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These amazing women

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These amazing women ...

Women tend to communicate, like to communicate and know how to do it. Family for them is the most important thing in life. Is it any wonder that they now and then say: "We need to talk seriously" - and even, in a tone that's back running herds chills? And it does not matter that she was forced to utter those fateful words - then it goes to another, or what you have again failed to put in a toilet seat (for some reason its annoying when we do not lose after a toilet seat, completely inexplicable thing ). The result is important - hour and a half monologue on the theme: "So not continue any longer." That is what she needed.

With us, because normally does not talk about relationships. We do not say anything sensible, if not inscribe in this topic. And that in fact strives zanykatsya under the bed when she's just so, for no apparent reason suddenly begins to chant something about how we are good together, or, conversely, is not good, but the important thing is that we are together, and so on. We are not interested. The woman is always complaining that the relationship is much more concerned about her than him. Yes, so it really is. Well, why worry about something here? ..

And how can we then communicate with us? It is so interesting! But where the establishment of contacts, a long description of the senses with all imaginable and unimaginable details? Where is the soul tearing feeling close parting, "if you do not change their mind? Where the festive feeling of victory when he finally repented and now suffers conscience? .. Where is everybody? What will not? No way, these amazing women that do not leave! Oh, and then the fun begins. That's the most interesting may be a few options. Let's start with the most innocuous. Let's say that couples are basically normal. Live peacefully, no special problems in the relationship not enough money and all that jazz. Almost idyllic. How long can this go on? For men - even a lifetime. For women, it soon becomes a torment.
Note that it is ready to think about how you feel about her, and how it applies to you, for fifteen hours a day. About as much as we can think about work and sex. Relationship to it - it's like for us to career and sex, if not more. The most fascinating thing. Add to this that if there is at least some microscopic discontent, it is constantly spinning in her head - as you recall, the female brain can not back up the problem.

Now multiply this by the 15 000 words, which she still not exhausted by the evening. And it was elevated to the degree that each of your operation and accidentally dropped by a word she sees a hint of something more. And once again priplyusuem what she needs to see from you any favors to female Neanderthal inside it felt all right - you take care of her, so she was safe. The result? And the result is this: sooner or later it finds a microbe from which the care will grow elephant.

So not continue any longer

You'll go to work, eat, sleep, read a newspaper, meet friends and do not know what the "so not continue any longer." What exactly can not continue - no matter. Importantly - can not. And if not, it is necessary to discuss it seriously and take some action. In the end, you may finally come to its senses and realize what a blessing next to you. She herself is also not a garbage found ... (Many women are very fond of this expression. What's interesting, but they use it and, men do not say. Obviously, for us it is so obvious fact that talking about it and does not occur, and when it says a woman in her voice is heard questioning ...) So, she herself is not a garbage found in and around a dime a dozen men, who are just dreaming about a woman like her. And you do not appreciate and think only about their friends and beer, etc. it.p. Winding coils behave this way, she finally picked the wrong time, says: "We need to talk seriously."

If you know that any serious sins for you there, and its sins, you are ready to close my eyes so as not to raise a storm, then for such discussion should be treated calmly. It is not going to solve any problem. She just wants to talk. About you and about your relationships, about feelings and stuff like that. Even if she was speaking with some claims, do not worry. Just listen, nod, a little to repent over neopuskaemogo stool and unwashed after a shell, then when she speak, a kiss on the cheek and go to sleep. She needs to communicate. It is necessary that you pay attention to it. Remembered that she, too, man, and, among other things, cares about you ...

She does not need to hear from you any justification or explanation. It does not solve any problems and you are not waiting. So the main thing - do not climb into the fray himself. Just walk away in the dead of protection, like a boxer in the ring. She pometelit you lightly pogolosit and quickly out of steam. But remember: once you try to counter-attack - run the risk of running. To strike, you must first open up. It can quickly take advantage of it. Themselves will not be happy. Talking on the principle of "look at themselves" - a play on its field. Here she is you shared the walnut. Very passive act also does not stand. If she complains that last week you did not pay attention to her manicure, and you at this time, read the newspaper, could be trouble. You give her another reason to blame you in the lack of attention to it. Your newspaper, television, posapyvanie on the couch, when the need to talk seriously, "the woman perceives as a direct challenge. Safer to show interest. Then patiently listen (without interrupting pathetic and unconvincing "I'm sorry, I wanted to do better"). And in the end to repent. Such a scheme would leave unscathed from the fighting.

Everything is much more difficult if she has found in your relationship some concrete and very real problem. And do it for her - a piece of cake. First, the man still is not an angel, be honest. There he had some shortcomings. As a purely male, common to all of this subspecies, and personally my everyone. And the happy ability to ignore them once we have. Women, with their unhealthy cravings to detail, their catch directly. After talking with a man what an hour and a half (it's not, I thought it psychologists say so), they already know whether he will throw on flat socks.

These amazing women are all grasp on the fly. Seeing as you put a handkerchief, she can accurately determine how many times you were married. They are able to notice the good stuff. And doing quite unpredictable conclusions. Does not always correspond to reality (in our opinion), but only true in its opinion. And if a woman has developed something up their own minds, then it can not break through, and a tank brigade. Not because she's stubborn. Not at all ... just totally incomprehensible way, she picks up some hitherto undiscovered by scientists wave piercing the entire universe, and thus gets an opportunity in many cases to predict the future. In this case, it is mistaken in its assumptions and forecasts made only when he wants to make a mistake. It is that their ability is not aware of, but feels the spinal cord. Hence, an unshakable self-confidence.
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