rush to throw rotten tomatoes at the author!) You know, there is a saying: women are not fools, because fools, but because the women. Like all sayings, it embodies the wisdom of the people. Only need to correctly understand it.

For example, ask me:

-What women do you like? Smart or not?

-I like beautiful, - I replied.

And then follows this phrase:

"Well what about the talk? After all, there must be fun with a woman?

I want to say that such questions are asked only to women. And the claim that a woman should be interesting, too, only women. Men are such things do not say. Because they know - a woman should be ho-ro-sho! And what does "interesting"? It is interesting to me to be with friends. With like-minded people. With drinking buddies, finally. (Now I'm not talking specifically about myself and on behalf of the hypothetical average man.) And a woman I should just be nice and pleasant. Talk to her ok I can not ever. Because we are too different. Even when I come home and begins to tell his wife about his problems, I look to her not just of understanding, namely the female understanding.

Normal human understanding I can only give the other the same, that is to say man. Because we had the same think. Among categories. In the same plane. If I say any word, I am sure he will understand it as I understand. (It's great to facilitate communication!) When I say the same thing with a woman in the subcortex I sat thought that she might interpret my words differently. And respond to them differently. And the conclusions others have done. And I can not even understand why she had come to such conclusions! It's even pohlesche than conversation with a blind deaf-mute.

I do not want taldychit these hackneyed truth about right and left hemisphere thinking about women's intuition and man's logic. About this tons of paper scribbled. From scientific papers to anecdotes. And the sense of this whatsoever. Things are there: "Here, they consider us fools! Let's first look at yourself! "And so on. If I'm not talking about serious things with a woman that does not mean that I think it is smart enough to do so. It's just not understand me. Here's what's important. Whether it is at least a genius and ten theses in the pocket. That she understood me correctly and give an adequate response, should I start talking about the problem, starting somewhere in the world was created. Hunting I do it? But the drunkard in the stall immediately after a couple of words see the essence of my problem and give good advice. Because he knows how I think, and he feels the same way.

On the one hand, it is clear - the men have long considered themselves smart, from time immemorial they have any rights. They are accustomed to and relate to them calmly. Women were allowed all these miracles are not so long ago. So they run around with these discoveries, as a child with a new toy, forgetting about everything. But why one of us must be moral monsters do? That's what a pity ... We want to see a woman primarily homemakers and mother of our children. If it is thus also a candidate of sciences - the honor and praise her. Just let it not worn with this candidate as his bag with the Scriptures.
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